Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

October 18, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Recognize the Momentum

We flash strongly with our emotions. Our upsets create a color across our perceptive field. “That is the way it is,” we pronounce. Pause, pause.

Chipper Pink Day, 24 x 30, $495

Let us learn to add to our awareness as soon as we can, “Perhaps at this moment.”  Wow, at times we can forget that Source Energy is always there with us. Likely there is more good than we might see right now in our situations.

Illuminating Story

At home Calley lost her internet connection and landline. She got busy making phone calls to get it restored.

Two days later she waited at home all day for the scheduled repair staff. They did not show.

She went to reschedule and was given a date a full week later.

Calley felt so angry and victimized. Inside she got filled with tension, experienced restless and reduced energy. For this protagonist the world seemed gray.

From this state she hardly could recall how to uplift herself. It was as though the climb was a sheer wall with no foot or hand holds in the rock face.


Before too long she did remember she used to feel better and that it must be possible now.  No, Calley was not instantly transformed. What does “reaching for feeling better look like?” For each of us it may appear differently.

For our star, C cleaned debris in her garden, took walks in sunshine, had some chats with sympathetic friends. This heroine had forgotten how slow the progress may feel.

After a day or so, Calley realized she had triggered into some traumatic fears from her past. The feeling ran quite deeply.

The circumstances did not appear to benefit much from her efforts. She acted still filled with all this “suffering” vibration.

Bigger Shift

By the third day this dear woman could recognize some of the blessings coming out of this “unfortunate” situation: learning a lot about delivery options for internet services; proficiency in smartphone navigation and usage.

Importantly, C stepped back from her compelling experience and saw how caught up in it she had become. How much her fear and related feelings dominated her gestalt.

Certainly, as she felt joy again, the contrast provided a delightful experience!

In a more balanced state, solutions started to flow to her. An improved data usage coverage for her phone, collecting information on other internet providers.

Calley can breathe and feel good with or without internet connected in her home. Yes, she misses the convenience of her connected laptop. Traversing this territory, she sees she has had to summon more courage to address many fears: using phone for so much, feeling more isolated, not having instant and convenient access to searches and entertainment.

Things are much better than they may seem when we feel afraid. We make up quite a doomsday story and believe it—until we wake up.

Can you call up one of your stories of emotional perspectives and then recovery? Please share how you built your strength.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

Evolving Embryos, 20 x 24, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas

October 7, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Overcome Old Self Talk

At times, we feel uncomfortable. Over the years this kind of situation before us now has been hard for us to handle. We feel isolated and afraid. Let’s see what happens when we stay connected to Good and reach for new strength we have built. Unimagined positive can show up!

Today’s Story 

Evolving Embryos, 20 x 24, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas
Evolving Embryos 2009

Driving home, Edwina gazed down at her dash. Some icon was illuminated. She pulled over, grabbed the manual and determined that it was the tire pressure light. Oops a low tire. She got out to take a look, assessed none were very low.

In her past, E had not developed confidence using a tire gauge or inflating tires from the air machine.  Now she felt tense, and knew she needed help. She also realized she had triggered off fear, past trauma, and was generating internal narrative that was not clear, balanced or true.

That Friday night Edwina laid in bed reviewing folk she could call on for help. This star emailed her trusted mechanic and informed him that she wanted to bring the car in on Monday.  In the morning she texted a neighbor for assistance.

Inside her E wanted to bring more ease and turn to more trust in the Forces of Good.

The neighbor came by in the afternoon, used the gauge. He established which tire was low and together they went to the local gas station air pump. Not only did he fill her tire, he had her practice using the tire gauge. Although E felt a bit embarrassed, she admitted to herself her confidence was boosted.

This heroine had her sights on attending a service a distance away for the next morning.

In time to reach him, this dear woman called Roy, a man who often attended this meeting to ask for a ride. He threw an unexpected offer into the mix. If E could get the car to the group, he would try out his new skill in plugging the tire. He also had a device that would inflate the tire.

Edwina rallied her courage. She checked the pressure, determined it was low and ventured forth on her own to the local air pump to fill it. As she waited in line at the station for quarters for the air machine, she reached for calm and patience.   Mission soon accomplished.

