Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

May 16, 2023
by Janet Pearlman
1 Comment

Our Process with Miracles

We can get what we want and be ourselves along with the way. Yes we reach for “expecting” and we slip into negativity for moments too. Still miracles show up. Continue reading

May 9, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Feel Good on the Way to Goals

On a path of growth, we will always notice something more we want. Go after it, yes, and enjoy life on the way. Let’s relax, feel good and be kind to ourselves. Some goals may take longer than others. Let’s read this exchange, cheering on persistence. Continue reading

May 1, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Recovery Process from Self Blame

Often and consistently, many of us want to think as positively as we can, especially about ourselves! Oh my, but my thoughts do regularly stray to self blame! Some situations can feel overwhelming and out dated patterns of self talk can start to run in our heads. As we progress on our path, we find more kindness to ourselves and more ease. Here is a story to inspire our forward movement. Continue reading

April 25, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Keep Going Even When Afraid

We have all felt afraid at times. Many know that experience “Frozen in Fear” or a cousin version “Daunted by Fear.” Let’s review a story where the protagonist felt strongly frightened and proceeded anyway, discovering her path to developing self-mastery bit by bit. Continue reading

April 11, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Angel Kisses Abound Part 2

“What We Sow, So Shall We Reap.”  Some of us are reaching for embodying Goodness—for its own sake because such paying attention not only enriches our lives but fills us with feeling that uplifts our spirit and inspires us. Continue reading

March 28, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Take the Pressure Off

So many of us have been raised in a culture which wants us to adhere to rules of achievement and other’s expectations. For the majority these precepts do not put emphasis on enjoying the journey.
These mores often run like a tape inside our heads. These messages may have been intended to keep us on track but now in our adulthood some may want to consider shifting our thinking. Do we hear the internal prompt that we cannot afford to “waste any time?” Continue reading

March 21, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Ease Into Next Step

Many of us want to “get ahead,” build some new business or skill. From the culture around us we take in that “working hard” is required. “Surely this requires much effort, “ we think. Not in this new way of being. Let’s look at how ease and flow can lead us to success. Continue reading

March 8, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Fear, Blame, Recovery

Many of us are gripped with fear when we or a loved one receive a scary health report. Even for those building his or her personal power, this kind of news can rock our world, triggering strong emotional response.
We can make it through such a passage. Read more below. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).