Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

March 8, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Peace Through Clearing Our Own Fear

We are hearing about outbreak of violent forces. Many of us are finding ourselves upset by all this exposure.
So many of us are reacting; some realize how much these circumstances are triggering our own fear. Wow! we see outside ourselves situations we very much do not want. We remember we have the power to master our reactions! Continue reading

February 15, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

The Images We Create

As we travel through life, we create images from the inputs around us. On one level this is an obvious point. How many of us realize that we can shift our reactions?
We can grow more skillful at noticing the images in our heads and if not towards our upliftment, shifting them. It can feel like what we envision is just “the truth” that is outside us. But no, in fact we create the image, we can choose our perception and related emotional reactions to the stimulus. Continue reading

January 27, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Inner Work for Scary Diagnosis

When we, family member, or close friend receives a scary diagnosis, we feel our fear. On a path of empowerment, what thoughts can we reach for to assist us to feel better? What can we appreciate? Here are some suggestions that may soothe. Continue reading

December 29, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

To Heal Body; Focus on Attitude

We have all experienced parts of our body not functioning as designed to operate.  To return to full health we must address not only the body but mind and spirit. Continue reading

December 8, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Magic of Attitude

Sometimes we feel helpless when so many differing, deeply felt opinions are prevalent. Have we heard others bemoaning how divisive is our current society?
Reading here, we become more empowered that we can reach for connectedness even in the face of significant diversity. Please review this account of how attitude melted what could divide folk. Continue reading

November 11, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Recovery in Romance

Some of us have experienced “break ups” of a romantic relationship when it was not our idea. We were still flowing along. Our habits of thought may lead to thoughts with anger, self-blame, shock, and likely discomfort. Even when it can feel very intense, we can learn some ways to wield our personal power and begin to feel better. Continue reading

September 21, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Awake to the Flow

Do we see the benefit of keeping our focus on What We DO Want? Are we paying attention? We feel more delight in the process as we reach for feeling good and then fun things show up. Have we noticed incidents like these? Continue reading

September 14, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Building Self Esteem

Some of us may have a habit of thought with some version of “I am not sure I can. I feel inadequate to pull off this next step.”  We may gain value from reading about how one person gained momentum on building self esteem with focused effort in mere months not years. Continue reading

September 5, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

The Flow That Impresses Us

We reach for keeping spirits as high as we can moment by moment. We do it because we feel happy right now. Let’s notice how some very impressive events, objects and more can show up as part of the flow. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).