Many of us experience instances when we do not feel lively, frisky or upbeat. What can we do? Readers of this blog may reach for thoughts that feel better to help his or herself. Sometimes this prayer for improved mood is answered in unexpected ways. The “reaching” can show up as an inspired flow to use that “blah” energy, perhaps as some kind creative impulse.
Here is Gillian’s story to illustrate.

One morning Gillian woke from a dream feeling uncomfortable. In the sleep state the group around her did not understand her, leaving her feeling alienated and alone. G struggled and nothing she did pleased them or herself.
As the morning light shone through the big window, our star felt lousy with running anxiety and sadness.
Usually first thing waking, G meditates. However, on this morning,
Gillian in agitation could not sit still. She got inner guidance in a blast: paint!
Off our heroine strode to the studio. There on the floor one piece lay. Gazing at it somehow our dear one knew how to begin. A voice in her head declared, “A bit of stream, some trees..”
With focus and clarity G put down color, created creek and woods, then rocks, a bank, reflection.
After 40 minutes the artist paused. Tuning inside she found those inner dragons calmed. Now Gillian could meditate…
After morning rituals and food, the inspired creation developed richly. Coral woods, gray in back, dark trees forward with pink accent. Dark and light reflections for water.
By end of the day, Gillian had produced something beautiful. What a fine lesson too!
Her discomfort transformed to rocket fuel for art generation. Pretty cool. A bit of “darkness” can work for us.
When first she woke, this dear one could have concluded “Things were bad.” Instead, she reached to feel better and got assistance. Gill used her energy to engage life. She became available to let Good in. Wow she got very cool pay off.
Do any of you readers have a similar experience to share? One where you put out for a spirit lift and it came in an unexpected way? A feeling to go for a run. Or to clean the garage. Or call a friend. Please comment with your tale! Fun to be had!
About the Author
Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at to arrange an appointment.