After the service, Roy and his friend, addressed the low tire. They went about finding the screw sticking out and removed it. For a few minutes, the tire went lower as it lost air.

Roy kept going. He prepared his device with proper substance, inserted it with strength and determination into the hole.

After a few minutes, he re-inflated the tire and the job was done! He confirmed the fixed tire was at a good pressure.

Throughout the unfolding events, Edwina had wanted help to cope and get the car to the garage. She had not imagined those around her could actually FIX it.

Wow, E certainly cast away those old demons: “I’m helpless. I’m alone. I am incompetent to learn the tire tools!!” She attracted a miraculous, free tire repair.


  • Edwina was competent in reaching for the Forces of Good. Despite feeling afraid, she prayed and was heard.
  • She once again demonstrated that those voices of trauma that can speak in her head are FALSE and OLD NEWS.
  • Not only was she protected, she was sent unexpected good fortune.

Want to share a similar story from your life? Please tell us in the comments section.

September 30, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Gaining Power Over Uncomfortable Topics

We want to fill ourselves with positive thoughts and feelings more and more. As we feel less than good, we want to shift, focus toward improved thoughts and feelings, gain personal power.

Sometimes the company we find ourselves with challenge us. There are those among us who want to share their traumatic stories. What if we find this scary? What to do?


River Scene, 20 x 20, Acrylic, $500

Gabby brought this problem to her Wise Counsel. Recently, G got together with a new friend, Lydia, for a cup of tea. Lydia had a troubling past and for the third or fourth time wanted to share intensely with our heroine.

Gabby realized this frightened her.. G felt her internal resources of positivity taxed, threatened and swamped over by this outpouring of a dramatic hurtful story.

What can Gabby do? She had wanted to be friendly but how to keep her balance?  She turned to Wise Counsel


Wise Counsel: Of course, we each have the power to choose what company we keep. You could decide not to spend much time with Lydia because she puts so much focus on unwanted.

However, as we grow in self mastery, we have the option to protect our inner self in a stronger way. In effect to have tools for rising above the fear reaction in ourselves.

What if we reached inside ourselves to draw down protection from Source Energy now in this moment. One example: we can envision a cone of Protective Light surrounding as the negative talk feels threatening. Some folk might call upon an Archangel to ward off danger.

As we evoke protection, we claim our strength. We can say to ourselves, “Wait a Minute! I need not be subject to your fear. I am not a victim!”

Some folk might doubt this could work. Granted, rising to strength in a moment likely requires practicing, liking any muscle needs working out.

Real Life Illustration

In her book Left To Tell[1], Immaculee Ilibagiza, describes a chapter in her life surviving the Rwanda Holocaust in 1994.  Throughout that harrowing adventure Immaculee prayed almost without ceasing, building a close connection to Source Energy. Again and again she was rescued from danger.

At one juncture, as she and a group of people traveled toward a shelter, they came upon a band of the “bad guys” wielding machetes.  Immaculee called out internally for assistance: she reports in response the surrounding marauders seemed not able to move closer to them. It was like a force field of love laid over them. They got past that threat.

That story is meant to inspire you to go after greater strength in handling unwanted influences. If you want to, you can summon greater and greater power to protect yourself.

Of course you do not have to spend much time with associates who carry negativity. Point here: you need not fear them.

Gabby was silent for a minute. She listened attentively and soaked up those words. “I see your point and it does inspire me. Thank you. I feel myself sitting taller and acknowledge greater possibility.”

How do you relate to this story? Would you share times when you prayed and gained needed protection? We admire your accounts.

[1] Ilibagiza, Immaculee, Left to Tell, (Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc, 2006)p.177

September 24, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Power of Pause

We are practicing becoming more aware of the feelings and thoughts that arise in us.  Cultivating this presence, we develop greater ability to steer our course more effectively with greater enjoyment.

At times we might notice our state adrenaline pouring into out bloodstream, we have the habit to react with DOING SOMETHING.

Additionally, when we feel this fear, often our minds may fill with some image that fuels the fright, definitely some scenario we Do NOT want.

