Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

June 19, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Maintaining Sanity

Many of us practice purifying our thinking, i.e. to feel Good and know Good. As we proceed in life, some incident is likely to stimulate feeling a deep fear and then we have an opportunity for processing it. In this post Carmen seeks relief from terror and worry that grips her in the wake of a house purchase. Continue reading

May 22, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Progress in Self Support

We are becoming more and more awake to what we are thinking and to how that feels.  We love when we feel good.
With momentum on feeling good more and more, Good flows to us in a myriad of ways. We realize more and often frequently, “Oh my, I am blaming myself again,” or “Oh dear, I am finding fault with someone outside myself. “ Continue reading

May 14, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Calm Fear

Let’s develop the skill to soothe ourselves when we feel a fear reaction. There is so much pay off to do so. When we skip fear or switch out of it, we remember how much Good is always flowing. Continue reading

April 23, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Healing Self Blame                    

So many of us blame ourselves in harsh and hurtful ways. Hey those statements are NOT TRUE. The inner attitude of shaming damages us further; it adds no value. Self Blame represents a habit of thought that many of us are changing now. Continue reading

April 2, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Self-Compassion Worth It!

As we practice new habits of thought, let’s be kind to ourselves along the way. We humans require process, practice, time in order to shift our patterns of thinking especially about how we talk to ourselves!
Let’s make it ok to be just where we are at any moment. We may realize we are spewing unproductive self-talk that limits and shames us.
Continue reading

February 21, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Self-Blame Releasing

So many of us have experienced self blame. Most people have habit of thought to wield blame in some way—We make someone or something “wrong” about something. For some the frequent target is one’s own dear self.
As we raise our vibration toward more Good, we can release the habit of making ourselves wrong. Continue reading

January 17, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Frustration and Opportunity

We can recall instances when someone in our social spheres “drives us crazy.”  Inside us we call, “How can they keep saying that? They are ignoring my advice!”
If we choose, we can pursue the opportunity to explore our emotion and thought pattern that has gotten triggered. Perhaps we can soothe the frustration in ourselves. Isn’t it fun to contemplate the inner power we can liberate if we focus there! Continue reading

(Mission statement here).