Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

July 30, 2019
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Healing an Inflammatory Episode

Healing an Inflammatory Episode

tenderness to the touch. In the past N had observed a similar condition that was slight and resolved overnight. This time several days passed as she observed major swelling, pain in putting on a shoe and in walking. (She prayed … Continue reading

July 15, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Rebalance and More

discussion part of the meeting, where attendees had a chance to react to the session’s lecture and comment on applying it to daily living. One woman, Amelia,  felt frustrated with a change she wanted to make. ” Oh!’ she cried, “It … Continue reading

July 9, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Relishing the Flow of Good

retired. J believed them. After she was treated by one of the other members of that practice, she decided she would not go back there. One year went by, her eyes were feeling strained. Oh, how she wished to get … Continue reading

July 4, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Discovery of Mislaid Items

Dear Readers,  are you open to experimenting with the way you approach your search? When something is mislaid– Tune into your emotions Soothe yourself Bit by bit ease yourself into knowing you are ok now Distract yourself and let the … Continue reading

June 25, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Success from Listing Positive Aspects

Late winter this year she sustained an injury and needed to attend to her healing process. Watching the calendar, the date for the usual time to till her residential plot came and went. Resigned, she accepted in this cycle she … Continue reading

June 18, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Focus with Financial Pay Off

personal responsibility to cover. Using spiritual tools of the power of intention and prayer, ML asked for assistance to pay off this medical debt. One day a check showed up in her mail from the lab for most of $1000. … Continue reading

June 11, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Healing: Knowing You are Whole Now

Claudia Claudia sought Jin Shin Jyutsu[1] (JSJ) with two bodily conditions to address: a type of cancer and a blood condition.  She had been acculturated to focus in on what was not going well (like so many of us). Seeing physicians … Continue reading

June 4, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Waking up To Worry, Then Shift

The day before we were scheduled to install the work, I felt so worried and nervous. Would the ladders we had be sufficient high to allow us to reach the fish line hooks on the ridge, to align the height and … Continue reading

May 21, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Practice New Habits of Thought

   When we want to increase our consciousness, we will wake up more frequently to what we are saying and doing in this moment. We can catch ourselves in operating from habit. Such an important part of this process of … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).