Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Awake to the Flow


Do we see the benefit of keeping our focus on What We DO Want? Are we paying attention? We feel more delight in the process as we reach for feeling good and then fun things show up. Have we noticed incidents like these?

I. Number One

River in Waynesboro, 16 x 20, $475

Harriet had begun assisting a friend with a form of energy medicine. That dear one had much on her medical agenda. The docket involved seeing new practitioners, visiting her specialist at a university hospital and caring for herself and her regular responsibilities.

In response to H checking in, the friend wrote she did not want our star’s help that week. At first Harriet felt disappointed. Then quickly she realized she now had time to spend on her own creative projects.

Punchline: The next day a former client who had experienced her work years ago wrote to ask if H could see her for a series of sessions starting that very week. Our heroine now had the free schedule! Wow another opportunity to serve had quickly appeared.

II. Number Two

Kaitlin was driving to town and noticed she needed a restroom promptly. This heroine knew where she could find that resource, pulled in to a service station and walked over to that important door. Oops, the facility was in use for the moment. In a short time, the door opened and out walked the recent occupant. The stranger cried, “Oh do I know you from Penn Park? Are you my neighbor; you look so familiar?”

Kaitlin responded, “Well I don’t recognize you, and I don’t reside at Penn Park. Thank you for being so friendly. Many right now are so ready to say something not so welcoming.

Woman said, “Oh I work here, don’t I know what you mean!” Our protagonist continued, “In this dramatic time I have made it a point to notice what I can appreciate in another. I take the initiative to offer this bit of fun..”

Woman, smiling, said, “Isn’t that great! I am so glad I spoke to you.” From this unexpected stop both women got a shot of uplift and extra boost.

III. Number Three

Marjorie had not been to this swimming hole very often in summer months. This year a good friend, Viv, organized a group of women to visit this lake over the mountain.

Marjorie loved the park like shady, grassy park area and the small beach surrounding the water. Featured was plenty of swimming area in clean clear water. And wowee, this place was a beautiful spot for September.

She thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun to go one more time before the season ended?” For sure, M had lists of creative tasks for her focus. Could she also have another wonderful day at this location?

Marjorie felt happy thinking about it and texted Viv with her dream. Viv responded immediately, “Pack up now and be at my house in 85 minutes!” The trip was on! M’s wish was coming true!

Have you been playing with feeling good first and then putting out your desires? Please share some success stories: those tales inspire us all!  

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