Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

June 6, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Recovery On Purpose

6 2 23

We do want to feel as good as we can in each moment. We notice a dip in our mood. How do we respond? Let’s review through Clarissa’s story.

The Beginning

Bright Future II, 24 x 30, $595

Clarissa’s spirits plummeted. Yes, she got bummed out when she did not receive a response to a note she sent a man on the dating site. Yes some other discouraging moments happened. (Aside: Reviewing how poorly we feel will bring to us more of feeling poorly.)

Quite regularly, this woman had been practicing uplifting herself. She said inside herself, “When I feel low, I know that view is not the whole picture. It’s not ‘All That I Am.’  Source Energy views me as shining, happy and successful.”

A bit more time passed, then she felt some brightness, “I am completely fine as I feel discouraged. Gosh I certainly have cycled through these moods before. Good continues to flow from me and to me. The sun still shines behind clouds and storms. “

The lift increased; her mood brightened some. C starting recalling some of the many good things that she had experienced. So many! In fact, she took the time to list some, writing them out brought them to her consciousness again. She smiled.

Gaining Momentum

The uplift process was gaining momentum: now our star felt a good chunk happier. C followed her impulse to check on her new plantings, A joy to behold! This woman viewed some nature photographs on Facebook and felt delight—that felt better!

The next day after a good night’s sleep Clarissa felt much better and appreciated how wonderful was that first thing in the morning reboot! Hee Haw!

Going to email, she exclaimed, “Look at this. I got an offer for bodywork exchange; I got a response from an internet dating email showing interest in a meet. Cool!.”

This protagonist looked for good in the world on a day that she felt somewhat low. That first day she continued to reach for more satisfaction, as she was able, bit by bit.

Next day Clarissa attracted some fun things showing up, she got some of what she wanted, mood lifting, and validation.

That morning this woman felt more of her own beauty. Gazing in the mirror she perceived a nice-looking female! She said to herself, “I have been practicing seeing my beauty and the focus is paying off.  I love looking for beauty, I love looking for what I enjoy and I love finding it in my own image!”

Take Away for Readers:

Keep track of how you are feeling.

Accept when a dip shows up.

Persist in reaching for thoughts that feel better.

Know that Good surrounds you and does show up!

Appreciating what you see.

Expect you will find it more and more often and with greater ease.

Celebrate and shout out that you did this on purpose! Juicy! 

You are shaping your perception and changing your life. Stand up and take a bow!

What from your life resonates with this post? Please share your successes!

May 30, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Shifting the Atmosphere

We can feel so helpless in this world. So many things flowing by, so much activity. Yes, some people we have heard about are praying for protection, healing or grace. Can that actually change anything?

We know that we can get results. Let’s read this illustration.


Flowers II, 24 x 30, acrylic on canvas, $595

Loretta and her husband own rental property. Over the last half year they have had difficulty with the tenants both paying the rent and with damage to the property. As this story begins, L has hired an attorney and taken legal action to evict these renters. Repeatedly the actions had not yet resulted in getting those people out of there!

Our star was beyond frustrated. And this was one of the complaints she shared upon coming to a wise practitioner, Erma, for some relaxing bodywork.

“We are running out of options. We have been trying to protect our property and our financial status while acting within the law,” she declared.


Erma focused on how to be a soothing force for Loretta. Certainly E’s primary focus was collecting the information she needed to focus her session for maximum benefit to L’s well being.

Before she began the hands on portion of the session, E asked Loretta. “If you would like, I can make a suggestion for you regarding your problem with the tenants. You may find it pretty far out. It won’t cost anything 😊.”

L responded, “Sure. Tell me what it is.”

Erma said, “In quiet time, I recommend that you appreciate these tenants, running lists of these good qualities in your mind. You might even write them down. Do this as often as you can, perhaps daily would flow for you.”

Then Erma went on to spend the healing hour with Loretta.

Interval and Return

About six weeks transpired before Loretta came for another session.

Loretta shared how things had been going for her and where she wanted the focus to be for this time.

Before she climbed onto the table, Loretta piped up, “Oh by the way, remember the issue with the tenants? I followed your recommendation, appreciating them, and it worked! They moved out: no drama, they just went. I am so grateful for your wisdom.”

Erma smiled.

We can create an atmosphere of Good and that promotes Good. Fun to notice, eh!

Do you have stories from your own life where you appreciated and good things flowed? Please tell us in the Comments section!

