Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Universe Delivers When Hurt Cleared


A Spot on the Deerfield, 16 x 20, $395

A Spot on the Deerfield, 16 x 20, $395

We benefit when we release our resentments! Letting go of slights, resentments, and feeling wronged pays off with relief, greater clarity and more! With a fun filled heart, please review the following tale complete with happy ending 😊.

The Incident

Willow had been practicing becoming more and more aware of her feelings and thoughts. Meditation assisted her in staying alert to what she could appreciate inside and out.

To start the story about a year ago W was visiting family.  After two activity packed days, a relation named Eliana spoke critically to our star. Not surprisingly, Willow got very upset.

What had happened? Eliana had shown W pictures of her craft planned for an exhibit.  At its conclusion, E exclaimed, “You were silent as I scrolled through the slide show! Do you know you do that? You always are quiet! I feel hurt that you don’t comment! The subject matter may not be your favorite, but appreciate something about them! I am never showing you one of my pieces again!”

Willow was stunned and horrified. Actually she admires E’s creative expression. Our heroine had no idea that she had been that quiet, that her fatigue would be interpreted as disinterest, and that the artist’s feelings would be hurt.

Immediately, W apologized but to no avail. In that moment Eliana chose not to soften her offended stance.

Healing Begins

Next morning Willow and Eliana were able to speak about her pieces. Our heroine offered praise and validation, and E seemed able to accept it.

Still, our dear protagonist continued to feel hurt at being spoken to harshly and to review what did not feel good. While writing in her journal, the offended one kept looking for some relief. Reaching for wisdom, W cried inside, “Wait a minute! Look at me  recounting a time that brings up anger and revenge in me. I don’t want to do this! Since I don’t want more of that, instead, let me review the loving moments I want.”

Practice the Healing Attitude

As the months passed, Willow thought on this story. Sometimes she would feel the love for all the parties. She would list what she appreciated about Eliana and how that woman had enriched her life. Eliana is a great planner, a talented photographer, good cook, adventurous, intelligent and more.

Tuning in, Willow still felt her old wounds, ones temporarily disconnecting her from goodness and love. Our star knew it was her own past hurts in her way.

Time passed.

Oh my! The time to visit these folks again was coming near. She knew that she created her experience, and she sincerely wanted to create a loving and fun filled visit this year.

Continued Inner Work

One morning in her quiet time a piece of guidance from a respected spiritual teacher jumped out. Willow heard, “With regard to relationships it matters only how you feel about the other. What they feel about you is not your business.” Hmm.

Our Dear One had listened to the meditation in which this thought was expressed for over a year. Suddenly, it was like the heavens of understanding opened. Oh. If I want love, I have to “just love.” Period. end of discussion.

Our star had been feeling resentful, not respected, not desirable. If she hangs out with that vibration, she makes more of that. No, no! She wanted more affection.

In that moment she found she could drop the hurt that had been plaguing her for many months. She began focusing on what she loved about Eliana.

Now, she could envision this friend and feel good in those enjoyable qualities.

The Visit Arrived

Willow returned to that family and had a wonderful weekend. She did water sports that delighted her, ate food that was a treat for her, watched movies and more.

Before W knew it, it was time to say so long. She opened her arms to hug her hostess goodbye. Sweetly, Eliana whispered in her ear, “I love you.” Such a tender and genuine offering!  Wow what a transformation from the pain of last year! What an unexpected gift!

 Take Away

We have the power to heal past hurts!

Occasionally when we feel resentment, we can practice remembering to love and how loved we are.

Let’s shift the perception of “grievance” to knowing all parties want love. Nothing is going wrong, All is well.

And, importantly, healing ourselves, creating a vibration of love, brings us unexpected special treats!

Do you find value in this story? Please comment and share your reaction. Together we uplift and grow!












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