Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

May 7, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Notice, Shift – Pay Off!

Uck! L felt small and unloved, flooded with shame. “Wait a minute!” cried she to herself, “That message came from my Ex ages ago. I’ve been separated for 10 years. Hey Girl! Look around. He is not here.” Wow, our … Continue reading

April 18, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Recording Appreciation

lives more. We know what is happening here! She decided to look for what is going well and then she finds it more and more. Then in a higher vibration she draws more and more of what she loves to … Continue reading

April 9, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Money Can Flow

She had juggled and held many jobs, doing her best. At one juncture the funds were needed and seemed not to be flowing. Bottom line: She required $1000 to make sure she would not lose her house. Our protagonist had reached … Continue reading

February 26, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Discoveries in Recovery

able to write and talk about her experience and how she continued to come back. (Reportedly, her physician had predicted whatever she could not regain in six months would be gone forever. Our dear one was reclaiming function after more than … Continue reading

January 29, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Active Flow of Good

Then during the day she watches for what inspires her as she goes through her day:  her drive to and from work, her job, her interactions and more. One morning Em started her contemplation noticing her feelings. Wow she realized … Continue reading

December 4, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Unexpected Assistance

I had a snow shovel to use and admittedly, I put greater focus on acquiring rock salt. Snow fell from the skies for two days, leaving some impressive accumulations. On the third morning, the sun shone and I trudged down … Continue reading

October 30, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

How to “Get Ahead” with Ease

“Can she meet the challenge of becoming a practitioner of this modality?” she wonders. In a recent conversation,  as our star talked about her desire for certification her language was peppered with ” I don’t know if I can…” To … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).