Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

December 22, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Tips to Flip My Mood for the Better

These blog posts advocate reaching for thoughts that feel better. As we practice paying attention to our thoughts and feelings, we find ourselves more sensitive and catching ourselves feeling not so good more easily. When we notice, we have the power to make a switch, a good thing! Continue reading

December 14, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Put Attention on Stories that Feel Good

How can I begin to shift the focus towards better feeling? One method that works reliably is recalling an account where things went well, a story that feels really good. We can review the tale in our imagination or find a listener to enjoy it along with us. Here are some examples: Continue reading

December 7, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Creation and Focus

On occasion we wake up to realize we are heading for a situation that we don’t want. Yuck. How to make the best of it? Oh my what if we discover we expect something we do not want. At first we … Continue reading

December 1, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Top Priority Self Care

Some of us may find ourselves pressured by family or friends who are asking us to do things for them that present us with difficulties. We may prefer keeping those around us happy, and sometimes two of them make requests that are opposite one another. What to do then? Here’s some guidelines that Bobbie May followed that proved valuable to her. Continue reading

November 23, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Noticing Pay offs in the Flow of Good

When we reach for feeling the best we can feel as we travel through our day, we gain pay offs. Those on this path look for things to appreciate and here are some that were found.
And the more we look the more we notice! And each time we get a spike of delight. Please read on– all of these from the life of Alima. Continue reading

November 16, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Friends Despite Political Differences

We can have strong emotional reactions, bless us. In these times some media reports of “polarization” between those supporting the two prominent political parties. Let’s pump more life into a world where individuals differ in a choice for voting and continue friendships with warmth and comradery. Continue reading

November 9, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Some Tools to Sustain Good Feeling

Our lives flow so much better if we sustain good feeling. We train our nervous system by reaching for thoughts that feel better.
Each of us is actually building new neural pathways, our brain expanding and improving!
Do you want to get better at staying connecting to Source Energy, this state of feeling great? In any circumstances this requires our focus. Now we are experiencing particularly challenging times. What to do? Continue reading

November 2, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Allow Rest

We all have heard the expression, “No Gain Without Pain.” We have all been told it is a good thing to put your shoulder to the grindstone and try hard. Let’s replace those propositions: Life is easy, fun and loving! Naturally we want to rest and recharge and let’s follow that impulse as it arises.

Hooray for letting life flow! Hooray for feeling relaxed and good.  Pursuing what is wanted with time to change focus, play and rest. Continue reading

October 27, 2020
by Janet Pearlman
Comments Off on Activating Compassion

Activating Compassion

Oh boy! We can choose to activate our compassion in lieu of running our hurt reactions from the past. Yes, we can explain past grievances and wounds, feel justified. (Even gather a crowd who will support our righteous indignation! 😊 ) Why not play a more empowering game where we create a world filled with acceptance and healing? Why not admit that we created our pain, then find relief on our own? Let’s review one story of how this is done. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).