Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

September 10, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Finding Mislaid Items

When we mislay a possession, we can easily feel annoyed and frustrated. “Where is that blankety blank thing?” we say under our breath. These are such excellent moments to notice the thoughts and feelings we run and the attitude we take. Paying attention can result in locating an item easily, or struggling in the search.

Recommended attitudes when something is mislaid, We might:

Window View, 8 x 10, SOLD
  • Tune into your emotions
  • Soothe yourself
  • Bit by bit ease yourself into knowing you are ok now.
  • Get involved in something fun and let the joy of living bubble up.
  • Breathe, and let yourself receive.</li>

Below read a tale demonstrating how this can look:

Randi’s Story

Randi practiced using the power of her  focus to feel better. On this Saturday R prepared to attend a workshop.  Midway through her process, she reached to adorn her wrists. Our star thought, “Where are my favorite bracelets?”

Immediately she went around looking for them. Not on table tops, desk tops, bedside stand. Soon R grabbed her purse and went through the contents, looking into the compartment where she often stored jewelry when she took them off for yoga or a healing session.  Nothing.

Continuing with her regime, this heroine ate breakfast, put on makeup and more. Time to leave soon. How about another look in the handbag?  Again, feeling some urgency and frustration, this dear woman went through the sections and the zipper pouches. Nothing.

“Surrender,” thought Randi, “Time to leave and enjoy my day. I release this.  I am fine whether I find these or not.” Quickly, she put on an alternate wrist adornment and left for the scheduled event.


Eight hours later, our star returned ready for dinner.  She felt glad to be home after a rich day. During her relaxed evening the thought popped into her head, “I wonder where that bracelet is.”  Getting up from the couch, R went over to her purse, looked into the compartment where she would put jewelry, and there it was. The “lost” bracelet was right where she would put something when she took it off while not at home.

“Wow,” thought the protagonist, “I had looked in that zipper slot at least three times this morning. Now feeling much more at peace I can easily find them. Wonderful!: I love my power of focus, I adore finding lost things, and I love that piece of jewelry!”

How about you? Do you feel moved to experiment with this tool? Maybe you are already great at this.  Please share a story!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

September 3, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Inspired Will    

We all know the feeling: we want something—then we focus, apply determination: we really want it. We are centered, clear and in pursuit.


Sea Green Glory, 24 x 30, SOLD

Carrey had participated in many weight loss programs. In her story, C succeeded, lost some weight and then over time she gained back unwanted pounds. After a program ended, she struggled with the temptations of certain sweets, so ubiquitous. Yes she would indulge. And the eating of those would persist.

C participated in food plans, stayed on them, lost weight and then gained again, a pattern over decades. Along with focusing on weight loss, our star did much inner work, learning about herself and growing her self-mastery. Whatever her size the heroine got better and better.

Lately she had joined an online group she liked a lot: a solid plan, good enthusiastic leader, friendly group with whom to share. This time she felt stronger.

Carrey drove to many activities within a large geographic area. Often, she needed to grab a bite to eat while out and about. The star of this story used Whole Foods chain frequently.

One day she sought out the raw veggies in a WF Market. In this store, the salad bar was positioned near her “to die for”  slices of cake. In her past, this proximity distracted her, and many a time she bought some “irresistible” cake along with the “approved” lunch items.

On this occasion this dear woman had her mojo aligned and passionate. Hungry C moved to the vegetables, prepared with intention.

This time Calm and Clear Carrey prepared and brought her imaginary light sword. Flowing her arm up in her mind’s eye, she raised her weapon:

Slash! Carrey cut the cord of addiction to that cake. She was not eating that today. NO!

C filled her container with desired salad stuff, walked to the check out, abiding by the terms of her food plan.

We admire a woman who keeps her commitments, wielding her Light Saber! Our gal showed her courage and strength.

Isn’t it encouraging to realize just how powerful we can be as we make up our minds and stick to our plans.

Take Away Messages:

We have powerful imaginations.

The level of commitment we make matters greatly.

Whatever happened in the past can be irrelevant to the power we bring in this Now Moment.

Do you have your own illustration of personal power, a success to share with all of us? Please do!  What are your methods for how to call up this competence in a desired opportunity?

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 30, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Progress: We can Skip Upset and Blame

We are growing, gaining skill in living in the present moment, aware and relaxed too.

Progress unfolds incrementally, bit by bit living into the formulations in this blog. Isn’t it grand to appreciate each demonstration of new skill along the way!

Soft Emerging, 9 x 12, SOLD

Tale of Progress


Simey took some vacation days at the home of her brother and his wife, Bill and Mildred. What a lovely time had S daily experiencing some juicy outdoor activity.

