Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

July 3, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Good Flows As We Proceed

We have a project of significant size to direct. Many components and perhaps more detailed steps unfold as the effort proceeds. This post is noticing how Good Flows as we proceed, performing tasks as each becomes apparent.

Reddish Rosco, 30 x 40, Acrylic, $725

The Background

Delores was clearing a space she had rented for many years. Formerly our star got nervous in this kind of endeavor. Instead now she behaved with greater consciousness of her habits (feelings of incompetence, shame and being overwhelmed) and supported herself with attention to the Forces of Good. This story involved donating outdated computer and office machines.

Recently, Delores had asked a small computer repair company if they took old machines. The staff indicated affirmative. D enjoyed knowing that there was a place to accept them.

Last week a strong friend had unplugged the devices and loaded them into her vehicle. After a week driving around with them, D decided to drop them off.

Tale Unfolding

On this day our heroine drove to the repair place, went inside to get assistance from strong company representatives to unload. There, the attentive staffer Harry explained, “No we don’t take the kind of machine you have in your car. To verify I will come out and look at them.”

In the parking lot, Harry took a look in her trunk. He said, “No, sorry, we don’t take devices this old. Some of them still carry dangerous elements and our partner re-use yards do not accept stuff like this.”

D: “Where do you suggest I take these?”

H: “I recommend S ( office supply store or BB (electronic device retailer). Those are the places that come to mind. Good Luck.”


Delores took a sharp intact of breath and then exhaled. She felt disappointed—she had momentum to get this task done.

Taking another inhale of optimism D said to herself, “Well I planned to get food shopping done. A route there involves driving right by one of these stores. Off I go.”

The Store and the Shift

In under five minutes she walked into suggested store, asked if they take her machines. Not only did they answer yes, they smiled with enthusiasm and eagerness. That manager grabbed a shopping cart and followed her outside. One at a time, D and the manager placed the devices into carts.

That staff went to the register and tallied the exchange as “recycling” which qualified the protagonist to earn discounts on future purchases.

In five minutes the amazed Delores was back in her now empty car.

In her head D heard “Oh ye of Little Faith!” After being daunted a bit at the first drop off attempt, she received immediate assistance and succeeded in her mission. Wow to the Forces of Good.

Delores observed how she might have dropped into a complaining grumble after the first place would not take her items. But wow she got what she wanted in a flash following the tip without any great effort on her part.

Do you have some tales to tell where solutions just flowed to you easily? Please share in the comments!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

June 26, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

New Calm

We practice living in the present moment, trusting the Forces of Good to provide us with guidance we need as we proceed. We experience fewer stressed thoughts and emotions and notice increased self-mastery bit by bit. Here is one incident where the protagonist realizes her strengthening personal power.

The Story

Jigsaw Crozet, 20 x 20, $495

Meredith loved art and pursed it in her free time beginning in her mid-twenties. By her thirties Meredith had studied acrylics painting and produced work applying a texture onto paper before painting. In that period she created some pieces on large pieces of heavy paper – about 35″ x 50″.

For a birthday M asked her two close friends to accompany her to a frame shop and specify how to get a few pieces framed in glass—a few small and one large.  The big work hung in her home for about 8 years. Then our star moved it to VA, where it hung for 15 years in an apartment. Then Meredith rented a bigger apartment and has lived there 7 years.

Discovery of Damage

Presently our heroine creates a healing art room in her dwelling and determines she would enjoy hanging the big glassed art again, With a helper she opened its cardboard box from the last move. Meredith’s friend sees the glass is cracked, the piece was broken, unusable as it is.

“Oh,” this dear one thought, “What a bummer. That’s disappointing!” They closed up the cardboard and moved on to other preparedness tasks for the rearranging.

Improved Attitude

Usually M would be upset, blaming herself for the mishap. She had not made sure the artwork was packed competently.

Today Meredith was able to stay in the now. “Gosh, “M pondered, this item broke 7 years ago. Apparently, I can live without it because it has not hung recently. I am ok right now.

“In the past this piece showed to me that I ‘a good artist.’. All these years and scores of paintings later, I no longer feel that piece ‘proves’ my talent.

It does not feel good to blame myself (in fact it feels horrible to shame myself with self-blame) nor to blame someone else (the movers.)

The heroine is awake to continuing without the blame drama. Instead, she can look into rehabbing the damaged piece, remove broken glass and researching alternative and less expensive ways to hang the piece.

