Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

December 26, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

A Story of Making Ourselves New           

operating his vehicle. She cringed. Listen in to the flow of her thoughts as she processed his news: “This person does not pay attention. This fellow is not a good driver. I am at risk if I ride with that … Continue reading

December 18, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Notice the Story we Tell

Once Upon a Time Louann experienced an unusual circumstance in traffic. A red light for a left turn appeared not to function– she turned left when it appeared safe. About a minute later, our heroine created worry, got afraid of … Continue reading

December 11, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Getting Happier Bit by Bit

She changed her life so that instead of down, she felt happier more of the time. Please read what else happened as shifted her habits of thinking incrementally over a few years’ time . At First Claudine worked as a … Continue reading

December 4, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Unexpected Assistance

I had a snow shovel to use and admittedly, I put greater focus on acquiring rock salt. Snow fell from the skies for two days, leaving some impressive accumulations. On the third morning, the sun shone and I trudged down … Continue reading

November 27, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Examples of Self Love

Example #1 Loretta had spent much of her life stepping up to responsibility, arranging events for family and friends, following through on the plans made. In her dating life a situation arose where a new man offered to do her … Continue reading

November 20, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Move Forward Despite the Fear

 Marilyn enjoys pulling two oracle cards each morning. She owns several decks created by Doreen Virtue and uses a special system for rotating through the boxes. Created as tools for uplifting oneself, one can relax knowing the thoughts for the … Continue reading

November 5, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Different Strokes for Different Folks

A group of folks assembled to uplift themselves: take some quiet moments, watch a lecture from a spiritual leader on reaching for a quiet inside, discuss an article on the same topic. People shared on meditation techniques. One woman piped … Continue reading

October 30, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

How to “Get Ahead” with Ease

“Can she meet the challenge of becoming a practitioner of this modality?” she wonders. In a recent conversation,  as our star talked about her desire for certification her language was peppered with ” I don’t know if I can…” To … Continue reading

October 23, 2018
by Janet Pearlman

Keeping Uplifted

In addition this dear one was concerned about global warming.  I listened with compassion. After a few minutes I told her I did have a very different point of view, so divergent from hers that I hesitated talking about it. … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).