On the last night Mildred zipped around and brought out gifts for Simey: some home picked fruit, some face cream, and more. Then Mildred added, “Oh take those flowers. Take the vase full.”

M stepped to the garage and appeared with an empty bucket in which to transport the blooms. “Wow thank so much, “ cried Simey. S was impressed by the generosity. The two had a good hug and warm greetings goodbye.

S packed up the next morning, loading the care with her possessions: clothes, her snacks, her food for meals on the road, pillow, hot pot and more.

Before she left and among much expression of gratitude, this heroine told her brother if she happened to be wrong about being offered the vase to let her know, and she would return it somehow.

News of Misunderstanding

This star takes two days to drive home. After day one of driving, S rested in a motel. Checking her phone she saw the text from Mildred stating “Please return the vase”.


This dear woman took the news calmly. Actually, she laughed a bit. Simey had wanted to soak up the gifts, relish her stay, enjoy what was offered.

Mildred had meant to give her the flowers, not the vase.

Immediately Simey planned to pack up the vase on her first day back and comply with the request.

Due to her growing her awareness, practicing self-love, becoming more powerful, the heroine could flow along and enjoy the next moment.

Where in the past S would have felt terribly guilty for “making a mistake. Misunderstanding.” She might put herself down for hours.  This time the star of this account could skip all that drama.

For sure, S noticed the thoughts ready to flood in from the former habits. To her delight, Simey could say—we are not going there. We are skipping all that. I can keep it simple.


The first day home our protagonist grabbed the vase, box, bubble wrap, newspaper and headed to the pack and ship store. She had fun letting the store owner assist her. The item was shipped before noon.

Then she headed to a rummage store newly housed in the same building, staying light hearted and fun loving.

Take Away

With persistence we can shift long entrenched habits of addressing ourselves. Simey was so pleased to skip the self-put-down.  

You have pay offs coming as you live in the stream of yes! It’s worth it to keep going!

Got some tales of progress you want to share? Please do! We are creating a new world for all of us!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 21, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Benefits of Wake Up

As we pursue this path of becoming more aware of what we are feeling, we notice the enormous pay off of doing so. We see our spilt milk, fender benders, financial losses and ones that get away and instead of blame, note opportunities.

We are empowered to learn about ourselves, what we were thinking and how to recover feeling good again. Our growing edge involves changing these habits of thinking, noticing the feeling quality of those words and then reaching for a better feeling frame.

View at Graves Mill, 16 x 20, $475

An Illustration

Diaa left the key in the ignition by accident overnight, and next morning her car had a dead battery. D felt the impulse to go into self-blame:  this time she skipped it.

Our star handled dealing with the car service, some rescheduling and then she kept going. Wow she felt like she walked through a door to a new world. What a change! It was so much easier and more pleasant to bag the self-castigation. The dear woman created a new and higher quality of living.

Highway Navigation

What if we treated every blip in our lives as we do those ridges on the edge of the highway? When driving if we veer toward the guard rail, those indentations in the asphalt create a sound, an indicator that the car is out of the lane. What if we treated this unwanted showing up as we do that noise?  We shift our focus toward going straight again back in the lane. So often we review and discuss the “blip”. Let’s get our eyes back on how to move forward toward what we enjoy.

How revolutionary! In driving one would rarely concern oneself over a few seconds of hearing the whine of driving on the ridges. I recommend skipping the story about the problem and its ramifications, i.e. forfeiting mentally reviewing to assess cause, including any assignment of blame to others or myself.

Let’s “Keep Our Eyes on the Prize” and not look back! Let’s appreciate the boost of energy this provides us! Such a different life to let go of what drains us and pay attention to what we want to create, and to keep going.

We get to experience what is not preferred and get the payoff of more clarity on what we DO want. The unwanted launches the expansion of our world, “rocket fuel” toward where we are going. Then both wanted and unwanted are both ok. It’s a new lifestyle with significantly less stress and lots more enjoyment.

Please report on your experiments with skipping the review of “what happened” and then shifting. Comments encouraged! Great to go for more ease! I cheer you on!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 14, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Reach for Loving

We all want to get along well with our friends while honoring ourselves. At times we feel triggered with self-protection (fear) and resentment. When we find those feeling states in ourselves, we can reach for loving, we can make a decision clearly to find positive regard over pettiness. Please read this example to understand more.

The Story

Narragansett Bog Envisioned, 16 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

Carla and Mallory had been friends for years. Mallory had moved away and now was coming to visit for an extended stay.