As a result of her inner work, the star can experience this episode with a new calm and relish the personal power. What a fun alternative to experiencing a significant emotional upset!


After a few days, Meredith visited a frame shop and discussed getting new glass for the piece.  This woman is thrifty with her money. Somehow though coming from balance and optimism, the estimated price from the shop seemed worth considering—about what she had paid in the 90’s.

She mused, “I am learning how  to let life be easy. I like it very much! Ahh! A new calm! A new life!”

Do you want to share a story where you noticed how far you have come in your self-mastery? Please write it in the comments. We empower one another!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

June 19, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Maintaining Sanity

Many of us practice purifying our thinking, i.e. to feel Good and know Good. As we proceed in life, some incident is likely to stimulate feeling a deep fear and then we have an opportunity for processing it. In this post Carmen seeks relief from terror and worry that grips her in the wake of a house purchase.

Carmen’s Worry Rant

Flowers I, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas

Carmen and her husband recently purchased a house after months of searching. Now she is worried because her husband  is unhappy. He declares often, “We paid too much for it.”  Though our star does want this house, she wants to please her husband,too During the bidding process which they experienced side by side, the husband did not air his misgivings at that final bid. 

C bemoans, “My husband did not share his true feelings.  Now I want him to be happy with the house. I want to fix this situation and I cannot! I am so upset”

This heroine consulted a wise counsel to get some relief.

Wise Counselor Assists

Wise Counselor offers,

“How would one measure that one “paid too much.” There is no sane way to ascertain that as a fact. No one knows what bid the other side will take. Actually, even the sellers do not know in advance what they will accept because the variables of other offers and market conditions form a unique mixture of circumstances.

When one lines up with the Forces of Good, one does not berate oneself. Telling ourselves we ‘paid too much’ tortures and shames ourselves. We inject a chemical soup of stress pouring into our bloodstream. This line of thinking damages ourselves! With practice we can learn to stop doing that!

Yes, many around us talk like that. Viewed conventionally. “we paid too much”  may sound “normal”. Instead, those reading this blog are learning to live more in line with Good.

Humans live in this moment only. What could have happened or should have happened represents unsound formulating, less than sane.

We do not know what bid a seller may or may not have taken at some point in the past. Therefore, you do not know what price ‘you should have paid’ or what price was ‘too much’.”

Carmen asks the counselor, “What would I do to get relief from worry here?”

Counselor answers, “As you notice you are very upset, distract yourself with another activity. Rest from that troubling topic.  Perhaps, exercise, gardening, do something you love. What can you appreciate in your life?

When the emotions run negatively and high, we can use a tool such as Jin Shin Jyutsu or Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) to recover our balance, soothe our thoughts and feelings. If you have begun to use JSJ, that art will calm you as you hold each finger separately for two minutes.”

Jin Shin Jyutsu Soothes

The conversation stops and the Counselor offers JSJ to Carmen. With that harmonizing session she can let go of that uncomfortable mind set and allow the flow of the Forces of Good. Soon Carmen feels peaceful and relaxed. She is returned to feeling aligned with Good.


When we feel upset, we can help ourselves.

We know we are surrounded imbued with Forces of Good, protective, loving, healing energy. Let’s line up with feeling Good.  

Let’s live in this moment, let the past go.

We know that others manage their own feelings and we cannot make them happy.

We can relax and restore ourselves. Then we keep going.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

Going Home 2010

June 12, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Aligned We Attract What We Want

Let’s report on what wonderful outcomes can flow to us as we live keeping Forces of Good on our mind. Isn’t it fun when as desired objects or events show up seemingly without effort. Illustrations follow:

Plant Shows Up             

Going Home 2010
Going Home, Diptych in 30 x 40, $995

        Laura basked in the burst of spring all around her. An avid flower gardener, she walked to destinations noticing blossoms of plants highlighting patches in yards. L had a big section of garden that required plants that grow in part sun. This season our heroine admired a plant with dark green/red leaves under a spike of pale pink blossoms.

        In herself she realized she wanted that plant. She did not know its name and had not told a soul.

        Within two weeks time, her dear friend brought her that plant, including its name.

        Laura thought, “The chances of that happening were infinitesimal!”

        Wanted Resource Appeared

        Candace was moving her office. This type of activity represented a big deal for her skill set—she did not do it easily.

        This star wanted some assistance, loved pondering a barter arrangement and one that flowed easily.

