Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Visualizing is Easy


We can visualize a picture in our mind easily. Let’s honor this awesome power we wield when we create an image on purpose! Ready for an example?

Clara had watched an Abraham-Hicks Live Webinar, getting filled with good feeling and inspiration. In saying farewell one man, Tim, looked her in the eye and said, “Hopefully I won’t lose this good feeling.”

Rosco Beauty, 16 x 20, $375

Rosco Beauty, 16 x 20, $375

Our star told him,  “Well today you have learned a bit about how you can practice generating good feelings from inside. Meanwhile, maybe this will inspire.”  With that C lifted her hands in front of her face to move them in a clockwise twist motion as though turning a dial. She continued, “Here Tim, go to one of your parallel universes where you flow as happy. See things there going as you’d love them to go.” His face lit up. T loved the idea of a parallel universe and further, he loved that he had power to get there with little effort.

Envisioning a parallel universe tapped into his place of imagination and play. In that spot he found it easy to feel good!

We can use our imagination and feel the good times we desire! Run an experiment and explore how this can work for you.

Tim gave up his wish that mentioned what he did not want and replaced it with a strong image of getting something juicy, fun and wanted. Hee Haw!

Play around and report in! With visualizing we can uplift ourselves.

We wield this awesome power– we SHINE already!

Got tales of your victories with this tool? Please share by commenting.


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