Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

October 18, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

We Master Our Perceptive Lens

We wield tremendous power in our lives as we take more and more charge of how we see things. Gosh, it sounds so simple. Most certainly, we can easily do this when we hold this intention: “I want to be awake in this moment!” Continue reading

September 20, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Growth, Forgiveness, Perseverance

Awakening, we become aware when we fall short of the ideals of human behavior. We discover deeply and long held habits of thought which inhibit the generous and good feelings we prefer to exhibit. Continue reading

September 13, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Pause before Reacting

We can learn to go with the flow. When we hear news that disturbs us, we can use our personal power, exercise mastery over ourselves. Instead of railing against, reacting in anger or defensiveness, we can pause and ask Source for help. We can feel as though things have already gone our way and trust life. Continue reading

August 10, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Rescue Tool Box

Sometimes the environment around us is filled with news and attitudes we don’t prefer. Wow it is so easy to find ourselves in some kind of mood that has been affected by the surrounding conditions. This post makes a suggestion for what we can do to lift our spirits as we can. Continue reading

August 3, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Awake to Delivered Miracles

We reach to affirm what we do want. Then we release it. The habit many of us feel to keep checking on whether or not we “Got it” is a form of resistance. With faith and relaxing, we can and will see some things delivered. Continue reading

July 20, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

The Flow and What We Want

Yes we can receive answers to our prayers, attract aspects of what we want, even when we do not feel very good. We rest in the moment, doing the best we can, sometimes feeling blah, while reaching for better. So much Love abounds! On cat feet in walk some of what we have been asking for. So Enriching to notice! Continue reading

July 12, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Yes to Parenting

So many of us carry some thoughts introduced in our past that no longer serve us—perhaps from parents, church or “what everyone seems to believe.” 
Isn’t it great that NOW we have the power to sort through that mental pile, as thoughts arise from experiences, and then to discard what hurts and limits us today. Continue reading

May 11, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Palpable Faith

We can listen in wonder to what unfolds in the lives of others and feel interested. Hmm isn’t that great for them. Still we feel at arm’s lengths from that kind of occurrence, it might happen to others, but… Continue reading

(Mission statement here).