Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

September 21, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Awake to the Flow

Do we see the benefit of keeping our focus on What We DO Want? Are we paying attention? We feel more delight in the process as we reach for feeling good and then fun things show up. Have we noticed incidents like these? Continue reading

September 14, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Building Self Esteem

Some of us may have a habit of thought with some version of “I am not sure I can. I feel inadequate to pull off this next step.”  We may gain value from reading about how one person gained momentum on building self esteem with focused effort in mere months not years. Continue reading

September 5, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

The Flow That Impresses Us

We reach for keeping spirits as high as we can moment by moment. We do it because we feel happy right now. Let’s notice how some very impressive events, objects and more can show up as part of the flow. Continue reading

August 25, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

It’s Ok to Feel Strong Emotion

Every human has experienced strong emotion. Why write a post about making it ok? Some of us have been practicing feeling as good as we can as much as we can. We want to spend more and more time in balance and feeling good. We don’t want to feel upset coursing through us and sometimes it does. Many of us have the habit of judging ourselves when we notice we are off track. Let’s build a strong habit of making the human process of growing ok. Continue reading

August 24, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Open to Self-Compassion

Many of us who are evolving and growing are encouraged to take stock of ourselves regularly and make course corrections. We want to notice our habits of thought and practice ones that serve us more constructively. In this process of unfolding, let’s put lots of emphasis on self-compassion along the way. Let’s make it ok to be just where we are at any moment even in those instances when we catch ourselves with an outdated perspective. Continue reading

August 17, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Generosity and the Flow of Kindness

Doesn’t it feel good to give generously! We love to cooperate with one another and offer what we can. We feel high behaving like that and any pay offs come as an extra. This story illustrates some “extras” along the way. Continue reading

August 9, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

The Universe Delights Us

We practice reaching for thoughts that feel better and we appreciate more and more. For fun this article recounts the experience from one woman’s life demonstrating the juicy flow that shows up when we prime the pump of Good. Continue reading

August 2, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Memories of Feeling Really Good

We want to be practicing feeling good a lot of the time. Yes, we humans we will always have dips into negative emotions. Living on Earth we will experience what we don’t want to get clearer about what we DO want. We can steer our thoughts and emotions toward what we prefer as we practice a more alert consciousness. And we know that life goes more and more easily as one of the pay offs 😊. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).