Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

April 23, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

The Awesome Power of Focusing on Good

We can follow the thinking with which we were raised – perhaps home or school or both—the way those in our culture around us think. How about this one? Ring a bell? “Someone messes with me I fight back. Push me, I push you back.”
Or we can choose another path. Continue reading

April 12, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Sustain Focus, Get Happy, Manifest Results

Wow we want to have more personal power! What is the formula? Sustain our focus on Good, allow our spirits to rise and watch as things we want appear.
Many of us have experienced employment situations where a supervisor treated us unfairly and suppressed our talents and recognition of them. We can feel like we have no power to shift the situation—or maybe moving to other employment is the only approach. That is an option. Continue reading

January 26, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Tuning Into the Journey of Our Life

We tune into the journey of our lives more and more and make the “get there” less of a focus. Everything we want is to feel good now, feel better now, following that leads us to a satisfying process of living.

As we employ this “I love the journey” moment to moment, we will flow through the “not preferred” times with more ease. A story from Gwendoline below illustrates the point—a personal injury blip, slowed down so we can notice what she did for herself step by step. Continue reading

January 11, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Greater Personal Power This Year

We have so much hope for our future. Gosh we are just getting on a roll using the power of our beings, our minds, emotions, intuitions and more to shape the features of our lives. The purpose here is to inspire our taking charge of our lives by offering examples of how we can enjoy our flow, solve our problems and encourage others. Continue reading

November 23, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Noticing Pay offs in the Flow of Good

When we reach for feeling the best we can feel as we travel through our day, we gain pay offs. Those on this path look for things to appreciate and here are some that were found.
And the more we look the more we notice! And each time we get a spike of delight. Please read on– all of these from the life of Alima. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).