Jigsaw Dream, 16 x 20, $

A New Habit

In lieu of taking immediate action, we can create the new skill of taking a pause. What if we say to ourselves. “Wow this is fear. What do I think will happen?” In this way we realize we are MAKING UP something unwanted and we are scaring ourselves!

With the pause, we then have the opportunity to envision what we DO Want and to invent a different scenario than that threatening picture. How do we get to wanted? We have been learning what to do

Reach for feeling better and keep picturing what we DO WANT.

Perhaps some illustrations of how a person can use this life changing capacity.

An Illustration

Rodney rented a place to live. With permission from the landlord R had laid out some money to fund a repair. Soon thereafter this dear man wanted the money laid out to be promptly refunded.

The owner was laid up with a serious health condition. The daughter helping her was inexperienced at carrying out all the responsibilities associated with the owned properties. Then the son of the property owner experienced a significant accident and was hospitalized.

Rodney started to worry that his concern was getting lost in that family’s problems. Where was the action he sought?

At first R envisioned being neglected, being stuck with this bill without reimbursement, being taken advantage of. That mental picture stoked his fear. In this man a voice cried, “I have to act to take care of myself!”

Rodney Takes a Pause

Surrounding this, there are infinite possibilities of outcomes. Many of us have been trained to let these emotions run and then dictate our responses.  New suggestion: This hero could take a pause.

R decided to follow this thread. This star declared to himself, “Wait a minute: I want to get clear what I DO WANT. I can use my energy to imagine being paid in full as the family gets back on their feet. The son will come home, the owner/mother will feel better and clearer. The daughter follows the instructions of the experienced, calmer lead.”

R held this vision. Filling with resilience, he can get in tune with the flow of the Universe. He need not push because he has heightened emotion with more phone calls and letters.


R waited and let some time pass. Then the owner felt improved health and mood. He interacted with her and then he easily made his points and received the agreement and cooperation he wanted.

His approach of taking a pause, letting life flow, paid off for him.

What are some of your stories on how you took a time out, a chill out and let something go for a bit? Please share how well this works for you!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

September 17, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Reframing the Self Report

Can we rise to the challenge of seeing the good when we look at ourselves and this dear world? We are so habituated into reporting on difficulties. In addition, some of us portray ourselves as a victim caricature or one who is weak and has so much to improve.

Reaching for Strength

Rosco Pasture III, 16 x 20, SOLD

As this tale begins Raffey is speaking with one of her favorite healers (Wise Counsel) by phone and is beginning an anticipated session. R starts with listing what is bothering her and what she wants.

R: I want to sleep better, to have more peace of mind, to let go of regret, to live with more faith. ( delivered with a tone of self doubt and misery)

As we discuss R’s story, let’s both notice the attitude of her remarks and observe her world view. Instead of seeing a steep uphill hike to some crumbs of improvement, let’s be much more empowered.

Wise Counsel speaks

WC: What would it look like if we Know that Well Being is Pouring Down, Around and Through right NOW?

We might sit up taller in our chairs. Realizing we are stronger than it might appear, we could visualize what we are already doing to achieve the goals we listed.

Isn’t it great that you are already well along on the path to the goals you list? Your healing and transforming is already underway. YAY!

Let’s acknowledge that progress. YAY!

A journey to make very significant changes in our behavior and attitudes requires many steps. Good to recall what the process of deep habit change looks like.

Yes, as we pay attention, we notice our habits more than we used to and we become aware of when we are off course. Isn’t it great to recognize the need to steer back to desired path.

We can report on these perceived “mistakes” as “Bad” or as “proof” we are doing something wrong. Instead, we can cheer ourselves on for perseverance and bits that are shifting.

Here are some things to appreciate in your story:

By some recent events, your journey has led you to have more free time, fewer unwanted commitments.

You have a family who values you greatly, contributes mightily to your life and with whom you share much.

What if we keep our expectations aligned with what it takes to change a habit—slow and steady.

Already we know Well Being Pours Down and Through.

Please remember Source Energy has our back.

Already we can know we can do this. This knowing is our faith. We are already living more by Faith. This goal happening NOW.

