Some of us were raised in an environment with talk of and belief in Murphy’s Law, i.e. when unwanted events start showing up that phenomenon will continue out of one’s control. We know we are the creators of our lives. Of course, there is no Murphy’s Law. Continue reading →
What shall we do when we find ourselves feeling hurt by another’s comments? Like when another person cuts us off, steals the stage and draws the group’s attention to themselves. When that happens, we can soothe ourselves, rebalance and let it go. And maybe the Universe assists more than we anticipated. Read about that here: Continue reading →
We can attract what we want more easily, when we feel as though we already have it. As we feel clear and inspired, more and more we see Good everywhere around us with this focused perceptive lens. Continue reading →
Isn’t it great that the Forces of Good are all around us all of the time! As we become more tuned to this benign environment, we become more receptive to what we need and thereby reap tremendous benefits, e.g., ease, balance, fun and productivity. Continue reading →
We wield tremendous power in our lives as we take more and more charge of how we see things. Gosh, it sounds so simple. Most certainly, we can easily do this when we hold this intention: “I want to be awake in this moment!” Continue reading →
Oh my! So many of us are vigilant with watching for situations to enrich ourselves financially. On the surface nothing “wrong” with that. We might ask ourselves “Is that the way to get the most satisfaction in the flow?” Let’s be awake to appreciating life and making the most of opportunities for growth!! Let’s be watching daily for ways to have fun! Continue reading →
When we master our emotional reactions to situations of our lives, we experience some pleasing rewards on so many fronts. Off the bat it might not come to mind that finding items we mislay in life represents one of the pay offs. Continue reading →
Awakening, we become aware when we fall short of the ideals of human behavior. We discover deeply and long held habits of thought which inhibit the generous and good feelings we prefer to exhibit. Continue reading →
We can learn to go with the flow. When we hear news that disturbs us, we can use our personal power, exercise mastery over ourselves. Instead of railing against, reacting in anger or defensiveness, we can pause and ask Source for help. We can feel as though things have already gone our way and trust life. Continue reading →