May 23, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

From Resentful to Empowered

In this dear culture in which we live, we might find ourselves feeling resentment toward another. That person may have hurt us in the past and often we want something from that other that he or she is not easily offering. Here is one account of how we might shift our thoughts and feelings to find more contentment with this person.

The Habit

View at Graves Mill, 16 x 20, $475

Dana experienced being first born among her siblings and recalled in childhood how the younger sister, Brae, middle of three children, quested for her mother’s attention whenever she could.

For childhood years and beyond Dana had filled a role as dutiful big sister and protector, helping to manage those younger family members. Sister Brae had sought out D to report her tales of woe and to request her to handle various family tasks. In the course of her own healing our heroine followed a path of becoming more confident and powerful, clearing old hurts, standing with self-respect and more.

In adulthood now Dana focuses primarily on her own life, stepped up when asked, sent appropriate gifts on the holidays. She did not seek out contact beyond that.

Dana Addresses the Hurt

In her heart this star wanted to be seen and known as who she had become, the person who she had crafted herself and flowered into being.

The Incident

A few days before D’s birthday, sibling Brae, invited her to a family zoom call.  AT first D groaned inside as she “graciously” accepted the offer. Our birthday woman would enjoy a brief check in with all of Brae’s children.  Ideally what Dana wanted was getting lots of attention and showered with affection. D  knew that the call was unlikely to offer that.

As the appointed time for the call approached, Dana got inspired to face what was going on with her. “Wait a minute, I feel tight with resentment just under the surface. Is that paving the way for a fun family call?” D thought.

“Heck, no!” cried our protagonist. “Let me see what is going on here.”

Dana sat quietly and asked herself what she wanted to remember right now.

“Hmm I notice how I want praise and affection. Like the kind I would want from a parent figure. I see Brae wants that too. Neither of us can satisfy the other. We both want to be filled with Self Love, and each of us can only get satisfied by tuning into the Good Around Us,  Source Energy.

“Why not focus on beaming love out to the others on the call. Enjoy them and I am enjoying myself! That is all I have to do.”

D breathed. Pause.

“Why not put out the love I want to increase in this world! “


During the zoom call, the dear woman Dana did her best with her new orientation. She smiled a lot, beamed and then rested, making the  call ok. She did feel better on the call than on communications in the past. This change required practice and bit by bit she embraced her new direction with Brae. Dana liked feeling more powerful over feeling resentment. 😊

Do you want to ask a question? Share a story that resonates with this message of empowerment? Please comment. Does it feel great to take charge of ourselves?? !!!

May 16, 2023
by Janet Pearlman
1 Comment

Our Process with Miracles

We can get what we want and be ourselves along with the way. Yes we reach for “expecting” and we slip into negativity for moments too. Still miracles show up.

Catrina’s Story

Getting Frisky, 24 x 30, $595

Oops sometimes Catrina forgot to “expect” to get what she wanted. How could that happen? (tongue in cheek humor: C was raised in the world of limited beliefs that are most of us.)

She looks for good. This spring Catrina needed to get the lawn where she lived mowed—at a reasonable price, i.e. very reasonable. The person who had done it last year is no longer available.  C winced at the possible prices. Around her houses at double and triple the value were popping up.

The man across the street recommended his nephew mow C’s lawn and our star agreed. . Meanwhile two weeks went by with no message from the nephew. The protagonist did take initiative to peruse bulletin boards at the local coffee shop and hardware store and did come away with one possible service. News came that the nephew was too busy to help her.

Catrina admits that compared with her optimism at the outset, her spirits had begun to slip. She noted in herself a bit of resistance when C started to calculate a Plan B for her budget if the lawn care cost more than she preferred.

The Turning Point

Hey ho! Our heroine called that one name from the postings—that man volunteered to come over for an estimate in a few hours. His lawn care fulfilled her desires and the price was an excellent, affordable value. What a miracle to connect with just what she wanted!

Then Catrina realized another layer—the Forces of Good delivered what she needed even when her own emotions got discouraged. Good to remember how loved and protected we are!

Do you want to share a similar story? Questions or comments? Please share.

May 9, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Feel Good on the Way to Goals

On a path of growth, we will always notice something more we want. Go after it, yes, and enjoy life on the way. Let’s relax, feel good and be kind to ourselves. Some goals may take longer than others. Let’s read this exchange, cheering on persistence.