Fresh with the knowledge that life keeps evolving. We keep moving. We know that when we conjure and notice regret thought patterns in ourselves, we compassionately remind ourselves that our life keeps moving forward. “Regret” constitutes thought patterns are off track. In fact, You are already letting go of regret.

Your goals are already being achieved.

By reframing your mindset you feel better right off the bat.

Now let’s do some JSJ and harmonize the energy of your being.

R: You are right. I accept your points. And I do feel better already! This perspective is life saving and a major relief. Thanks so much!

Comments? Let’s accept our process to grow and love our dear selves and life journey.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

September 10, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Finding Mislaid Items

When we mislay a possession, we can easily feel annoyed and frustrated. “Where is that blankety blank thing?” we say under our breath. These are such excellent moments to notice the thoughts and feelings we run and the attitude we take. Paying attention can result in locating an item easily, or struggling in the search.

Recommended attitudes when something is mislaid, We might:

Window View, 8 x 10, SOLD
  • Tune into your emotions
  • Soothe yourself
  • Bit by bit ease yourself into knowing you are ok now.
  • Get involved in something fun and let the joy of living bubble up.
  • Breathe, and let yourself receive.</li>

Below read a tale demonstrating how this can look:

Randi’s Story

Randi practiced using the power of her  focus to feel better. On this Saturday R prepared to attend a workshop.  Midway through her process, she reached to adorn her wrists. Our star thought, “Where are my favorite bracelets?”

Immediately she went around looking for them. Not on table tops, desk tops, bedside stand. Soon R grabbed her purse and went through the contents, looking into the compartment where she often stored jewelry when she took them off for yoga or a healing session.  Nothing.

Continuing with her regime, this heroine ate breakfast, put on makeup and more. Time to leave soon. How about another look in the handbag?  Again, feeling some urgency and frustration, this dear woman went through the sections and the zipper pouches. Nothing.

“Surrender,” thought Randi, “Time to leave and enjoy my day. I release this.  I am fine whether I find these or not.” Quickly, she put on an alternate wrist adornment and left for the scheduled event.


Eight hours later, our star returned ready for dinner.  She felt glad to be home after a rich day. During her relaxed evening the thought popped into her head, “I wonder where that bracelet is.”  Getting up from the couch, R went over to her purse, looked into the compartment where she would put jewelry, and there it was. The “lost” bracelet was right where she would put something when she took it off while not at home.

“Wow,” thought the protagonist, “I had looked in that zipper slot at least three times this morning. Now feeling much more at peace I can easily find them. Wonderful!: I love my power of focus, I adore finding lost things, and I love that piece of jewelry!”

How about you? Do you feel moved to experiment with this tool? Maybe you are already great at this.  Please share a story!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

September 3, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Inspired Will    

We all know the feeling: we want something—then we focus, apply determination: we really want it. We are centered, clear and in pursuit.


Sea Green Glory, 24 x 30, SOLD

Carrey had participated in many weight loss programs. In her story, C succeeded, lost some weight and then over time she gained back unwanted pounds. After a program ended, she struggled with the temptations of certain sweets, so ubiquitous. Yes she would indulge. And the eating of those would persist.

C participated in food plans, stayed on them, lost weight and then gained again, a pattern over decades. Along with focusing on weight loss, our star did much inner work, learning about herself and growing her self-mastery. Whatever her size the heroine got better and better.

Lately she had joined an online group she liked a lot: a solid plan, good enthusiastic leader, friendly group with whom to share. This time she felt stronger.

Carrey drove to many activities within a large geographic area. Often, she needed to grab a bite to eat while out and about. The star of this story used Whole Foods chain frequently.

One day she sought out the raw veggies in a WF Market. In this store, the salad bar was positioned near her “to die for”  slices of cake. In her past, this proximity distracted her, and many a time she bought some “irresistible” cake along with the “approved” lunch items.

On this occasion this dear woman had her mojo aligned and passionate. Hungry C moved to the vegetables, prepared with intention.

This time Calm and Clear Carrey prepared and brought her imaginary light sword. Flowing her arm up in her mind’s eye, she raised her weapon:

Slash! Carrey cut the cord of addiction to that cake. She was not eating that today. NO!

C filled her container with desired salad stuff, walked to the check out, abiding by the terms of her food plan.

