Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

February 7, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Harmonizing Our Creative Efforts

We want to create—we love affirming life and putting forth our expression. We want to shape our circumstance with people, things, projects about which we feel good.
Some of us ponder how to best “do this creating”. Whole bodies of work have been put forth to assist us with “goal setting”. Continue reading

January 31, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Moments of Fear

Those of us following a path of self-mastery will experience fear and related emotions as we proceed. We grow by allowing old hurts to surface, we notice and recognize them. We make it ok and then we can release it.
As we are reaching for courage, we could view feeling fear as a misstep. Let’s recognize instead that we are on track. How to steer ourselves as this uncomfortable flow of energy momentarily fills our perceptive lens. Continue reading

January 17, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Frustration and Opportunity

We can recall instances when someone in our social spheres “drives us crazy.”  Inside us we call, “How can they keep saying that? They are ignoring my advice!”
If we choose, we can pursue the opportunity to explore our emotion and thought pattern that has gotten triggered. Perhaps we can soothe the frustration in ourselves. Isn’t it fun to contemplate the inner power we can liberate if we focus there! Continue reading

January 4, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Talking Ourselves Down from the Edge

We all acknowledge that we have moments of upset. Even those on the path of more empowerment experience times of unwanted habits of thoughts running, perhaps anger or fear. This piece shows the process of how to grab the reins of that bucking inner horse and return to an easy trot through life. Continue reading

December 13, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Take Power Instead of Feeling a Victim

Those of us increasing our personal power are building new neural pathways moment to moment. These new pathways represent new strength in our ability to focus.
When we are born, we are guaranteed that choosing our focus will be part of our life experience –we will touch up against some things we do not want. Then we turn to focus on what we DO WANT so we get more of it.
We get what we hold in our thoughts in this attraction-based world. Continue reading

November 22, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Keep Going: Urgent Moments Can Resolve Easily.

Woven into the fabric of our living we will experience blips. It is guaranteed that we will experience what we do not prefer and then we realize what we DO prefer. Some events feel so urgent and yet as we persist, find some ease, resolution can come easily. Continue reading

November 15, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Observing Fear in Romance

Gosh we load so many emotions into a male/female “romantic” interaction. With sharpened awareness we can learn about ourselves and our fears, we notice how trepidations cloud our perceptive lens. Continue reading

November 8, 2023
by Janet Pearlman

Choose Love Over Guilt

For many of us in this culture family relationships can easily trigger feelings of guilt and obligations. In this post we offer some new thoughts on family and new strategies that feel better. Let’s take a look at the teachings which encourage us to uplift ourselves: choose love over guilt before reacting. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).