The Exchange

Next Chapter, 30 x 40, $625

This story begins with Sylvia running a group promoting consciousness of our thoughts and feelings. S facilitates sharing on how we can focus so we live in with a more playful attitude, more expression of kindness, enjoying our lives.

Karima was attending, eager to soak up tools and insight on how to pay attention to manifest these changes.

First, they discussed Karima approach to going for greater financial abundance.

Then in a few moments, Sylvia discusses how she plays with her goal of attracting a partner. She is dating, so far has not found a boyfriend, and is enjoying her life anyway. She said:

“I stay in the moment. On this journey I want to appreciate all that I DO manifest and what I am learning. So far, the dating has not resulted in a boyfriend per se but I am growing so much stronger, more self-supporting and happier on the way to this goal.

Karima says, “Since you are not meeting your goal and you are happy, don’t you wonder if you are denying your goal? “

Sylvia says, “No I am not denying my goal.  I know when I am flowing fully in happiness about a goal, it will be met. If I have not yet achieved my goal, I do have some resistance about it.

I proceed learning about myself, making changes in my attitude and assumptions. Enjoying as much as I can as I persist.

Further, S said, “If I told myself ‘I am denying my goal’ I would hurt my own feelings. It sounds like a self-put-down somewhat of a mean self-assessment. Instead, I am training myself to speak kindly to my dear self.”

Karima responded, “Well for myself I want to be clear I really want to meet my goals! I really want to get there! “

S tells her, “Good for you. You know your desires. What I am holding out here is a possibility of enjoying the path to the goal, to find a place of happy with or without getting just what you want right now.”

K speaks up, “Ok I can see that. I want patience and I want to tune into the moment and relax while I go toward the goal. I can chill more 😊”

S nods with energy, “You got it. Yes!”

Did you benefit from this post? Do you have a story from your own life to share? Please comment!

May 1, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Recovery Process from Self Blame

Often and consistently, many of us want to think as positively as we can, especially about ourselves! Oh my, but my thoughts do regularly stray to self blame! Some situations can feel overwhelming and out dated patterns of self talk can start to run in our heads. As we progress on our path, we find more kindness to ourselves and more ease. Here is a story to inspire our forward movement.

Georgia and Self Talk

I Evolve, 24 x 30, $595

Georgia received some money from her sister, invested it and lost a chunk of it. G blamed herself thinking, “I could have bought a lot with those funds that slipped away! I feel awful!”

This dear woman’s fear about money got stimulated and hurt came up about past financial projects that did not go well. G fear every morning

Our heroine sought help to regain her strength and belief in abundance. What to do, how to shift?

Enter the Mentor

The Mentor responded,

  1. “It’s such good news that you want to clean up this thought pattern that makes you wrong and creates more of what you do not want. How wonderful that you notice! Good that you want to shift more and more so that the positive thinking trends forward and has more power to attract.
  • You can make it ok, however you feel at this moment.

 Cultivate compassion for yourself.

  • On this human journey, you practice thought patterns again and again. What a worthwhile undertaking!
  • Appreciate whatever you can. Perhaps you can build in times of the day when you purposely pause to notice what is going well.
  • Flow with what is easiest. And offer yourself plenty of rest in your day.
  • What you are doing is enough!”

Outdated thought: “It is taking me so long!”

In addition, our heroine realized she was on a journey of changing deeply held habits of thought and that shifting these will take some focusing over time. This is what the growth looks like for everyone.

Outdated thought: “I should be giving more service to the world”

When we are feeling frisky, full of life, feeling good, flowing and creating—tuned in, tapped in, turned on—we are giving abundantly to this dear planet.

We are one with humanity and when we thrive, we contribute mightily.

So many of us can relate to the way Georgia found herself repeating self-blaming patterns.

Feeling Success

Notably this protagonist felt great relief as she shifted her thinking. G tasted the ease that is possible. For additional help she received some Jin Shin Jyutsu and knew profound release in her body as well. And she supports herself with the directive; “Keep Going!”

Please share your stories of lifting your own self talk. Do you have a question? Please ask it! Together we are creating a more satisfying journey!

April 25, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Keep Going Even When Afraid

We have all felt afraid at times. Many know that experience “Frozen in Fear” or a cousin version “Daunted by Fear.” Let’s review a story where the protagonist felt strongly frightened and proceeded anyway, discovering her path to developing self-mastery bit by bit.

Some of us prefer to live reaching for living a loving feeling over being overcome with trepidation.

