Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

March 23, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Acceptance over Self Blame

So many have the cultural training to blame oneself. Most people have habit of thought to wield blame in some way—either blaming some other institution, person or situation or taking blame on his or herself.
Even among people who are on the growth path, the mechanism of self-blame can operate – in ways less easy to spot. Continue reading

March 17, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Benefit from Depressed Interlude

No one prefers to feel depressed, sad or lacking in vitality. Those of us who have at times blamed ourselves might call ourselves an unkind name for dipping into emotional states such as that. Would such a habit lean toward calling ourselves a loser when we experience feelings of a down in the dumps state of being. Continue reading

March 8, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Peace Through Clearing Our Own Fear

We are hearing about outbreak of violent forces. Many of us are finding ourselves upset by all this exposure.
So many of us are reacting; some realize how much these circumstances are triggering our own fear. Wow! we see outside ourselves situations we very much do not want. We remember we have the power to master our reactions! Continue reading

February 15, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

The Images We Create

As we travel through life, we create images from the inputs around us. On one level this is an obvious point. How many of us realize that we can shift our reactions?
We can grow more skillful at noticing the images in our heads and if not towards our upliftment, shifting them. It can feel like what we envision is just “the truth” that is outside us. But no, in fact we create the image, we can choose our perception and related emotional reactions to the stimulus. Continue reading

February 2, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Wanting Praise

We love to receive praise from our loved ones, our bosses, our professional societies and more. Gosh that feels good, that recognition. What power do we wield when we offer it to ourselves? Continue reading

January 27, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Inner Work for Scary Diagnosis

When we, family member, or close friend receives a scary diagnosis, we feel our fear. On a path of empowerment, what thoughts can we reach for to assist us to feel better? What can we appreciate? Here are some suggestions that may soothe. Continue reading

January 13, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

We Create Our Own Reality

Some of us cringe away from the thought that we create our own reality. It is not that we don’t want a wonderful life: far from it! Sure, in theory we want to use our personal power but how can we feel ok about all the kinds of things that can show up in our lives? Continue reading

January 6, 2022
by Janet Pearlman

Not Taking it Personally

Some of us at one time may have thought less of ourselves because we were not getting attention from another. We create something we think is wonderful, and another ignores us.
Oh my! Did we take on the assumption, perhaps unconsciously, that our products have no merit? Did we start to think only if we had produced value would we get attention? Continue reading

(Mission statement here).