We all benefit when we read an example of overcoming fear. Isn’t it inspiring when we learn how someone shifted her focus toward what she could do bit by bit? Direct herself toward building strength? Continue reading →
Do we take advantage of how we can promote the healing of a condition even in how we describe it to ourselves? We are so powerful: it’s impressive! 😊 Continue reading →
Some of us will find ourselves in a position to care for a loved one who is suffering from dementia. What insight and strategy are available to us in light of perspectives in this blog? Continue reading →
We are in charge of our perceptual lens. What we see and how we interpret what we see is entirely subject to our assumptions, the way we think.
If we judge something with a quick glance, and decide it is not up to our standard, we can miss out. Perhaps we can get pay off in taking a second look when we feel better and then making a second survey. Continue reading →
What a wonderful thing to come into our personal power more and more each day! This journey will involve our noticing what annoys us. Grr! Continue reading →
Isn’t it great how much we empower ourselves as we understand what is behind our episodes of anger or grief. When we take a kind attitude towards ourselves, our understanding and acceptance grow deeper for both our own dear self and for others. Continue reading →
Most of us talk to ourselves in our heads. Only we know what’s said… do we notice what attitude we take in that conversation? Do we feel good when we are listening to our own inner commentary? Continue reading →
We can have fun noticing “every day” miracles, outcomes we want that give us a boost of pleasure. It is particularly satisfying when we shifted our thinking and got a wanted result. Continue reading →
We wield our personal power as we reach for thoughts that feel better. People can live a more satisfying life as we awaken to what we feel and lift out spirits if we notice a dip. We want to pursue thoughts that lead us out of unhappiness. Continue reading →
Have you heard the expression “Let it go?” How about “I turn this over to Source Energy?” With anything we want, Source can deliver when we release the details of “how” and “when” to this Higher Power. Continue reading →