Flowers Arising, 36 x 38, Acrylic, SOLD

When fearfulness floods us, we reach for recalling the potent force of love. Standing by our commitments– the process involved allowing these emotions like insecurity, worry to pass through us while soothing ourselves with wisdom and powerful techniques.

Karen’s Tale

Karen received notice that her current situation for storing her possessions could not continue: she would need to find other accommodations for her stuff.  Oh my! Our dear one felt a flood of panic and dread, with thoughts like “I am alone.” “I cannot do this.” running amok:  habits of thought and feelings from her past.  The new plan for storage represented a mini-move that would take assistance and some weeks.

“Hey last time I got this scared there was not really any danger,” our heroine recalled with a smile. “The beliefs behind this fear are outdated.”

With the strong uncomfortable emotions flowing this dear woman did not and could not shift her attitudes on a dime.  In fact no human can. Now Karen has developed more kindness for herself and reached for tools like these:

 She :

  • Walked in nature
  • Read a novel
  • Sat and visualized some helpful, protective and loving inner figures.
  • Prayed for inspiration for next steps
  • Sought and received support from friends
  • Rested
  • Focused her mind onto what she wanted.

As soon as K was able, Karen proceeded to work her agenda. Each day this protagonist became clearer and more energetic, bit by bit applying herself to empty that space of her possessions.

This lass succeeded! The designated area got cleared and possessions moved to new accommodation. Friends with trucks volunteered to assist her.  Many folks received some new treasures, charity shops benefited.

Karen moved from love! This woman stands tall, feeling more vibrant, more able to take life as it comes. She gained strength in living her commitments. Ahhh …..

Do you have a story of  facing your fears to share?  What worked for you to make that passage? Please comment. Let’s share our wisdom!

April 18, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Benefits of Body Blip

Remarkable! In instances of a body disharmony, we can experience so many blessings as we choose to shift our attention to our body in wholeness.

Blessing Number One: Taking the Bounce

Path and Woods, 16 x 20, $295

When facing the unwanted, we receive greater inspiration toward what we DO want to create. Do you realize how many innovative healing methods are created because someone really needed them? These contrasting experiences provide fuel for our inner fire—to move, to create what IS WANTED.

Like reveling in sunshine after a rainy day, we get to experience a shift to the better in a way that we would never feel if all always went without a hitch.

Blessing Number Two: Practice Focusing on Well Being

When in distress, we may find ourselves reviewing what unwanted situation is presenting; a habit of thought so many of us run. 

This past week Mary Lou noticed her gait in walking was slower and somewhat awkward. She started scanning for what she did “wrong” to “cause” this. Her mind reviewed the leg blip and she also noticed she felt down.

But “Wait a Minute,” ML cried. “I want to reach for doing something for myself that is more constructive.” Instead of bemoaning her fate or worrying, Mary Lou wanted to marshal the fuel of the inspiration.

Our star treated herself to a Feldenkrais session. She basked, “Boy did that feel great– a freedom in body, more energy and a major shift in mood for the better. I love turning points!”

Blessing Number Three: Learning the Value of Ease and Rest

Mary Lou said to herself, “I make it ok. On my life path I will have some discomforts. I felt slowed down, slept more, enjoyed my food, rested, read engaging novels. Let me call up Imagined Figures of Protection and Support.”

 ML continued through her day, “What can I notice? I loved the way I felt after yoga class, the revitalization coming through a mist of discomfort. I saw outside the frost on the freshly mowed grass. Wow I can hear so many active birds singing their heads off: glad I slowed down enough to take that in. I envision walking with ease.”

Healing and Renewed Focus

Before too long Mary Lou feels her leg and walk improved. Hee Haw! After a period of tension, fear and drag with a body disharmony, our heroine loves feeling extra good on the other side of contrast.

This dear woman continues to keep her focus on what she can do for her leg and what new sensations she can relish. Sometimes she moves slowly and gets the advantage of seeing that bird perched on the very top of that fir tree.

When her mood dips, she shifts. Maybe she might revitalize with some breathing or yoga postures. Her life is enriched!

What stories of recovery do you want to share? How did you help yourself? Please comment. We benefit from others insights.

April 11, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Angel Kisses Abound Part 2

“What We Sow, So Shall We Reap.”  Some of us are reaching for embodying Goodness—for its own sake because such paying attention not only enriches our lives but fills us with feeling that uplifts our spirit and inspires us.