        Candace attracted that! C visited a former client/friend who shared her abundance of plants she started. With enthusiasm the women took turns sharing recent highlights of their lives. Candace was quite surprised when this friend proposed she help with this move in barter for the healing art Candace offers.

        C thought, “Pinch me! THis friend just offered just what I wanted! . WOW. It popped with no effort on my part.”


        We can experiment with looking for good and finding it. Isn’t it enriching to stay relaxed as we formulate desires and prove to ourselves that we are supported.

        Do you have some stories to share about how this is working in your life? Please comment.

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        June 5, 2024
        by Janet Pearlman

        Pay Attention to How We Feel

        We realize now the great power we wield wherever we put our attention.  How does it go?

        1. We want to notice more and more how we feel. 

        Narragansett Bay, 16 x 20, $475

        2. If we don’t feel great, what then? Ease up. We can pause and let our natural good feeling rise again. Things go so much better when we act from feeling good.

        3. We distract ourselves to flow along in a new direction, one that feels better.

        What can we learn from the following?

        Example I

        In distress, Danielle called a wise friend Penny. D reported, “One of the classes I teach may not be renewed. Management of the center prefers someone else. And, at a family meeting what I have accomplished got outshined by someone else, touting his productivity and successes. I feel miserable! Help!

        Strategically, Penny asked Danielle about a subject D would love to discuss. P asked, “What were you painting on that vacation you just had?”

        D responded “I loved looking at the island in the lake. So many perspectives were fun to put down, different slopes, different times of day. For longer painting stints, I even toted a comfortable light weight. Aren’t I clever!

        Additionally, I met new people and had some exciting discussions. One of them enjoyed sharing food plan stuff with me. Great to offer my experience.”

        Penny observed after about half hour, D now chatted away with animation and liveliness. What was the secret to help her?  Directing attention to an aspect of D’s life that was going well, that she loved to discuss.

        Example 2

        Chadra noticed she felt lousy, fatigued, low energy. She had had a poor night’s sleep. C ran thoughts about her circumstances, pointing out how recently things had not flowed well.

        Then, C remembered her power. “Hey I want my zing back. Let me review how I love to live what I talk about, through my day noticing how I feel and then what is it I am thinking? In this moment am I using the teachings that are important to me? When I teach, I admit that I catch myself frequently wanting to shift my perspective to a more positive one, telling stories of what and how I am learning.”

        VARoom ! My energy spiked like a spark connected with a pile of dry grass! I fuel my upswing ruminating on folks who are innovating, creating new companies and services and more. Hey going further I can appreciate my good fortune, reviewing some wonderful things that had happened for me in the last year. I shifted, found my mojo and good spirits.”

        How did Chadra help herself? She put attention on what makes her feel good

        Wield the Focus on the Good Stuff

        1. How we feel
        2. What we love
        3. what goes well
        4. For whom we easily feel affection and why
        5. Tick off some successes

        Closing Thoughts

        Become aware of what works for shifting your mood.

        Create new habits of thought and bask in the pay offs!

        Do you have questions or reports? Please comment! It feeds the flow of inspiration!

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        May 29, 2024
        by Janet Pearlman

        Recognize our Self Put Downs

        So many of us are becoming aware of how deeply Good we are as humans. Ernest Holmes asserts,

        “There is a Power operating through me, a Presence inspiring, guiding, and sustaining me. Upon this Power, I place my reliance. In this Presence I feel myself to be an outlet of immeasurable Good….

        Bright Future II, 24 x 30, $595

        I am conscious that there is an Infinite Wisdom directing me. Whatever I should know, I will know….and because of this Infinite Intelligence that is mine and within me now, I am compelled to recognize my Good.”[1]

        Unfortunately portions of the culture around us have not integrated how Good we are. Instead, many of us have been raised with the thoughts and feelings of being flawed and fears that we have done something wrong.

        Awake to a Casual Comment

        Katie has pursued her own transformation of thinking for most of her life. Recently in a small tour of a master’s garden, K overheard a man fretting over whether or not his butterfly weed plants attracted “enough” butterflies. He put forth that his plants brought fewer butterflies into his garden than did his neighbor in her yard. He was concerned.

        “Oh  my, “ Katie silently exclaimed in her head, Mel is putting himself down over how many butterflies he attracts!”

        Our star K spoke up, “You are a Good person! You were a Good person before you planted butterfly weed and remain so no matter the number of these lovely insects your plants attract!”

