Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Attitude on Vacation


When we tell others we are going on a vacation, many people will wish that we “have a good time.”  On what does that depend, the weather? The mood of the folk we visit? What sights we make it to see?  Please read about how one woman took charge of her attitude to ensure a good time.

Annie Lou (AL) had some beloved friends to visit as she embarked on her trip. A chunk of years had passed since last she hugged them, and she wanted to connect with them. For this excursion, this dear woman targeted beaming each of them as much love as she could.  Yes, she does have food preferences, types of places she likes to see, some stores she enjoys—these were not her primary focus. AL knew she would  keep her eye on the ball of enjoying these people; then let the rest go.

Bright Future II, 24 x 30, $595

On the first day, her friend took her to a wonderful botanical garden proudly carrying the library pass for free admission. When they arrived at the gate, the guard informed them that the place is closed today due to a private event.

Oops, plan B needed.  AL had prepared her attitude just for this kind of eventuality: Would she forfeit “having a good time” to this unexpected obstacle? No!

Annie declared to her friend, “Ok we will do something else. We are together, chattering away on a beautiful day, what is the problem?”  With Plan B AL got to view her friend’s workplace, see all the art she’d sent displayed in her cubicle, and take a few rounds on the available athletic track.

Awake and relishing the days, AL met with other folk, a canoe ride here, a swim in a lake there. One thing struck her, “Wow,” thought she, “I feel so loved by these people.” And as if for the Universe to confirm, she received many material gifts as well—canned mussels, box of the tea she needed, cast off earrings, and more.

One dear one had invited her to stay at her home for five nights. That person wanted to treat her well, made the food, bought groceries that delighted her, took her to the ocean and more. Annie flowed more and more into relaxation—nowhere to go, nothing to accomplish, nothing to prove.

AL was emotionally touched by how she felt so loved up. The liaisons in this area showered her with affection. They chimed, You will have to come back more often! “

Before long it was time for our heroine to drive 12 hours home.

Of course, there are many hours to think on this long drive.

An insight popped into AL’s mind: ”Yes I received so much love. Wait a minute! We all so easily give the credit outside ourselves. The others were very kind to me. But did I do something differently in this vacation spot?

Did I find a way to allow more openness inside myself? I bet I was somehow more receptive. I want to keep this going?”

Annie Lou arrived home, unpacked and flowing in a more relaxed feeling state. On the first morning home the sun shone and she sat for her morning contemplative time ( some meditation, yoga) . As part of her rituals, our star pulls an oracle card.  This day she shuffled and pulled a card “Allow Yourself to Receive”.

AL beamed a big smile. Wow she had pulled a message confirming this insight she had. Again, she felt loved, surrounded by a divine presence, validated.

Yes Annie Lou used her personal power to shape a very good time on her vacation.

Do you have a story to share that demonstrates your personal power? Please share with me and I will share with others on this blog. Thanks!

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