Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

October 13, 2020
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Creating the World We Want to Inhabit Part I

Creating the World We Want to Inhabit Part I

When we experience what we do not want, we get much clearer about what we DO want. If we are afraid, we can easily put out words and behaviors that are not mindful of the effect on others.  We can easily spread fear and promote folks becoming more isolated from one another. Do we want a world with more fear? NO! Continue reading

October 9, 2020
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Thoughts Key to Healing

Thoughts Key to Healing

We can put focus on our thoughts when we find ourselves with a bodily condition we do not want. Let’s look carefully here at what we can do with our inner attention to assist ourselves.  (and yes, we use tangible treatments too. ) What does an empowered response look like when faced with uncomfortable disharmony of the body?

Set the Scene

Rhona noticed that her left leg was unhappy. Continue reading

September 17, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Creating the World I Want to Inhabit Part II 

Isn’t it great that with being focused at home some of us have more time to become aware of ourselves and to accept ourselves with more openness, less judgment?

We notice, “O, Look I am doing that again. Is that putting forth the atmosphere of the world I want to live in? Uh, not really, I want to shift.” Some may realize that we are more tense and less balanced than we prefer, with the world changing, more time alone than we have had in our lives, less contact with friends. Continue reading

September 16, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Creating the World We Want to Inhabit Part I

When we experience what we do not want, we get much clearer about what we DO want. If we are afraid, we can easily put out words and behaviors that are not mindful of the effect on others.  We can easily spread fear and promote folks becoming more isolated from one another. Let’s use unwanted to move ourselves forward more constructively. Let’s  find our own balance and from there put out calm, kindness and good will.  Below one story that inspired greater mindfulness. Continue reading

July 27, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Ease and Prayer

Many of us in this culture put a lot of effort into what we do. We want to get it correctly, push for success and get the gold star.  But often, we get to pushing too hard and life does not flow well for us. Let’s review an example of how we can be easy and receive the help we need. Please review this account of Larry and Marge. Continue reading

July 14, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Something Fun

How do we keep ourselves in a good mood? Chilling out and focusing on something fun. Let’s also pull up the outstanding “coincidences” that pop for us and fill us with delight.

True, at times we feel the effects of unwanted events. Why don’t we keep really juicy stories in a special file to remind us of what’s possible? Here’s one worth sharing:  Continue reading

June 1, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Receive the Assistance: Momentum of Good

We can boost our spirits knowing than our good has momentum. When we attend to living in the flow of life, to feeling good and noticing Good around us, more Good comes to us and in unexpected ways. As we practice catching ourselves in habits of thought, we get help. Isn’t this a benefit for which it is worth reaching!

Read about one example. Continue reading

May 28, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

From Self Blame to Self-Compassion

How do you activate compassion for yourself? How do you find it and allow it to flow more and more? Where to begin? This author will offer periodic posts on self-compassion providing guidance with true stories featuring a growing soul who acts more deeply in compassion for self.  Today, read on: two examples follow.

The Self-Blame Tirade

Sometimes we can call ourselves derogatory names in our head. Continue reading

March 27, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Importance of Where we Focus

ever! Make everything that flows ok. Pam Grout is a great resource: Here is a link to her recent post. https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwHMZHmfFjNWknRgwkwGNFqmVbc            2. We were born for these times. We can bask in the vision held out … Continue reading

February 18, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Momentum and Recovery

Of course, all of us have experienced an incident that we found particularly upsetting. This post offers insight into how we might move through a reaction to recover sooner rather than later.

In those early moments of responding, we might go into the common pattern of reviewing “what went wrong.” Sure we want to learn what we can. Good to notice that this “study” involves thinking about what we do not want and going more deeply into it.

Continue reading

(Mission statement here).