Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Take the Pressure Off


So many of us have been raised in a culture which wants us to adhere to rules of achievement and other’s expectations. For the majority these precepts do not put emphasis on enjoying the journey.

These mores often run like a tape inside our heads. These messages may have been intended to keep us on track but now in our adulthood some may want to consider shifting our thinking. Do we hear the internal prompt that we cannot afford to “waste any time?”

Bright Future II, 24 x 30, $595

Some of those messages might disguise as “The Truth” advising us to be productive and questioning whether we are “good enough.”

As we find our personal power, we find these formulations are not at all “the truth.” Instead, we ask, “Is this fun?’ Usually the answer is “NO!”

Producing Art

Julie attended an art journaling class with about 10 other women. The participants had supplies and began responding to the teacher’s structure suggested in this hour.

As the group warmed up, one woman admitted she feels inhibited because she fears making a mistake. Many others indicated they feel that way too. “I want to produce something good,” another woman cried, “When I contemplate the risk in art-making,  I go load the dishwasher instead.”

“Yes, I feel each piece demonstrates my worthiness as an artist. Oh Gosh what if it comes out lousy!” a third woman offered. “Too scary. If I could get this pressure off myself, I would express more freely, experiment. It’s great when I can do that.” “Yes” several piped in “We want to take the pressure off.”

Julie has worked to take the pressure off herself including in her art making.  J heard a similar story from women in a demonstration of oil pigment sticks.  Attendees at the demo bemoaned, “I am so new to this medium, I fear the chaos I will create. Somehow I want to take the pressure off!”

Aid to Shift

Julie has embarked on thinking differently. We can take in new inputs which counter these inner messages: certainly, we do have the power to perceive differently. Our heroine wished she could inject the sisters in the circle with the 30 year results of her inner work.

“Allow that energy of making messes to express. What if we set up rules for this art session that we can make marks, lines, smears, blocks, blobs of anything that strikes our fancy?

If we personalize it, would you nix the friendship with the woman next to you, if she played around and then did not treasure the result? Of course not!

Why not champion ourselves that way? 

Maybe it involves facing this “I am not good enough” uncomfortable feeling? Hey this is just a feeling. And it shifts!

Gosh I tried this experimenting and I got this rush of a feeling of freedom coming up. And know what? I did like part of what emerged from what I had put down while playing.”

We can apply this new thinking to all kinds of activities we might want to experience and learn. The spirit of exploration— helps us feel so much more alive! YAY!

Examples you want to share? Please do! In the comments section. We love the wind in our hair!

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