Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

October 17, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Give the Benefit of the Doubt

We are all under so much stress these days. Isn’t it easy to find ourselves frustrated with the behavior of others? “They should not behave that way,” so easily pops into our minds and perhaps out of our mouths. Let’s practice offering the benefit of the doubt to ourselves and others. Continue reading

October 11, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Our Thoughts Shape Our Experience

Our minds shape how we feel and what we experience. To some extent Loretta knows this. In today’s story she experiences a stunning realization of her power as one of her assumptions proves entirely false. Continue reading

September 27, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

New Responses to Criticisms

We can get upset by someone hurling criticisms at us. Who wants accusations and negative qualities attributed to us! No one!
How do we react to such experiences? And how would we prefer we respond? Let’s become of aware of our thoughts and choose what we desire. Continue reading

September 12, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Feeling Good Multiplies

When we practice feeling good on a daily basis, we attract surprises and delights from the Universe. We multiply the things we can appreciate. Please read this true account. Harriet immediately felt tense as she noticed mice droppings in her … Continue reading

September 5, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Attitude on Vacation

When we tell others we are going on a vacation, many people will wish that we “have a good time.”  On what does that depend, the weather? The mood of the folk we visit? What sights we make it to … Continue reading

August 29, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Reduce Suffering with Awareness

At times many of us will experience some parts of our body not performing as expected, some dysfunction becoming evident. Some may find that very upsetting along with being concerned. Below is a story of how one woman went through some unexpected symptoms consciously staying in present time instead of assuming this weakened state would continue. Continue reading

August 22, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Benefits of Good Surprise Us

We flow along and look for the good. Isn’t it inspiring to look for what pops up to assist us as “We Keep on Keeping On.”  And as we look for good we keep finding more. Very cool, isn’t it! Continue reading

August 15, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Enjoying The Day

Yes, we have the power to turn around a stint of low mood. When we feel depressed that power seems inaccessible out of reach. At those times we can remember:
We want to stay connected to Source Connection as best we can at that moment, reaching for the best feeling thought we can find.

If we have been reviewing something in our lives that we do not like or want, we shift that pattern.

Instead, we put our focus on what we want and on what is already flowing to us. We play there. Continue reading

August 8, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Unconditional Love

Of course, we do not prefer to receive harsh criticism from a friend. This author advises keeping a focus on what feels better than that and to let it go. We turn our attention to how good it feels to love and on the great quantity of love still is available to us all around. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).