We admire a woman who keeps her commitments, wielding her Light Saber! Our gal showed her courage and strength.

Isn’t it encouraging to realize just how powerful we can be as we make up our minds and stick to our plans.

Take Away Messages:

We have powerful imaginations.

The level of commitment we make matters greatly.

Whatever happened in the past can be irrelevant to the power we bring in this Now Moment.

Do you have your own illustration of personal power, a success to share with all of us? Please do!  What are your methods for how to call up this competence in a desired opportunity?

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 30, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Progress: We can Skip Upset and Blame

We are growing, gaining skill in living in the present moment, aware and relaxed too.

Progress unfolds incrementally, bit by bit living into the formulations in this blog. Isn’t it grand to appreciate each demonstration of new skill along the way!

Soft Emerging, 9 x 12, SOLD

Tale of Progress


Simey took some vacation days at the home of her brother and his wife, Bill and Mildred. What a lovely time had S daily experiencing some juicy outdoor activity.

On the last night Mildred zipped around and brought out gifts for Simey: some home picked fruit, some face cream, and more. Then Mildred added, “Oh take those flowers. Take the vase full.”

M stepped to the garage and appeared with an empty bucket in which to transport the blooms. “Wow thank so much, “ cried Simey. S was impressed by the generosity. The two had a good hug and warm greetings goodbye.

S packed up the next morning, loading the care with her possessions: clothes, her snacks, her food for meals on the road, pillow, hot pot and more.

Before she left and among much expression of gratitude, this heroine told her brother if she happened to be wrong about being offered the vase to let her know, and she would return it somehow.

News of Misunderstanding

This star takes two days to drive home. After day one of driving, S rested in a motel. Checking her phone she saw the text from Mildred stating “Please return the vase”.


This dear woman took the news calmly. Actually, she laughed a bit. Simey had wanted to soak up the gifts, relish her stay, enjoy what was offered.

Mildred had meant to give her the flowers, not the vase.

Immediately Simey planned to pack up the vase on her first day back and comply with the request.

Due to her growing her awareness, practicing self-love, becoming more powerful, the heroine could flow along and enjoy the next moment.

Where in the past S would have felt terribly guilty for “making a mistake. Misunderstanding.” She might put herself down for hours.  This time the star of this account could skip all that drama.

For sure, S noticed the thoughts ready to flood in from the former habits. To her delight, Simey could say—we are not going there. We are skipping all that. I can keep it simple.


The first day home our protagonist grabbed the vase, box, bubble wrap, newspaper and headed to the pack and ship store. She had fun letting the store owner assist her. The item was shipped before noon.

Then she headed to a rummage store newly housed in the same building, staying light hearted and fun loving.

Take Away

With persistence we can shift long entrenched habits of addressing ourselves. Simey was so pleased to skip the self-put-down.  

You have pay offs coming as you live in the stream of yes! It’s worth it to keep going!

Got some tales of progress you want to share? Please do! We are creating a new world for all of us!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 21, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Benefits of Wake Up

As we pursue this path of becoming more aware of what we are feeling, we notice the enormous pay off of doing so. We see our spilt milk, fender benders, financial losses and ones that get away and instead of blame, note opportunities.

We are empowered to learn about ourselves, what we were thinking and how to recover feeling good again. Our growing edge involves changing these habits of thinking, noticing the feeling quality of those words and then reaching for a better feeling frame.

View at Graves Mill, 16 x 20, $475

An Illustration

Diaa left the key in the ignition by accident overnight, and next morning her car had a dead battery. D felt the impulse to go into self-blame:  this time she skipped it.

Our star handled dealing with the car service, some rescheduling and then she kept going. Wow she felt like she walked through a door to a new world. What a change! It was so much easier and more pleasant to bag the self-castigation. The dear woman created a new and higher quality of living.

Highway Navigation

What if we treated every blip in our lives as we do those ridges on the edge of the highway? When driving if we veer toward the guard rail, those indentations in the asphalt create a sound, an indicator that the car is out of the lane. What if we treated this unwanted showing up as we do that noise?  We shift our focus toward going straight again back in the lane. So often we review and discuss the “blip”. Let’s get our eyes back on how to move forward toward what we enjoy.

