Some of us cringe away from the thought that we create our own reality. It is not that we don’t want a wonderful life: far from it! Sure, in theory we want to use our personal power but how can we feel ok about all the kinds of things that can show up in our lives? Continue reading →
Some of us at one time may have thought less of ourselves because we were not getting attention from another. We create something we think is wonderful, and another ignores us.
Oh my! Did we take on the assumption, perhaps unconsciously, that our products have no merit? Did we start to think only if we had produced value would we get attention? Continue reading →
We have all experienced parts of our body not functioning as designed to operate. To return to full health we must address not only the body but mind and spirit. Continue reading →
Occasionally, we might experience a symptom in the body that we don’t prefer. Some of us know that the conditions that show up mean something about our state of mind.
Occasionally, we might experience a symptom in the body that we don’t prefer. Some of us know that the conditions that show up mean something about our state of mind. Continue reading →
Sometimes we feel helpless when so many differing, deeply felt opinions are prevalent. Have we heard others bemoaning how divisive is our current society?
Reading here, we become more empowered that we can reach for connectedness even in the face of significant diversity. Please review this account of how attitude melted what could divide folk. Continue reading →
We reach for a loving approach, sometimes stretching beyond “snits,” resentment, and anger. As we practice, we do this for its own sake,
not because we expect some form of pay off.
Sometimes it can sound like some proponents of law of attraction are teaching how to pull the strings of the universe to “get what you want.” No. Continue reading →
We love stories that inspire us, tales of heroism and miracles. Over the years many of us have heard the story of the neuroscientist, who at age 37 was an expert in the workings of the brain when she experienced a stroke. She had a perspective few of us could have because she understood in detail what was happening to her as she lived it. Continue reading →
On occasion we all enjoy encouragement. We all can use cheering on, accepting our circumstances and our accomplishments so far. We persist and enjoy the path that unfolds. Continue reading →
Some of us have experienced “break ups” of a romantic relationship when it was not our idea. We were still flowing along. Our habits of thought may lead to thoughts with anger, self-blame, shock, and likely discomfort. Even when it can feel very intense, we can learn some ways to wield our personal power and begin to feel better. Continue reading →
For those on the path of greater awareness and growth, we appreciate when we catch ourselves playing out a pattern which no longer serves us. Hold on a beat! We notice we don’t want to go where that thought pattern is going to take us. Then we can pivot and improve our results. YAY! Continue reading →