Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

September 30, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Gaining Power Over Uncomfortable Topics

We want to fill ourselves with positive thoughts and feelings more and more. As we feel less than good, we want to shift, focus toward improved thoughts and feelings, gain personal power. Continue reading

September 24, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Power of Pause

We are practicing becoming more aware of the feelings and thoughts that arise in us.  Cultivating this presence, we develop greater ability to steer our course more effectively with greater enjoyment.

At times we might notice our state adrenaline pouring into out bloodstream, we have the habit to react with DOING SOMETHING. Continue reading

August 30, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Progress: We can Skip Upset and Blame

We are growing, gaining skill in living in the present moment, aware and relaxed too. Progress unfolds incrementally, bit by bit living into the formulations in this blog. Isn’t it grand to appreciate each demonstration of new skill along the … Continue reading

August 7, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Compassion as We Grow Self Love

We all love to receive praise from outside ourselves—Adore those compliments. On the way to attracting those positive comments, we get to stretch into loving ourselves. We show compassion to others who are doing the best whether they compliment us … Continue reading

April 2, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Self-Compassion Worth It!

As we practice new habits of thought, let’s be kind to ourselves along the way. We humans require process, practice, time in order to shift our patterns of thinking especially about how we talk to ourselves!
Let’s make it ok to be just where we are at any moment. We may realize we are spewing unproductive self-talk that limits and shames us.
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March 26, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

A Clearing Self Blame Moment

As we grow in focusing on Good, we flush up past moments of self- blame and clear them one at a time! Hooray! We realize certain self-put- down habits of thought are no longer true and now we want to refocus and align with Good. Continue reading

March 19, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

More on Self Loving

We can learn to be more self-loving. For many of us it does require practice! The habits of self-shaming seem so deeply embedded in us.
We can do it!  Allowing the change to progress bit by bit. We decide we will shift. Continue reading

November 29, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Compassion and Self Care                

We want to protect our loved ones from hurt. If a dear one has borne a loss, we would love to “be there for them.” In some circumstances we can become overwhelmed with the effort to meet our own standard of kindness we set. As we feel exhaustion, we are tempted to become resentful. How do we stay empowered? Read on for an example of what to do… Continue reading

(Mission statement here).