Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

September 20, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Growth, Forgiveness, Perseverance

Awakening, we become aware when we fall short of the ideals of human behavior. We discover deeply and long held habits of thought which inhibit the generous and good feelings we prefer to exhibit. Continue reading

September 13, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Pause before Reacting

We can learn to go with the flow. When we hear news that disturbs us, we can use our personal power, exercise mastery over ourselves. Instead of railing against, reacting in anger or defensiveness, we can pause and ask Source for help. We can feel as though things have already gone our way and trust life. Continue reading

September 6, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

The Power of Seeing Innocence

Many of us judge ourselves. Our culture shaped us that way. Then we may avoid the pain and fear of that judgment.
Let’s make it ok to feel uncomfortable feelings including fear, guilt, shame. Making it ok to feel our feelings is a foundational step in our self-awareness and growth. These discomforts tip us off that a habit of thought is operating in us, and we know we can shift those bit by bit. Continue reading

August 30, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Reframe That Thought Part II

In building our mental muscles empowering ourselves, we have many habits of thought to release and replace. We want to lay down new neural pathways that conduct our positive thinking and feeling. Integrated into our living and unfolding, reading the account of one person’s shifting inspires us all. Continue reading

June 29, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Focus for Strength

We all benefit when we read an example of overcoming fear. Isn’t it inspiring when we learn how someone shifted her focus toward what she could do bit by bit? Direct herself toward building strength? Continue reading

June 15, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Caring for Loved One with Dementia

Some of us will find ourselves in a position to care for a loved one who is suffering from dementia. What insight and strategy are available to us in light of perspectives in this blog? Continue reading

February 2, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Wanting Praise

We love to receive praise from our loved ones, our bosses, our professional societies and more. Gosh that feels good, that recognition. What power do we wield when we offer it to ourselves? Continue reading

January 27, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Inner Work for Scary Diagnosis

When we, family member, or close friend receives a scary diagnosis, we feel our fear. On a path of empowerment, what thoughts can we reach for to assist us to feel better? What can we appreciate? Here are some suggestions that may soothe. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).