Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

November 8, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Choose Love Over Guilt

For many of us in this culture family relationships can easily trigger feelings of guilt and obligations. In this post we offer some new thoughts on family and new strategies that feel better. Let’s take a look at the teachings which encourage us to uplift ourselves: choose love over guilt before reacting. Continue reading

October 31, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Practice Self-Compassion                           

When we travel on the path of grow, we are encouraged to take stock of ourselves regularly and make course corrections. We want to notice our habits of thought and when necessary, shift toward ones that serve us more constructively.
In this process of unfolding, let’s place self-compassion front and center. Let’s appreciate where we are at any moment, even in those instances when we catch ourselves with an outdated perspective.
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October 24, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Magic of Focusing on Good

We have all enjoyed moments of going with the flow and experienced things working out well for us. Herein the author shares some incidents that went amazingly well. Unexpected pleasure popped! Perhaps this article will inspire readers to experiment with more time spent appreciating their lives. Continue reading

October 17, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Give the Benefit of the Doubt

We are all under so much stress these days. Isn’t it easy to find ourselves frustrated with the behavior of others? “They should not behave that way,” so easily pops into our minds and perhaps out of our mouths. Let’s practice offering the benefit of the doubt to ourselves and others. Continue reading

October 11, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Our Thoughts Shape Our Experience

Our minds shape how we feel and what we experience. To some extent Loretta knows this. In today’s story she experiences a stunning realization of her power as one of her assumptions proves entirely false. Continue reading

September 27, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

New Responses to Criticisms

We can get upset by someone hurling criticisms at us. Who wants accusations and negative qualities attributed to us! No one!
How do we react to such experiences? And how would we prefer we respond? Let’s become of aware of our thoughts and choose what we desire. Continue reading

September 12, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Feeling Good Multiplies

When we practice feeling good on a daily basis, we attract surprises and delights from the Universe. We multiply the things we can appreciate. Please read this true account. Harriet immediately felt tense as she noticed mice droppings in her … Continue reading

September 5, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Attitude on Vacation

When we tell others we are going on a vacation, many people will wish that we “have a good time.”  On what does that depend, the weather? The mood of the folk we visit? What sights we make it to … Continue reading

August 29, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Reduce Suffering with Awareness

At times many of us will experience some parts of our body not performing as expected, some dysfunction becoming evident. Some may find that very upsetting along with being concerned. Below is a story of how one woman went through some unexpected symptoms consciously staying in present time instead of assuming this weakened state would continue. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).