Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Recovery: How We Practice Perception


We all have dips in our spirits. Yes we can recover more quickly when we notice our thoughts and reach for thoughts that feel better. On occasion everyone has times of feeling blue.

As we regularly practice shifting our perception, we get better at lifting our mood. We recover with more deftness and ease. Won’t it be fun to read on!


Regina’s spirits had plummeted. Oh my, she had gotten bummed out when she did not receive a response to note she sent a man on the dating site.

Uplift Creek, 11 x 14, $425

Uplift Creek, 11 x 14, $425

Yes, the flow of her thinking led to some further discouraging moments. (Aside: Once we feel down, more down feeling can easily flow until we reach to change our thoughts.)

Quite regularly, this woman had been practicing uplifting herself. She said inside herself, “When I feel low, I know that view is not the whole picture. It’s not ‘All That I Am.’  Source Energy views me as shining, happy and successful.”

A bit more time passed, she began to feel some brightness. Internally she thought, “It’s ok to feel a bit depressed. I have cycled through these moods before, and I have seen that Good continues to flow to me. I am not flawed because I have feelings. The sun still shines behind clouds and storms. ”

The lift increased; her mood improved. Regina recalled that so many good things have happened in her life. In fact, she took the time to list some positive evidence, the writing brought them to her consciousness again. She smiled.

OK now she felt a good chunk happier. She felt like gardening—R had planted some sweet small plants earlier in the season and now they were getting bigger. A joy to behold! Our heroine viewed some nature photographs on Facebook and felt delight—that was fun!

The next day after a good night’s sleep Regina felt much better—loved that first thing in the morning reboot!

As she began her day, what she wanted started to materialize— an email had an offer for body work from a friend; a man on internet dating who she had admired wrote a note with compliments and an interest in meeting soon. Cool!

This protagonist looked for good in the world on a day that she felt somewhat low. That first day she continued to reach for more satisfaction, as she was able, bit by bit.

Next day R attracted some fun things showing up, she got some of what she wanted, mood lifting, and validation. That morning this woman felt more of her own beauty. Gazing in the mirror she perceived a nice looking female! She said to herself, “I have been practicing seeing my beauty and the focus is paying off.  I love looking for beauty, I love looking for what I enjoy, and I love finding it in my own image!”

Take Away for Readers:

Keep track of how you are feeling.

Make it OK when a dip shows up.

Persist in reaching for some lift.

Know that some will show up!

Play with appreciating what you see.

Expect you will find it more and more often and with greater ease.

Celebrate and shout out that you did this on purpose! Juicy!

As you play with these practices, you are shaping your perception and changing your life. Stand up and take a bow!

What from your life resonates with this post? Please share your successes!




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