        We might mentally tell ourselves something like this if we do not pay attention. What a mental hygiene practice worth shifting!

        K imagined this self-talk for Mel, “I love my butterfly weed plants. Every butterfly in my yard is one we are helping to thrive and one that enriches me. Aren’t I fortunate to assist any such creatures!”

        Let’s wake up and be kinder to ourselves. Let’s notice these silent judgments of ourselves and appreciate more and more of our positives instead.

        Self-put-down thoughts and “Am I enough” worries constitute part of our inner chemistry. Let’s shift this tone as we recognize it and clear that toxic inner environment bit by bit.

        Have you been making progress in your unfolding? Please share a story that inspires us all.

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        [1] Holmes, Ernest, 365 Science of Mind Reader ( New York: Jeremey P. Tarcher/Penquin, 2001) p.153

        May 22, 2024
        by Janet Pearlman

        Progress in Self Support

        We are becoming more and more awake to what we are thinking and to how that feels.  We love when we feel good.

        With momentum on feeling good more and more, Good flows to us in a myriad of ways. We realize more and often frequently, “Oh my, I am blaming myself again,” or “Oh dear, I am finding fault with someone outside myself. “

        Dream Emerging, 24 x 30, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, $395

        These kinds of changes are at the core of moving to the next step in our evolution.

        Bruce Lipton, well known author of Biology of Belief[1] and internationally known speaker, tells us that 95% of our time we operate from subconscious programming. Living in the now, we will wake up and, “Wait I don’t want to be doing that or saying that– I am catching myself in the habit.”

        Then we have a choice point: Will I blame myself for repeating a habit I want to shed? Or Will I cheer myself on for noticing that I want to shift what I just thought or said? I have certainly increased my consciousness. I can see my progress and make some right now.

        Read a story how one woman shifted away from a habit to a more supportive view.

        Illuminating Account

        Laney realized her favorite boots were no longer comfortable.

        “Bless me, apparently my feet are expanding a bit at this stage of life. The boots I have used for the last five years are no longer comfortable. My toes hit the front—today they feel too short.  I had thought I would make do with them until recently when I came home from a hike with a big toe ache that lasted a day or so. Yuck!” L awoke to the fact that she now requires a bigger size.

        Our heroine continues, “Inside I started to get upset about this. And I realized, ‘Wait a minute I am blaming myself for needing another pair. Did I do something bad? I should have….   Hey, I have the money, I can order online.’

        Whoa! SHIFT! Why not make it ok to need a bigger size. My feet spread. Oh well. I can skip this self-scolding. What if I simply accepted that my feet expanded, and I need new boots.

        I ordered them, they came, they fit. they are comfortable.”

        Not all of us would scold his or herself for this. On the surface it seems so simple.

        Laney found it an important new choice in thinking. She thought, “When I skip the self-deprecating thinking and then concomitant emotional upset – it is akin to finding space in a formerly cramped closet. Life is so much more enjoyable! and EASY. I can say WOW. That is a life I want. I love that I let life be easier.”

        Let’s be aware: the building of new habits will involve us noticing that we just said (or thought or did) something that we used to believe …and now we are back and remembering we have more power.

        We need lots of repeating the new pattern: we make it ok to notice what we were was just doing. We say to our dear self , “Good going… I  returned to present time! I remember another way to think!”

        Rejoice! Isn’t it great that we are learning and progressing! I am learning– this is what waking up looks like!”

        Do you have a story about your process to shift your habits of mind? Please comment.  Be part of all of us creating more fun!

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        [1] Lipton, Bruce, The Biology of Belief (Santa Rosa, CA, Mountain of Love/Elite Books, 2005)168

        May 14, 2024
        by Janet Pearlman

        Calm Fear

        Let’s develop the skill to soothe ourselves when we feel a fear reaction. There is so much pay off to do so. When we skip fear or switch out of it, we remember how much Good is always flowing.

        In this illustration Marlo calms a fear and then is able to reap the benefit of the Good that follows.

        Ode to Urs, 20 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

        To Begin

        Marlo loved showing her art. This story begins as she begins to hang the show at a showroom venue. The show will hang in three rooms.  In one of the rooms the wall offered no art hanging feature. The venue   coordinator informed her that she would have to use one of the 3M Adhesive products from the Command Damage Controlling Line.

        Our heroine is not familiar with these products and does not consider herself handy. The opening was the next day. Suddenly, Marlo felt fear at an early stage.

