Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

March 28, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Appreciation Renews Vitality

had been sharing his sentiments that much goodness came from Catholicism and how he appreciated his Catholic roots. Maria noticed the reported incident had occurred in a country where many Catholics reside. It had triggered some deep feelings in her dear … Continue reading

March 20, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Resilience : Handling an Attack of Fear

Half asleep, her mind went to pondering a patch of skin on her face that had been irregular for years. J began to worry. Years ago she had been told by a dermatologist that it had mild cancerous skin cells … Continue reading

March 5, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Getting a Kick Out of the Flow of Life

I. Mandy Mandy was doing some online dating. Once in awhile two men with the same first name would show up near in time to one another. Wow, two Richards. Recently she was very impressed that two men with the same … Continue reading

February 26, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Discoveries in Recovery

able to write and talk about her experience and how she continued to come back. (Reportedly, her physician had predicted whatever she could not regain in six months would be gone forever. Our dear one was reclaiming function after more than … Continue reading

February 18, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Good Flows Through Us to Others

Story # 1 Layne brought over some lumber to a neighbor. She’d intended to get to that errand,  and that day she loaded the truck and did it. While she was visiting, L noticed that the bin in that barn … Continue reading

February 12, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Things Going Well for Me

the recommendation to go take a class in a topic about which she did not feel good. Yuck! Instead of just saying no thank you, inside S the suggestion triggered a discouraged mood and a wash of “not good enough” … Continue reading

February 5, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Calm Fear, See the Good

  exhibit of photographs with great enthusiasm. In contact withthe venue, she communicated with the coordinator to learn what system of hanging would be used in the show. “The space has a ridge from which the artist adds hooks and … Continue reading

January 29, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Active Flow of Good

Then during the day she watches for what inspires her as she goes through her day:  her drive to and from work, her job, her interactions and more. One morning Em started her contemplation noticing her feelings. Wow she realized … Continue reading

January 21, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Miraculous Power of Intending

Immediately M set her intention– find a satisfying new home. With that our heroine affirmed her connection to Source and the protection available to her. She wanted to assume the best, to live with an open and loving heart, to … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).