Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Keep Going Even When Afraid


We have all felt afraid at times. Many know that experience “Frozen in Fear” or a cousin version “Daunted by Fear.” Let’s review a story where the protagonist felt strongly frightened and proceeded anyway, discovering her path to developing self-mastery bit by bit.

Some of us prefer to live reaching for living a loving feeling over being overcome with trepidation.

Flowers Arising, 36 x 38, Acrylic, SOLD

When fearfulness floods us, we reach for recalling the potent force of love. Standing by our commitments– the process involved allowing these emotions like insecurity, worry to pass through us while soothing ourselves with wisdom and powerful techniques.

Karen’s Tale

Karen received notice that her current situation for storing her possessions could not continue: she would need to find other accommodations for her stuff.  Oh my! Our dear one felt a flood of panic and dread, with thoughts like “I am alone.” “I cannot do this.” running amok:  habits of thought and feelings from her past.  The new plan for storage represented a mini-move that would take assistance and some weeks.

“Hey last time I got this scared there was not really any danger,” our heroine recalled with a smile. “The beliefs behind this fear are outdated.”

With the strong uncomfortable emotions flowing this dear woman did not and could not shift her attitudes on a dime.  In fact no human can. Now Karen has developed more kindness for herself and reached for tools like these:

 She :

  • Walked in nature
  • Read a novel
  • Sat and visualized some helpful, protective and loving inner figures.
  • Prayed for inspiration for next steps
  • Sought and received support from friends
  • Rested
  • Focused her mind onto what she wanted.

As soon as K was able, Karen proceeded to work her agenda. Each day this protagonist became clearer and more energetic, bit by bit applying herself to empty that space of her possessions.

This lass succeeded! The designated area got cleared and possessions moved to new accommodation. Friends with trucks volunteered to assist her.  Many folks received some new treasures, charity shops benefited.

Karen moved from love! This woman stands tall, feeling more vibrant, more able to take life as it comes. She gained strength in living her commitments. Ahhh …..

Do you have a story of  facing your fears to share?  What worked for you to make that passage? Please comment. Let’s share our wisdom!

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