Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Feel Good and Trust Wanted to Show Up


We want things all the time. What if we stay more relaxed about what we want coming to us easily? Can we remain calm, follow one step in front of the other and get results?

What if we discard “working very hard” for more trust and ease?

Presenting Issue

Flowers I, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas

Deidre wants to approach life with optimism and a smile on her face. Her circumstances changed and she found herself in need of a lawn mowing service.

It occurred to her that some services would require a much larger maintenance expenditure than what she had budgeted based on previous years. Oh yes, she noticed she could dwell on this apprehension but reached instead for a positive expectancy.

During a chat with a neighbor, she learned that this man’s nephew had a mowing business and could possibly take her as a client. D thought, “Wouldn’t that be satisfying and easy?” She understood her neighbor would get in touch and get back to her.

Well this waiting lasted longer than predicted, about two weeks. The man across the street did swing back around with the update that no that nephew could not fit her into his schedule this summer. D mused, “Oh okay.”

In the past Deidre had found local assistance by looking for postings of business cards or signs at local establishments. So, she went around to two or three places: the cafes, the hardware store.

“Well look at that”, said D to herself, “There was a sign on the window for an enterprising person who was looking for lawn care jobs.”

Others in Deidre’s sphere recommended looking on Next door for those advertising and on Facebook. D liked those ideas less—she wanted to feel some connection to the business she hired. Inside she kept feeling like all would be ok.

Once she found the flyer posted, she contacted the person. Yes within hours he could come over to assess the job and offer his price.


The young man came by, looked over the yard, and gave a price. The price included the mowing and trimming.

Phew! Deidre found the price fair and accepted it immediately.

She had stayed in trust and what she needed came easily to her. Do you have stories from your life where what you needed flowed easily to you? Please share them! In such times where so much tension surrounds us, good to read about ways life remains easy!

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