        Receiving instructions to go to a nearby store, M went off to acquire needed product. This dear woman bought something, her best guess of what was available, came back.  The item’s adhesive was not strong enough. Our star got more anxious.

        Marlo turned to another venue staff, Elise, to request assistance.  At first that Elise grumbled, “I thought you knew how to hang art shows.” M’s jaw tightens and she reaches for composure.

        Signs of Solution

        In another few breaths, this second staffer remembered a solution that worked in a past exhibit. E agreed to put in hooks along the window frames by tomorrow for the use of our dear one.

        Filled with unease, M left and stopped to get an additional 3M product that she thought might work– in case she needed it.

        Awareness of Inner Life

        At home over night, M cried, “OMG the exhibit opens tomorrow and is not yet complete!” She called a friend for support.

        While sharing, this protagonist felt calmer, then she had a clearer thought: the gallery staffer will put in those hooks as she committed.  Elise wants the opening to go well and look good.

        Marlo awoke to her own thought stream: she scared herself by envisioning things going badly.

        Once those hooks are in place, the remainder of the display is easy to assemble. For heaven’s sake, M could trust Good to flow.


        The next day M texted the coordinator to check whether the hooks were in place and ready for the hanging solution. They were!

        Midday our star went to finish the exhibit and all went well. In fact, she got additional unexpected assistance to get the show in place.  Near opening start time, yet more help came her way to fit more photos on the walls.

        For part of a day, Marlo had blinded herself from seeing that the problem was being easily solved. She had gotten afraid. Meanwhile Good was right there, assistance came quickly in unexpected forms

        Won’t it be helpful for each of us to notice what we are feeling? Then when we notice our own perspective clouded with upset, we can pause till calm returns. It is so worthwhile to find balance before drawing conclusions or acting on what appear to be problems.

        We can trust Life more than we formerly believed!

        Do you recall some incident from your life where something similar happened? Want to share? Please comment! We uplift one another!

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        May 7, 2024
        by Janet Pearlman

        Aligning with Wholeness Facilitates Healing

        Louise Hay tells us that a change in attitude represents a key to heal bodily conditions[1]. We have all experienced parts of our body not functioning as designed to operate.  To return to full health we must address not only the body but mind and spirit.

        We use medicines, allopathic, homeopathic; western medicine, energy work, herbs and more. In our wisdom we bring our thoughts and feelings in alignment with the Forces of Good– feeling Love, seeing the wholeness, basking in ease.

        Narragansett Bog Envisioned, 16 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

        An Illustration

        When Melanie was in her 40’s, she worked hard at a job in business. Over a period of years now and then M experienced fatigue of a “virus.”  M experienced no respiratory or digestive symptoms– she felt exhausted with general malaise.

        In those days our star could let it all go when she was ill. She “had to” spend in bed and rest.

        M started to know she got relief from stress through these times of bed rest.

        At that time this time of repose adjusted her perspective and healed toward more balance.

        Below are some remarkable stories illustrating this point:

        1.  Appreciate What Works

        In 1966 Catherine Ponder published her book The Dynamic Laws of Healing.  This book offers many stories of dramatic healing from a shift in attitude.

         In one account under the subtitle “How Praise Heals” this author reported that a woman who had failed to get relief from her doctors came for a session. After listening to the client’s long list of woes, Ponder asks the woman to tell her something that was going well with her. That client did not itemize any condition.

         Catherine persisted pointing out that the woman had walked into her office,  was not bedridden, was apparently seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching.  The client responded after some contemplation– her right little finger was perfect.

         The counselor told the woman to go home and focus on the perfection of her little finger, to praise its health, to give thanks for Life and refuse to think of her ills. In three days the patient returned and felt better in her whole hand.  The client continued to see Catherine and before too long the list of healthy parts grew and grew.[2]

        2. Help from Abraham Hicks Teachings

        I happened to view a video segment dated 1993 from an Abraham Hicks seminar. In it a female participant told Abrham this story. In her recent past she had been given a diagnosis of cancer.  Spurning medical care, she went home and immersed herself in the Abraham teachings (reading this blog offers the essence of  the Abraham message.)  In a few months she was found to be completely cancer free.

        3.   A  Focus on Acts of Kindness Creates a Miracle

        A fellow had had a serious bout with cancer, got to a point where the doctors had no more treatments for him. Already in a wheelchair and wanting to make the most out of his remaining life, the protagonist decided to  focus himself on doing random acts of kindness.  The man threw himself into it, relishing the work.