Below another account of payoff from the focus on Good.

The Start

Grace Heart Moves, Diptych 30 x 40, Acrylic with Texture, on Canvas, $995

Carrie and a friend experienced a phone call where C had uncomfortable, tight and strong feelings arise. Carrie ended the phone call a bit earlier than expected, being as polite as she could. Gladys, the friend, had been reviewing her reasons for being afraid for her future.

C had made several attempts to shift or uplift the subject which G had pushed away. Carrie tuned into herself and knew she wanted to place awareness again on happiness. In this moment C was complete with listening to G. Politely and with a review of what she had appreciated in the call, she hung up.

In the first few weeks after the call, our heroine went on with what she loved in her life and relished it. After about a month, Carrie sent an email to Gladys asking for her news and got no response. Hmmm.

Our star pondered, “I don’t prefer to lose Gladys as a friend. I do stand by my actions on the call and the assessment I made to take care of myself. How can I reach for a friendly connection with ease?” At first, she did not know.

The Matter is Handled

After a couple of months, Carrie noticed G thanking her Facebook community for all the birthday greetings. Though a few days behind, Carrie crafted a greeting sending good wishes and felt good with that.

The next day C discussed the matter with a confidante who also reaches for good thoughts. That night this dear woman sent a prayer for assistance with the Gladys situation.

The next morning Carrie noticed that Gladys wrote a quick message on Facebook, acknowledging the birthday note and recommending that they get in touch and share their updates.

“OMG,” thought Carrie, “My supplication was answered overnight. The note on Facebook had been there for a couple of days before I found it. Wow help delivered. Matter already handled!!! I am getting what I wanted.”

Carrie knows from her lived experience that as she keeps her eye on Good and what she can appreciate, more good flows to her. She reaches to maintain a positive focus. “Wow, Abundant Good Abounds,” thinks Carrie, “As I become aware of Good, I find more of it! We all can do this!”

Do you have a resonating story to share? We love inspiration!

April 4, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Angel Kisses Abound

Yes, wise people have said through the ages: “When we put out good, Good flows back to us.” Or “What you sow, so shall you reap.” Have we paid attention and noticed what comes to us? Let’s review one amazing story.


Avalon Spring I, 16 x 20, Acrylic, $375

Mary attended an event at a kitchen showroom billed in the invitation as a launch party for an associate. She thought it quite possible she would not know a soul and sure enough on first arriving, people she met were new to her.

Then Kat, the owner of the business, came over to say hello. K had offered her an art show 4 years ago before the company moved. Greeting the owner, Mary wanted to thank Kat again for letting her art grace the walls of this enterprise. “That was so kind of you,” said M.

The business woman responded, “No problem, our pleasure. Would you like to show art in this new space?” M felt surprise and delight!

Acceptance and Beginning

Graciously Mary accepted the generous invitation. Before too long M discovered that Kat wanted a show put together within a month.

K’s vision was to have beautiful art hanging in the kitchen showroom, high ceilings, open spaces, now brightened by all that color, and then hold an event to attract folk in to showcase both the company and the art.

The owner assigned the administrative staff to work with M and soon the planning was underway. Days whizzed by: the planning meeting, the date to start hanging, another day to complete the exhibit, including adjustments to the level of the pieces and then work on the reception itself. This staff worked hard to create a classy opening.

The Event

The day arrived.  The art displayed elegantly. There were decorations like for a wedding—lemon and magnolia leaves, jars of lemons, sterling silver serving dishes and perhaps the piece de resistance ice sculptures which contained lemon and magnolia leaves featured in the frozen wonders: balls for the bin of beverages and even a wine cooler creation.

The business sponsored the refreshments including wine. Friends of both the artist and the business began to arrive at the appointed time. Soon many were impressed by the beauty of the space, the art, the decorations, the food and drink.

Mary thoroughly enjoyed the reception. She spoke individually with each guest, circulating, responding to questions and comments about the art. Several inquired how had Mary gotten connected with this business.

M told the story—the going to the launch party, expressing thanks to Kat. In that moment Kat deciding to show art again in the space….

An hour or so after the cleanup, guests departed, Mary fell silent in awe. Look at what had happened here. How HAD she gotten connected to this celebration, this awe-some opportunity to share with friends?

Amazing good had flowed to her with so little effort on her part. Wow Angel Kisses Abound!

(Mission statement here).