Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

June 4, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Waking up To Worry, Then Shift

The day before we were scheduled to install the work, I felt so worried and nervous. Would the ladders we had be sufficient high to allow us to reach the fish line hooks on the ridge, to align the height and … Continue reading

May 21, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Practice New Habits of Thought

   When we want to increase our consciousness, we will wake up more frequently to what we are saying and doing in this moment. We can catch ourselves in operating from habit. Such an important part of this process of … Continue reading

May 16, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Trust the Inspiration

apartment of many years. The landlord asked her to empty the storage room. Then after a couple of months the owners made it clear they wanted her to look for another dwelling, at first with months to accomplish this, a … Continue reading

May 7, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Notice, Shift – Pay Off!

Uck! L felt small and unloved, flooded with shame. “Wait a minute!” cried she to herself, “That message came from my Ex ages ago. I’ve been separated for 10 years. Hey Girl! Look around. He is not here.” Wow, our … Continue reading

April 30, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Kindness to Self Helps to Find Lost Things

She looked “everywhere,” getting a bit upset. Inside this dear woman felt the habit voice rising up accusingly, “What an idiot! You lost the ___thing! What’d you do with it!” Pause, breathe. Leann reads this column and she recalled dimly … Continue reading

April 23, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Power of Focus II

Our heroine was asked to share some of the dreams for her small business. Plans are afoot for her to interact with Oprah and to see if Clara can attract publicity. She dreams of an endorsement for her product, a … Continue reading

April 18, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Recording Appreciation

lives more. We know what is happening here! She decided to look for what is going well and then she finds it more and more. Then in a higher vibration she draws more and more of what she loves to … Continue reading

April 9, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Money Can Flow

She had juggled and held many jobs, doing her best. At one juncture the funds were needed and seemed not to be flowing. Bottom line: She required $1000 to make sure she would not lose her house. Our protagonist had reached … Continue reading

March 28, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Appreciation Renews Vitality

had been sharing his sentiments that much goodness came from Catholicism and how he appreciated his Catholic roots. Maria noticed the reported incident had occurred in a country where many Catholics reside. It had triggered some deep feelings in her dear … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).