Carla enjoyed Mallory and was naturally friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. Mallory did not visit often.

As Mallory’s visit time unfolded, the two agreed to a mutual project and made some plans. Several times Carla was inconvenienced when Mallory did not follow through as they had agreed, missing meetings, not doing what they had agreed, etc. 

Carla set limits and went about her business best she could.

At one point Mallory discovered that Carla did Jin Shin Jyutsu, got a sample and loved it. Soon Mallory wanted more sessions and private lessons, not mentioning what balance for C would come from this sharing.

Indeed, Mallory had great enthusiasm for JSJ, began to tell Carla how she would take a longer class and study more. M requested more sessions from Carla.

Carla found herself feeling annoyed and manipulated. Many of M’s assertions about her plans to study were not acted upon.

Carla noticed she felt hurt, betrayed and disappointed. Carla had wanted to offer this healing art she loved and valued—and now there was this atmosphere with hidden agendas and misrepresentations.

“Oh dear,” Carla thought, “I am moving into resentment. I don’t want to come from that. Should I pull away from this relationship? How can I continue feeling strong and respected?”

Inspiration That Turned the Tide

Carla consulted Wise Counsel reaching for an empowered advise. Here is what WC shared:

“This is a great opportunity to learn about aspects of unconditional love. In this situation you can readily see how important it is to absorb and fill with pure love. You want to and can feel secure in yourself. As you strengthen and love yourself, you can observe Mallory’s behavior with some detachment.

It is likely that M feels quite insecure herself and goes through life looking for ways to get things from others that she thinks she cannot provide for herself.

In YOUR life you get to care for YOURSELF excellently. As a sovereign individual you become aware of the assumptions you make and and then test if those formulations work for you.

Possibly, you could choose to offer a loving gesture of this healing session with no strings. You respect yourself whether Mallory respects you or not.  You are easily able to set limits on what you give. “


Carla read the message and got a good night’s sleep. Next morning C received clarity and made some new choices.

  1. Carla would make an appointment to provide the healing session Mallory wanted.
  2. This heroine would spend quiet time with herself taking charge of her attitude. C would thoroughly enjoy providing this service.
  3. As C felt better and better about herself independently, she could envision a constructive relationship with Mallory.
  4. Our star could heal her hurt and disappointment. Carla could see the fear in Mallory that was behind her manipulations, thereby not taking it personally. Carla knew how to respect herself and keep herself safe.

Taking charge of her attitude worked beautifully. Carla requested some specific service from Mallory as a trade and  organized the task to facilitate is accomplishment.

In this positive atmosphere, Mallory responded with enthusiasm and they got that done.

Carla thanked Wise Counsel with great feeling. WC loved how Carla lived the suggestions and succeeded so well.

How satisfying to turn such troubles into a harmonious relationship! You can too.

Do you have some similar tales of success to share? Please comment!.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

August 7, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Compassion as We Grow Self Love

We all love to receive praise from outside ourselves—Adore those compliments.

On the way to attracting those positive comments, we get to stretch into loving ourselves. We show compassion to others who are doing the best whether they compliment us or not.

Sweet Marsh, 8 x 10, SOLD

Aware in Relationship

Susan enjoyed a good relationship with her brother, Ralph. They could enjoy passionate discussions involving their spirituality, inner struggles and discoveries. Susan was older and had been earnest in her pursuit of growth over many years. At times R was able to use something Susan said or did for his growing edification.

Much of the time Susan listened to Ralph share about his inner process, his awareness and frustrations. To stay in harmony with him, she listened and appreciated him, cheering him on when she noticed progress. S put less focus on reporting on her story to him.

Truth be told, Susan noticed in her own heart she longed for  her brother’s appreciation of her. Though R was kind to her, mostly he told his story.

Susan Response

Susan knew to work inside herself. A number of S’s spiritual leaders recommend putting primary focus on our individual connection with Source Energy, our own Divine Spark, that inner guidance. Therefore, this star turned to recognizing her own value. True enough, S found more and more satisfaction on self-appreciation.



Over many years this heroine felt better and better about herself, taking responsibility for her own self esteem. S accepted and appreciated her dear brother on his path.

One day Susan realized that if Ralph did not value himself, he could not love her in the way she dreamed. “Oh it’s nothing personal,” said our dear protagonist, “It has nothing to do with me.”


Years flowed by and both parties grew and prospered. One year including in the Christmas box was a note from Ralph. That sibling wrote a giant handful of appreciations of his sister. Susan read the missive and wept. This brother now articulated many positive attributes and things Susan had longed to hear for years.