How revolutionary! In driving one would rarely concern oneself over a few seconds of hearing the whine of driving on the ridges. I recommend skipping the story about the problem and its ramifications, i.e. forfeiting mentally reviewing to assess cause, including any assignment of blame to others or myself.

Let’s “Keep Our Eyes on the Prize” and not look back! Let’s appreciate the boost of energy this provides us! Such a different life to let go of what drains us and pay attention to what we want to create, and to keep going.

We get to experience what is not preferred and get the payoff of more clarity on what we DO want. The unwanted launches the expansion of our world, “rocket fuel” toward where we are going. Then both wanted and unwanted are both ok. It’s a new lifestyle with significantly less stress and lots more enjoyment.

Please report on your experiments with skipping the review of “what happened” and then shifting. Comments encouraged! Great to go for more ease! I cheer you on!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 14, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Reach for Loving

We all want to get along well with our friends while honoring ourselves. At times we feel triggered with self-protection (fear) and resentment. When we find those feeling states in ourselves, we can reach for loving, we can make a decision clearly to find positive regard over pettiness. Please read this example to understand more.

The Story

Narragansett Bog Envisioned, 16 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

Carla and Mallory had been friends for years. Mallory had moved away and now was coming to visit for an extended stay.

Carla enjoyed Mallory and was naturally friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. Mallory did not visit often.

As Mallory’s visit time unfolded, the two agreed to a mutual project and made some plans. Several times Carla was inconvenienced when Mallory did not follow through as they had agreed, missing meetings, not doing what they had agreed, etc. 

Carla set limits and went about her business best she could.

At one point Mallory discovered that Carla did Jin Shin Jyutsu, got a sample and loved it. Soon Mallory wanted more sessions and private lessons, not mentioning what balance for C would come from this sharing.

Indeed, Mallory had great enthusiasm for JSJ, began to tell Carla how she would take a longer class and study more. M requested more sessions from Carla.

Carla found herself feeling annoyed and manipulated. Many of M’s assertions about her plans to study were not acted upon.

Carla noticed she felt hurt, betrayed and disappointed. Carla had wanted to offer this healing art she loved and valued—and now there was this atmosphere with hidden agendas and misrepresentations.

“Oh dear,” Carla thought, “I am moving into resentment. I don’t want to come from that. Should I pull away from this relationship? How can I continue feeling strong and respected?”

Inspiration That Turned the Tide

Carla consulted Wise Counsel reaching for an empowered advise. Here is what WC shared:

“This is a great opportunity to learn about aspects of unconditional love. In this situation you can readily see how important it is to absorb and fill with pure love. You want to and can feel secure in yourself. As you strengthen and love yourself, you can observe Mallory’s behavior with some detachment.

It is likely that M feels quite insecure herself and goes through life looking for ways to get things from others that she thinks she cannot provide for herself.

In YOUR life you get to care for YOURSELF excellently. As a sovereign individual you become aware of the assumptions you make and and then test if those formulations work for you.

Possibly, you could choose to offer a loving gesture of this healing session with no strings. You respect yourself whether Mallory respects you or not.  You are easily able to set limits on what you give. “


Carla read the message and got a good night’s sleep. Next morning C received clarity and made some new choices.

  1. Carla would make an appointment to provide the healing session Mallory wanted.
  2. This heroine would spend quiet time with herself taking charge of her attitude. C would thoroughly enjoy providing this service.
  3. As C felt better and better about herself independently, she could envision a constructive relationship with Mallory.
  4. Our star could heal her hurt and disappointment. Carla could see the fear in Mallory that was behind her manipulations, thereby not taking it personally. Carla knew how to respect herself and keep herself safe.

Taking charge of her attitude worked beautifully. Carla requested some specific service from Mallory as a trade and  organized the task to facilitate is accomplishment.

In this positive atmosphere, Mallory responded with enthusiasm and they got that done.

Carla thanked Wise Counsel with great feeling. WC loved how Carla lived the suggestions and succeeded so well.

How satisfying to turn such troubles into a harmonious relationship! You can too.

Do you have some similar tales of success to share? Please comment!.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

(Mission statement here).