Marilyn enjoys pulling two oracle cards each morning. She owns several decks created by Doreen Virtue and uses a special system for rotating through the boxes. Created as tools for uplifting oneself, one can relax knowing the thoughts for the … Continue reading →
A group of folks assembled to uplift themselves: take some quiet moments, watch a lecture from a spiritual leader on reaching for a quiet inside, discuss an article on the same topic. People shared on meditation techniques. One woman piped … Continue reading →
In addition this dear one was concerned about global warming. I listened with compassion. After a few minutes I told her I did have a very different point of view, so divergent from hers that I hesitated talking about it. … Continue reading →
The light was rising; the sky was clear; it was brightening, a pleasant unremarkable scene. I turned to checking email. In a few minutes I felt an impulse to turn my head back to the window. Gazing, I drew in … Continue reading →
Celana, a friend, loves being inspired; she looks for good and finds it. About 8 months ago she was ill and asked for help. I offered her some Jin Shin Jyutsu, the healing art I practice. How wonderful for … Continue reading →
out, push through and don’t know how we feel in a given moment. 2. If we don’t feel great, what then? Ease up. Perhaps take a pause and let our natural good feeling rise again. Lots of pay off to … Continue reading →
expressed this understanding: “Crying out to life, beseeching it to be good, has no effect whatsoever on It. It already is good, Asking it to give you life produces no good results: It has already incarnated in you as you. … Continue reading →