Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Turning Towards Empowerment


What a bold step we can make when we awaken to what new thoughts we can think, what more we can do for ourselves!

Raya saw clients to assist them in making courageous, empowering changes. Recently a woman named Denise contacted her expressing her desire for Raya’s help.

Rosco Pasture III, 16 x 20, SOLD

Denise told of grown children frequently asking her for assistance, requests she found draining and could not easily grant. Her partner was interacting with her with curses, statements of disrespect, wanting more attention from her and more requests from him granted by her. Denise felt overwhelmed. What advice could Raya offer?

To begin Raya wanted D to understand that R could assist another in finding her own power. R was not a match to a client who wanted to complain without starting to help herself.

Immediately, Denise indicated she intended to help herself: she had come for just what R could offer.

Here are some key points that Raya laid out for Denise:

Raya said,

         “I recommend you become stronger in supporting yourself. You want to build self-love and wield the balance, calm and wisdom to handle the people in your life.

Some tools:

         “If you don’t already do this (Denise did), take quiet time each day. The goal is to connect yourself with divine intelligence—do you call it Higher Power, God, Source Energy?—no matter the terminology. Breathe and become aligned. Do you like the words ‘Align with Pure Love’ (Denise did.)”

         “In that session take time to appreciate yourself. Maybe make written lists. Then create a roster of what you appreciate in your partner. Fill your mind with his positive attributes.

         Continue with a roster of what you are appreciating in your life. For what are you grateful right now?”

Raya brought up the topic of how shamed Denise might be feeling with all the words her partner had been hurling her way.

         “I suspect that the invective triggered shame responses in you. First thing to say, those mean words are not true about you. The stronger you become, the more you will easily know those shaming thoughts are not true now and never have been!”

         “As you are growing, surely you may have times when you react to language like that, when you feel the response of shame, of feeling awful. On the path you will begin to have more awareness. ‘Wait a minute,’ you will say to yourself, ’That stuff is hokum! I am not that! And never was!’ “

         “As you proceed, I recommend you keep a record of what audio tracks lift you, what words are particularly comforting. Maybe there are some quotations that serve you, other sustenance. Become more skilled at soothing yourself.”

         “Keep lists of all the Good you see in Yourself!”

         “You are learning to become master of yourself. You are growing in strength and self-support. Here you are launching a new and exciting chapter of your life! So much more to come!”

At the end of the session Raya asked Denise if she had gotten some of the assistance she came for. “Absolutely,” cried Denise. “I feel so much better. As I go, I intend to put these suggestions to use right away. Thank you so much. I will see you next week!”

Do you have a report of your own process of growth to share? We do assist one another in telling the stories of our own empowerment!

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