Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

January 7, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Choose the Story to Tell

I want to move more awareness of what I say and to more frequently speak what makes us feel good. Do you notice how you report on your life to your friends, family coworkers? Let’s become conscious of how we … Continue reading

January 2, 2020
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Goodness and Intuition

Goodness and Intuition

Good flow to us. And guiding impulses come to us to facilitate this process. Below please read about two stories of how intuition produced results for  selecting gifts this season: Story One: Nadine browses in a charity shop regularly. She … Continue reading

December 24, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

On the Path of Self Mastery

Can we support ourselves on the path to more clarity and happiness? We can practice this adage: “Things are Always Going Well for Me.” as we adventure our daily lives. The human nervous system grows new neural pathways in the … Continue reading

December 9, 2019
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Reframe: They should treat me better

Reframe: They should treat me better

reactions and imagine that this person is doing the best she or he can right now. This reformulation feels better in our own nervous systems. Seeing Innocence, seeing as Goodness sees. Here is An Illustration Picture this scene: two sisters with … Continue reading

December 3, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Reach for Good

afternoon she put it on charger for a few hours—no increase in charge. Then overnight—no change. “Oh dear,” thought she, ” My phone is not working properly.” Clever and resourceful our star researched phones not holding a charge. There she … Continue reading

November 11, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Pop Up Juicy Fun

We just don’t know when ordinary life will pop into extraordinary juicy fun. Making a run to the supermarket, we cannot predict what else can happen as we grab our veggies. Read Amelia’s story below:

One Saturday in December Amelia ran into the grocery store for a produce run. Since she eats lots of vegetables, she needs fresh stock often. 🙂 Continue reading

November 4, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Reframe that Thought!

In building our muscles of self-mastery, we have many habits of thought to reform. We want to lay down new neural pathways that conduct our positive thinking and feeling. Since so much practice is required, reading the account of one person’s shifting is bound to inspire 😊. Continue reading

October 28, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Good Vibes Bring Miracle

Isn’t it great when we get help from unseen forces? We begin to “have problems,” take each step and trust Spirit.

Things can start to “go wrong.” When we find ourselves in a barn, shoveling excrement, we remain light hearted, looking for the pony?? Who knew this can apply to electronics too? Read how Vivian flowed along and received assistance along the way.

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October 22, 2019
by Janet Pearlman

Magic in the Ordinary

moving meditation, relishing the soles of her feet and solidness of ground. Then to M’s surprise and delight a friend, Ariel, appeared on the trail.  Despite having participated in a monthly group together for more than 10 years, M has … Continue reading

(Mission statement here).