Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Persist and Experience Miracles


What wonders await us as we take charge of our thoughts and attitudes, our lives! We can align ourselves with the Force of Good in more and more moments of our day.

What does this mean?

We can uplift our beings, learn how to reach for feeling as good as we can right now.

One Delightful Pay off

Light on the Path, 24 x 30, $595

Erin had been following the Abraham teachings for many years. Very regularly she did face feelings of discouragement or other discomfort and consistently E thought about something she relished, some developments for which she was thankful.

This gal had grown a plant called torenia for a couple of years now. She bought one in the spring from a vendor at the local farmer’s market. On the second year, Erin wondered if any of the tiny sprouts in the pots on her deck could be that torenia which are notorious for sending off seed to grow more plants. None of the small seedlings coming forth turned into that plant.

The torenia seemed not to self-sow that year on her deck.

The next year all the pots on her deck showed many sprouts. Our star took care of them and hoped some would turn into thriving torenia. Eventually after a month or so, E took a photo of the little darlings and sent it off to an expert who knows plants well. He informed her they were baby sycamore trees which start new plants prolifically. “No luck on torenia,” Erin thought.

In the third year she bought another plant and let go of any effort to “self seed” these darlings on her watch.

The season progressed. Our heroine focused her gardening attention elsewhere and enjoyed other blossoms. One day she was filling her buckets to water her garden. As the container filled, Erin gazed around-there, to the right of the water spigot on the ground, a torenia was blooming from a small healthy plant. That dear thing had self sown and flowered into a color Erin had never bought!

It felt like a miracle. Seeing this flower made her so happy.

E had relaxed, let it go, flowed with upbeat mood and got a sweet result. She received a sweet surprise. All Erin did was flow with life while maintaining her spirits.

Do you have a story where you too allowed an unexpected wonder to find you as you persisted in well being?  Please share it with all of us!

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