Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

July 14, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Something Fun

How do we keep ourselves in a good mood? Chilling out and focusing on something fun. Let’s also pull up the outstanding “coincidences” that pop for us and fill us with delight.

True, at times we feel the effects of unwanted events. Why don’t we keep really juicy stories in a special file to remind us of what’s possible? Here’s one worth sharing:  Continue reading

July 8, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Change YOUR Thought

We might not like the behavior of another person. How could that happen? 😊 We might strategize how to convince him to change. Often this approach is not effective. Who likes to be on the receiving end of that kind of discussion? Let’s consider how to make a change in ourselves that brings some relief.

Aubrey loves to feel affection expressed to her with physical contact. She admits she appreciates that reassurance and her own physical expression. Continue reading

June 30, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Find More Fun Shifting Our Perception

We invent what we see! Isn’t it good to notice that we can create more fun – even with frustrating circumstances! When we feel lousy viewing some situation or person, let’s recall that we have the power to change how we see that and then shift how we feel. That way we feel good a lot more often and enjoy life more!

Juice of Satisfaction flowed in the following two examples. Find Inspiration! Continue reading

June 22, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Awake to Hurt; Then Heal

Our experience arises from how we perceive what is going on around us.  Can we awake to what we “see” hurts us? This post constitutes another entry into “What story do I tell myself?” Isn’t it powerful to notice when we are telling a tale that does not feel good? Fruitful journey of discovery! Continue reading

June 16, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

From Shamed to Curious

Some among us experienced much discouragement in childhood.  Practicing appreciation through our day can build a confidence muscle! Internally and for a time the ridiculed person may feel the external messages were the truth about their make up. But those who reach for feeling better moment to moment may decide to overcome these past hurts. Read what empowerment is possible—Nessa tells this story. Continue reading

June 8, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Expect the Good II

As we practice the mindfulness, we discern when our perception is clouded with past hurts. This piece offers an example of one man shifting his previous position from what was a long past unwanted experience to one of seeing a positive future, to expect the good.

Malin’s Story Begins

Last year Malin dated Tara for a month. At the time Malin wanted her to attend some events near his home and Tara was reluctant to travel much to his part of the state. For M that was very frustrating. Continue reading

June 1, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Receive the Assistance: Momentum of Good

We can boost our spirits knowing than our good has momentum. When we attend to living in the flow of life, to feeling good and noticing Good around us, more Good comes to us and in unexpected ways. As we practice catching ourselves in habits of thought, we get help. Isn’t this a benefit for which it is worth reaching!

Read about one example. Continue reading

May 28, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

From Self Blame to Self-Compassion

How do you activate compassion for yourself? How do you find it and allow it to flow more and more? Where to begin? This author will offer periodic posts on self-compassion providing guidance with true stories featuring a growing soul who acts more deeply in compassion for self.  Today, read on: two examples follow.

The Self-Blame Tirade

Sometimes we can call ourselves derogatory names in our head. Continue reading

May 18, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Surprise Assistance Provided

We pursue our growth. On this path we attract help in unexpected ways.

Increasing our sovereignty over our thinking, each day we want to live more and more in playful mode.  Self-compassion flows from us. No, not just that we can list appreciations of our talents and achievements: we start to know the innocence and purity of heart with which we were born. Feeling that affection for our dearness the way a dad fills with love as he holds his newborn.

What happens when we do this more and more? What support flows to us to further feather our nest? Continue reading

May 12, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Strong Wanting

Sometimes, we need assistance badly. Perhaps we made a mistake, admit it and feel a strong desire for help to get out of a mess. We ask the Universe for a remedy from a pure heart wanting for an outcome with the highest good prevailing.  To connect with Source, we practice feeling as good as we can and stream good vibes much of the time.

In the story below we review an illustration of how one good woman got into a jam and received a grace. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).