Soon afterwards he reacted to the book she had sent him A Story Waiting to Pierce You[1]. R had had a break through: he realized the preeminence of each moment and the beauty he can see there. That’s all he has to do.


Susan had wanted praise from outside herself. This dear woman had developed the power to let this love in, to feel she  is precious, loveable and with enormous value.

As Ralph felt his own value, he could then honor it in her.

Take Away:

Allow our own dear self to feel the outpouring of love from Source Connection.

Love the others wherever they are in their process of unfolding.

Allow Source Energy to Do Its Magic.

Comments or Questions? Stories of Fostering Self Love? The author welcomes your input.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

[1] Kingsley, Peter, A Story Waiting to Pierce You (The Golden Sufi Center, 2010)

July 31, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Kinder Self Talk

Continually we are becoming more alert to not only to the content of what we are saying to ourselves but importantly to the tone of the message. For some of us in this culture we are accustomed to guilt provoking and even mean self talk.

Then when waking up to these old hurtful patterns, we want to switch to kinder messages to self. We can do this again and again.

Emerging in Oranges, 24 x 30, $525

Emmet Fox articulates this point below:

“There is only one way under the sun that man can attain salvation, in the true sense of the word, and that is by bringing about a radical and permanent change for the better in his(her) own consciousness….

Now why should man be so reluctant to change his consciousness? The answer is that the changing of one’s consciousness is really very hard work, calling for constant unceasing vigilance and a breaking of mental habits. (This undertaking) is worth much more than the trouble and effort it may call for.  

If you make a qualitative change in consciousness… then not only is the change felt in every department of your life but it is with you through all eternity, for you never can lose it….

As soon as you obtain this spiritual consciousness, you will find that all things work together for good.”[1]


Margery mislaid some recordings in a recent move. She became obsessed with finding them. M thought “I should be able to  locate them—I am careful and concerned with keeping my possessions in order.”

She tried to rest only to discover there she was still physically and mentally searching. Sigh.

Let’s review how to return to the wanted inner direction.

Easing Into Another View Point

Margery took this approach, M

  • Internally connected to the Well Being Pouring Down, Around and Through
  • Made it ok when realizing how obsessed she behaved at that point.
  • Accepted she had fallen off the pony on having fun.
  • Noticed she felt not enough and let it be ok.
  • Recalled that her awareness of her state counted as progress.
  • Underscored in her mind, “This is what the habit of self-change looks like.” I am successfully changing!

Are you involved with the process of becoming kinder to self? Do you have some stories that can uplift us all?

We live in times of transformation and we will all assist one another.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

[1] Emmet Fox Around the Year with Emmet Fox, A Bood of Daily Readings (New York:Harper Collins Publishers, 1952)p.199

July 24, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Sanity and Harmony

In our heads we have voices telling us right from wrong. Those messages reflect what was said to us as young people unless we decide to make choices about what inputs we accept. Have you values changed since early childhood? Probably some have.

Some of us have disciplinarians speaking, or missives of worry and caution, sometimes mean in tone. We can feel helpless to reach for more positive feelings. Please know we do have some power to wield.

Red Ease, 9 x 12, SOLD


Nina and her husband had been shopping for housing. The two found a house they liked, they pondered whether and at what price to make a bid. The house went under contract before they acted. The protagonist worried, bemoaned, berated herself for missing that house. “Woe is me! I am too slow! I am not good at house buying and more” thought she.

N’s story unfolded and before too long another house with many desired features came on the market. They bid sufficiently high so that our star was sure they would get prospective house #2. Their bid was accepted.

Then Nina worried they paid too much.

Time passed and the first house info became publicly available. Nina discovered their initial thought for a bid on house #1 was under the sale price. Their bid likely would have landed the terrific house.

In reaction to this data, Nina’s mind railed against her ferociously as being incompetent, foolish, disastrous and more.

The dear woman found herself in a torture chamber of her own thoughts obsessively beating her up. N met with a therapist who directed her to stop those thoughts. She found she could not. Aware of this destructive pattern, still this protagonist seemed helpless to rescue herself.

This is when N called on Wise Counsel.

The Wise Counsel (WC) Session

Nina reports to WC on what messages she has been hearing in her head. “I feel unable to help myself! Please offer some relief!”

WC: Recently I watched a video of a spiritual teacher named Timber Hawkeye. I resonated with his message and one of his key statements stuck with me. Paraphrased he said, “If you notice you are worrying, in that moment you are not connected with Source Energy. If you feel angry, then you are making anger more important that connecting to Infinite Intelligence. It requires awareness and focus to live ‘I put God first’. We must develop self-mastery bit by bit.

