We have a project of significant size to direct. Many components and perhaps more detailed steps unfold as the effort proceeds. This post is noticing how Good Flows as we proceed, performing tasks as each becomes apparent. Continue reading →
We practice living in the present moment, trusting the Forces of Good to provide us with guidance we need as we proceed. We experience fewer stressed thoughts and emotions and notice increased self-mastery bit by bit. Here is one incident where the protagonist realizes her strengthening personal power. Continue reading →
Many of us practice purifying our thinking, i.e. to feel Good and know Good. As we proceed in life, some incident is likely to stimulate feeling a deep fear and then we have an opportunity for processing it. In this post Carmen seeks relief from terror and worry that grips her in the wake of a house purchase. Continue reading →
We are becoming more and more awake to what we are thinking and to how that feels. We love when we feel good.
With momentum on feeling good more and more, Good flows to us in a myriad of ways. We realize more and often frequently, “Oh my, I am blaming myself again,” or “Oh dear, I am finding fault with someone outside myself. “ Continue reading →
Let’s develop the skill to soothe ourselves when we feel a fear reaction. There is so much pay off to do so. When we skip fear or switch out of it, we remember how much Good is always flowing. Continue reading →
Louise Hay tells us that a change in attitude represents a key to heal bodily conditions[1]. We have all experienced parts of our body not functioning as designed to operate. To return to full health we must address not only the body but mind and spirit. Continue reading →
As we proceed with our growth, we will encounter situations which flush up outdated programming. As we process this “stuff” we love ourselves more deeply and become clearer, stronger and more free. Continue reading →
So many of us blame ourselves in harsh and hurtful ways. Hey those statements are NOT TRUE. The inner attitude of shaming damages us further; it adds no value. Self Blame represents a habit of thought that many of us are changing now. Continue reading →
We are building our awareness of ourselves: thoughts, words and deeds. The more awareness, the more empowered we become. That feels so good. Continue reading →