         A year later this dear soul received tests for his malignant stomach cancer. They showed him to be cancer free. The doctor declared the MRI results could not be explained by western science. So happy with his work that man infused himself with Well Being!

        Man’s Cancer is Healed After Doing Random Acts of Kindness for a Year

        4.  Thoughts to Remember

        a. We have awesome power available to use for bringing ourselves back to balance: align our inner state to that of love, peacefulness and Joy. Lets’ bask in this!

        b. We are wise to notice on what our attention is focused– our health depends on it.

        Want to share some tales of how focusing your mind was part of your regime to heal a condition? Please know how your story contributes to the health of all of us! Thank you for telling us about it.

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        [1] Hay, Louise, Heal Your Body (Santa Monica, CA: Hay House, 1988) p.1

        [2] Ponder, Catherine, The Dyanmic Laws of Healing, (Marina del Ray, CA: DeVorss &Co, Publisher, 1966) 99-100.

        April 30, 2024
        by Janet Pearlman

        Deeper Learning on Self Love

        As we proceed with our growth, we will encounter situations which flush up outdated programming. As we process this “stuff” we love ourselves more deeply and become clearer, stronger and more free.

        The Incident

        Marlana was grocery shopping, enjoying some samples as she picked up staples. As she munched, M cried inside, “Oh my, I cannot align my jaw. Something is wrong.”

        This dear woman walked through the store, noticing that the wrongness in her mouth persisted. Then she then headed for the ladies room. M took a look, found to her relief that her crowns were still in place. Regarding her jaw she knew Well Being abounding would take care of things and soon her eating would feel right again.

        Ode to Urs, 20 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

        Within the hour Marlana arrived home, ate lunch and felt an easing in her mouth. Then she realized in horror, “My mouth feels aligned again. Oh my, I think the crown has come out. I need to call the dentist.” The dental office scheduled M an appointment for the next morning.

        The Reaction

        Like lightening Marlana’s feelings spiked into self-blame: She had not stopped to do something to preserve the crown.

        Immediately, our heroine felt just awful. Inside, she continued to review her “crime” of not waking up to the “saving” in time to succeed there. Meanwhile, Marlana did love the feeling of relief in having her jaw feel right again.

        The Recovery

        The dentist gave Marlana the choice whether to replace the crown. That day she realized her suffering resulted from the self-blame. “Wait a minute,” our heroine exclaimed, “I want to feel good again and enjoy my life! I must forgive myself and I know where to turn.”

        She prayed for assistance first to feel better and also to get clarity on whether to go for the crown.

        A long time girl friend, Zee, telephoned M to get help with an upset. Zee’s husband had insulted her in a manner he had previously. That dear one reached out to Marlana for rescue. As Marlana soothed Z, M got benefit too.

        Zee listened and did not perceive anything worthy of blame in M’s actions. In a couple of minutes, the women were laughing at their situations.

        With curiosity and purpose, Marlana perused books that remind readers how to summon divine protection and love.

        M awakened to how her own review of her “transgressions” fueled her awful feelings. “Oh my,” the dear one smiled at herself, “I want to stop doing that. Better fill my mind with positive thoughts of myself!!”

        Our star made lists of what value she added to this world, her strengths, talents, etc.

        This heroine enjoyed her dance, yoga, walks, friends.

        By the second day, this protagonist had strengthened her resolve to accept herself and knew that she would proceed to get the crown. With introspection, Marlana recognized how blind she had been to seeing her Good when she felt so troubled.

        Take Aways

        1. When we feel flooded with angst, make it ok to feel awful.
        2. When we notice our negative feelings are filling our consciousness, those emotions will require some time to dissipate.
        3. We can feel compassion for the dear inner self who is suffering.
        4. As we become aware, we can cease reviewing what we judge as “bad actions.”
        5. We are not defined by our feelings. We are not “bad”. Unhappy moments are ok.
        6. Thinking “I am bad” shows us that in that moment our perceptions are distorted and misleading. .Best not to act when self blame is disguised as “truth” in our heads.
        7. So many texts for lifting our spirits are around us—they help us remember: Source Energy has our back!
        8. What relief to feel good again!
        9. Actually we can increase the depth of self love through such experiences! Processing unwanted leads us to feeling stronger and livelier!

        Do you want to share a dramatic learning story of yours? We would benefit from sharing your journey and insights.

        About the Author

        Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

        (Mission statement here).