Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

July 17, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Allowing More Ease in Our Lives

We all work so hard. We are taught to pull our weight and try our best. In this post we are exposed to a different approach: one where we allow more ease in our lives. To begin let’s read this passage from Emmet Fox, a spiritual teacher from first half of the twentieth century. Continue reading

July 10, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Trust Well Being

How do we describe what’s going on for us? We are learning just how important our own attitude is toward what happens for us.
When something is off in our bodily condition, we can become frightened and formulate what’s occurring such that we intensify our fear. Continue reading

May 29, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Recognize our Self Put Downs

So many of us are becoming aware of how deeply Good we are as humans. Ernest Holmes asserts,
“There is a Power operating through me, a Presence inspiring, guiding, and sustaining me. Upon this Power, I place my reliance. In this Presence I feel myself to be an outlet of immeasurable Good….
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November 29, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Compassion and Self Care                

We want to protect our loved ones from hurt. If a dear one has borne a loss, we would love to “be there for them.” In some circumstances we can become overwhelmed with the effort to meet our own standard of kindness we set. As we feel exhaustion, we are tempted to become resentful. How do we stay empowered? Read on for an example of what to do… Continue reading

November 22, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Keep Going: Urgent Moments Can Resolve Easily.

Woven into the fabric of our living we will experience blips. It is guaranteed that we will experience what we do not prefer and then we realize what we DO prefer. Some events feel so urgent and yet as we persist, find some ease, resolution can come easily. Continue reading

November 15, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Observing Fear in Romance

Gosh we load so many emotions into a male/female “romantic” interaction. With sharpened awareness we can learn about ourselves and our fears, we notice how trepidations cloud our perceptive lens. Continue reading

October 24, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Magic of Focusing on Good

We have all enjoyed moments of going with the flow and experienced things working out well for us. Herein the author shares some incidents that went amazingly well. Unexpected pleasure popped! Perhaps this article will inspire readers to experiment with more time spent appreciating their lives. Continue reading

October 17, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Give the Benefit of the Doubt

We are all under so much stress these days. Isn’t it easy to find ourselves frustrated with the behavior of others? “They should not behave that way,” so easily pops into our minds and perhaps out of our mouths. Let’s practice offering the benefit of the doubt to ourselves and others. Continue reading

October 11, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Our Thoughts Shape Our Experience

Our minds shape how we feel and what we experience. To some extent Loretta knows this. In today’s story she experiences a stunning realization of her power as one of her assumptions proves entirely false. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).