Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

October 8, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Miracle at Open House

and chairs and greets touring customers. Breaking a quiet spell, a family of mother, father and son come by and take seats for a visit. With no apparent agenda to shop for home goods, Mother starts to talk about how … Continue reading

September 30, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Visualizing is Easy

We can create a picture in our mind easily. Let’s honor this awesome power we wield when we visualize on purpose! Ready for an example?

Clara had watched an Abraham-Hicks Live Webinar, getting filled with good feeling and inspiration. In saying farewell one man, Tim, looked her in the eye and said, “Hopefully I won’t lose this good feeling.”

Our woman C lifted her hands in front of her face to move them in a clockwise twist motion as though turning a dial. Clara offered, “Tim, go to one of your parallel universes where you flow as happy. See things going well there.” His face lit up. T loved the idea of a parallel universe and further, he loved that he had powers there. Continue reading

September 24, 2019
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Recover the “I can”

Recover the “I can”

How do we recover from discouragement, from lower than preferred self esteem, feeling unworthy? How can we shift an inner habit of thought such as “I am not sure I can do that. I don’t know if I can?” The account from Leonita below offers some insights to regain confidence and to move forward with panache.

All along Leonita has felt enthusiasm for living an inspired life. She has studied many modalities for personal growth and living well. On the way she has integrated much of this wealth into her own life.
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September 17, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Supporting Strengths 

When you are dealing with a family member who has some challenges, do you feel an impulse to worry about their dilemma? It’s easy to feel that way. Read on to learn about alternatives you might find satisfying.

Silvia’s Problem

Sitting at a party, Silvia chatted with Adelaide, person next to her. S’s daughter was soon to graduate from college as an art history major,and S worried that this dear offspring would not easily find employment. “And the job market for that kind of background is so tight,” Silvia shared unhappily.

“I have some thoughts that are a bit unconventional about this circumstance. Want to hear them?” Adelaide began. “I think you can provide some much-needed support for her.”

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September 3, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Personal Power Overnight Success

driving seven hours two days in a row before arriving at home. After having share dinner with her friend,  she noticed abdominal discomfort. Impressive waves of nausea were passing through and a bit of a headache too. “Wait a minute!” … Continue reading

August 27, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Universe Delivers When Hurt Cleared

To start the story about a year ago W was visiting family.  After two activity packed days, a relation named Eliana spoke critically to our star. Not surprisingly, Willow got very upset. What had happened? Eliana had shown W pictures … Continue reading

August 20, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Delighting in What Unfolds

Invited to experience a soul collage session using the practitioner’s deck, Rita was excited to accept this offer because she loves growing as a person. To start, R picked four cards from the deck.  The first card featured an image … Continue reading

August 15, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Pay Off with Self Mastery

the place and consulted the coordinator for information about the hanging system. She arrived with her pieces and apparatus to hang the show. Greeted by the organizer, getting settled, our artist looked around at the place to get her bearings. … Continue reading

August 6, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Recovery: How We Practice Perception

Yes, the flow of her thinking led to some further discouraging moments. (Aside: Once we feel down, more down feeling can easily flow until we reach to change our thoughts.) Quite regularly, this woman had been practicing uplifting herself. She … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).