Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

July 17, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Allowing More Ease in Our Lives

We all work so hard. We are taught to pull our weight and try our best. In this post we are exposed to a different approach: one where we allow more ease in our lives. To begin let’s read this passage from Emmet Fox, a spiritual teacher from first half of the twentieth century. Continue reading

July 3, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Good Flows As We Proceed

We have a project of significant size to direct. Many components and perhaps more detailed steps unfold as the effort proceeds. This post is noticing how Good Flows as we proceed, performing tasks as each becomes apparent. Continue reading

Going Home 2010

June 12, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Aligned We Attract What We Want

Let’s report on what wonderful outcomes can flow to us as we live keeping Forces of Good on our mind. Isn’t it fun when as desired objects or events show up seemingly without effort. Illustrations follow: Continue reading

May 29, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Recognize our Self Put Downs

So many of us are becoming aware of how deeply Good we are as humans. Ernest Holmes asserts,
“There is a Power operating through me, a Presence inspiring, guiding, and sustaining me. Upon this Power, I place my reliance. In this Presence I feel myself to be an outlet of immeasurable Good….
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May 14, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Calm Fear

Let’s develop the skill to soothe ourselves when we feel a fear reaction. There is so much pay off to do so. When we skip fear or switch out of it, we remember how much Good is always flowing. Continue reading

January 31, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Moments of Fear

Those of us following a path of self-mastery will experience fear and related emotions as we proceed. We grow by allowing old hurts to surface, we notice and recognize them. We make it ok and then we can release it.
As we are reaching for courage, we could view feeling fear as a misstep. Let’s recognize instead that we are on track. How to steer ourselves as this uncomfortable flow of energy momentarily fills our perceptive lens. Continue reading

October 31, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Practice Self-Compassion                           

When we travel on the path of grow, we are encouraged to take stock of ourselves regularly and make course corrections. We want to notice our habits of thought and when necessary, shift toward ones that serve us more constructively.
In this process of unfolding, let’s place self-compassion front and center. Let’s appreciate where we are at any moment, even in those instances when we catch ourselves with an outdated perspective.
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September 5, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Attitude on Vacation

When we tell others we are going on a vacation, many people will wish that we “have a good time.”  On what does that depend, the weather? The mood of the folk we visit? What sights we make it to … Continue reading

August 8, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Unconditional Love

Of course, we do not prefer to receive harsh criticism from a friend. This author advises keeping a focus on what feels better than that and to let it go. We turn our attention to how good it feels to love and on the great quantity of love still is available to us all around. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).