In an urban area, a man felt distraught and unable to cope. He walked the streets debating in his mind whether to end his life with razor blades or pills. Agitated, he was reviewing his options obsessively as he came … Continue reading →
expressed this understanding: “Crying out to life, beseeching it to be good, has no effect whatsoever on It. It already is good, Asking it to give you life produces no good results: It has already incarnated in you as you. … Continue reading →
During the time of that relationship alot was going on for her. She became very ill with a serious chronic disease, felt passionately about expressing herself to a greater degree and explored many radical political views for those times. As … Continue reading →
( I think readers enjoy this story whether or not you court angels yourself 🙂 ) Attentively she watched the video. Toward the end a meditation guided viewers through a process to connect with her personal guardian angel. In her … Continue reading →
laughing and enjoying. Our dear heart felt like she had known him for awhile. Before they parted, Bryan asked her out for another time. For about a month or so they saw each other about twice a week, he continuing … Continue reading →
— about that irritation ( fear, hurt, resentment etc) from the past. What a wonderful thing to exercise personal power more and more each day! As readers of this blog know, we can take charge of what we are thinking … Continue reading →
So much power as we live into this noticing the Good! Yet more juice to consciously reflect it back to one another. A few years ago the opening quotation caught my attention. A few hours after discovering it, I gave … Continue reading →
I.  Magically a Song Appears At Christmas time Mavey listened to Christmas carols on the radio. All those familiar tunes somehow it triggered her memory of a time when she was exposed to a new one– “I want a hippopotamus.” That … Continue reading →
About seven years ago Melody spied an eight legged hairy creature, a wolf spider, in her apartment near the storage area. At that moment she had bare feet and ran for shoes, returned with a broom and bucket to sweep … Continue reading →
She did great on the flight of stairs, up and down, up and down. When the process was nearly complete, she stepped out the door onto the front porch and felt stabbing pain. Oops, her foot had landed at the … Continue reading →