Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

March 25, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Tipping’s Thoughts on Forgiveness

Many of us have been trained to judge ourselves and when we do so, we feel uncomfortable, agitated and weary. The feelings of guilt and shame run and that inner voice of condemnation can sound so true!
How can we soothe ourselves when we find ourselves in that unwanted state? Let’s look at some key recommendations provided in the book Radical Forgiveness[1] by Colin Tipping. Continue reading

March 18, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Thoughts on Where We Focus and When

Each day as we grow on this journey, we can awaken more and more to the power of our focus! We enjoy the flow of creation and we pause when we feel less than good and inspiration momentarily wanes. In that case, we switch where we look, reboot and rest. Continue reading

March 12, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Focus on Compassion Over Resentment

We can find ourselves so irritated at another. If we are spit on, it is tempting to spit back. Does spitting back serve us? With that we are focusing on what we do NOT want. Keep perusing to hear about another approach. Continue reading

March 4, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Perceive the Good and Thrive

We have the power to notice our emotions and steer ourselves back to knowing the Good. Please soak in this account of how one woman shifted her thinking and basked in the Good that flowed. Continue reading

February 25, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Inspiration to Use Our Personal Power

We are committed to this path of growth. So many of us are finding our personal power and inspiring ourselves and others. Noticing where our thoughts are running is such a key! If we feel other than good, we decide to reach toward uplift, feeling better bit by bit. Continue reading

February 19, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Flow of Good Exceeds Imagination

We are on the path to seeing increasing Good, our perceptive lens now discerning so much that’s there to appreciate including our own qualities and actions. What can flow to us in our light-hearted and loving state can exceed what we might imagine. Please read on for illustration. Continue reading

February 12, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Insight on Momentum

We have lived situations where we are triggered into an upset. At times the upset seems to continue and our unhappiness deepens. The Abraham Hicks teachings labeled this phenomenon “tarbaby”. We are uncomfortably kind of stuck in goo. Continue reading

February 4, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Kindness to Self

We want to align with Source Energy, tuned to Divine Wisdom. When we are so aligned, we are feeling as good as we can in this moment. Great expression of kindness to ourselves, too. Continue reading

January 15, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Feel Good as We Reach For a Goal

We want things all the time. Laws of the Universe indicate that feeling good, in fact feeling as though we have already reached our goal, allows the Forces of Good to bring to us what we want. We can remain calm and trust Life to provide. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).