So many of us blame ourselves in harsh and hurtful ways. Hey those statements are NOT TRUE. The inner attitude of shaming damages us further; it adds no value. Self Blame represents a habit of thought that many of us are changing now. Continue reading →
We’re fine, really we are fine. Many of us take for granted that at any moment we have our best thinking at the ready.
Some of us might feel quite nervous and upset at times, even triggered into being quite afraid. In that eventuality we certainly are not assessing at our most astute. Here is what one woman noticed: Continue reading →
It’s great to realize we can shift our focus and reclaim our positive attitude once we decide to do it! Yes! Below read another example of using that inner muscle. Continue reading →
We can recall instances when someone in our social spheres “drives us crazy.” Inside us we call, “How can they keep saying that? They are ignoring my advice!”
If we choose, we can pursue the opportunity to explore our emotion and thought pattern that has gotten triggered. Perhaps we can soothe the frustration in ourselves. Isn’t it fun to contemplate the inner power we can liberate if we focus there! Continue reading →
We all acknowledge that we have moments of upset. Even those on the path of more empowerment experience times of unwanted habits of thoughts running, perhaps anger or fear. This piece shows the process of how to grab the reins of that bucking inner horse and return to an easy trot through life. Continue reading →
Those of us increasing our personal power are building new neural pathways moment to moment. These new pathways represent new strength in our ability to focus.
When we are born, we are guaranteed that choosing our focus will be part of our life experience –we will touch up against some things we do not want. Then we turn to focus on what we DO WANT so we get more of it.
We get what we hold in our thoughts in this attraction-based world. Continue reading →
Gosh we load so many emotions into a male/female “romantic” interaction. With sharpened awareness we can learn about ourselves and our fears, we notice how trepidations cloud our perceptive lens. Continue reading →
We have all enjoyed moments of going with the flow and experienced things working out well for us. Herein the author shares some incidents that went amazingly well. Unexpected pleasure popped! Perhaps this article will inspire readers to experiment with more time spent appreciating their lives. Continue reading →
We are all under so much stress these days. Isn’t it easy to find ourselves frustrated with the behavior of others? “They should not behave that way,” so easily pops into our minds and perhaps out of our mouths. Let’s practice offering the benefit of the doubt to ourselves and others. Continue reading →
When we practice feeling good on a daily basis, we attract surprises and delights from the Universe. We multiply the things we can appreciate. Please read this true account. Harriet immediately felt tense as she noticed mice droppings in her … Continue reading →