I will not participate in a conversation where you beat yourself up. Do you realize you are taking a bat and whacking at yourself? I reject every word of that attitude and tirade.”

Nina: She sobbed for a moment.

WC: Maybe you can choose a word or phrase to remind yourself to shift your thinking toward faith, joy, Forces of Good. One friend of mine is using “Christ is King.”

Then WC moved to applying Jin Shin Jyutsu on Nina’s body.

The hands on session lasted about 55 minutes.

Afterwards, Nina felt transformed. She felt very much better, the voices stimulating despair silenced.

N felt “saved”, and basked in the relief. She offered WC a shower of gratitude.

The art of harmonizing the body’s energy, Jin Shin Jyutsu brings dynamic relief. https://streamofyes.com/jin-shin-jyutsu/ Verbal exchange only can rarely produce results as effectively.

Take Aways:

Notice when you are listening to a mean voice talking to yourself. Don’t believe every thought you think! As you can, talk back to the tortured messages.

When in distress, distract yourself with an activity which brings more harmony, takes your attention, puts you in touch with nature or provides an opportunity to express yourself.

As you can, connect with some way to shift your energy such as Jin Shin Jyutsu, tapping, Reiki, yoga, etc.

Do you have success stories to share? We want to hear and share them. Please comment.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

July 17, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Allowing More Ease in Our Lives

We all work so hard. We are taught to pull our weight and try our best. In this post we are exposed to a different approach: one where we allow more ease in our lives. To begin let’s read this passage from Emmet Fox, a spiritual teacher from first half of the twentieth century.

Words from Emmet Fox

Pasture Near Home, 9 x 12, Acrylic, $120

“We do not have to create good. We do not have to persuade God to be Love or Life or Truth or Intelligence. We do not have to ask him to remember us. We could not ask for any good. Fundamentally evil is a false belief about power and the availability of good.

If we draw down the shade in every room in a house, that house will be in the darkness and is likely to become damp and unhealthy as well, no matter how brightly the sun may be shining outside. Salvation consists in raising the shades and opening the windows—then He does the rest.”[1]


We might be stopped in our tracks by the punchline of that quotation—just raise the shades and open the windows—that’s all? Good does the rest? How would that go?

One Person’s Experience

As Danica grew in personal power, she found herself more able to live in the present. This dear woman identifies issues as they arise, trusting Source to show her how to handle each.

Last month D needed to close out a private office, move the contents on a deadline. Inside the heroine she had been intimidated by such an effort, a few moving parts, many physical tasks requiring strength and skill and more. In this post we learn examples of what the Universe can produce when we stay relaxed, patient and aligned with Good.

Example 1

A friend, Nancy, offered our star seedling plants. While D visited, the two shared the dramatic events of each’s last year of news. In the course of the conversation Nancy got this win-win idea: Nancy volunteered to assist with the project in trade for some JSJ sessions.

Danica loved that suggestion, she had prayed for that kind of help!

Example 2

Another girlfriend with whom D shared art excursions, folk dancing, and more stepped up to assist with the project, too.

At first Nancy’s husband offered to hang a heavy piece of art on D’s wall. As the deadline grew near, that man further volunteered to be a key helper on move day.

Example 3

In the course of the project preparations, Danica and Nancy discovered that an important piece of art was badly damaged. D thought, “Oh my what shall I do about that?”

At a monthly body work trade, this protagonist received a referral to a woman who has a framing business. This led to Danica’s receiving just the assistance she required and at a reasonable price! It just showed up!

Example 4

Last week an associate informed D that her healing room air needed freshening.

She pulled out an infuser, could not get it functioning, laid it aside and succeeded renewing the air with alternative approaches. A few days later after teaching a class, our heroine stood with the students and mentioned that she needed an infuser. One in the circle chirped, “Oh I have one you can have!” Wow easily delivered.


If we feel so moved, we could read the passage above again and see if and how we are inspired to shift our habits—as always bit by bit.

Harmony and Flow                            

As you experiment with letting life be easier, please share what people, places, events and things show up for you. Please regale us with your effortless successes!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

[1] Fox, Emmet, Around the Year with Emmet Fox; Daily Readings (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1952) p, 168

July 10, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Trust Well Being

How do we describe what’s going on for us? We are learning just how important our own attitude is toward what happens for us.

When something is off in our bodily condition, we can become frightened and formulate what’s occurring such that we intensify our fear.

Bright Future I, 24 x 30, acrylic on canvas, $595

Instead, we can weave a tale of Well Being, knowing the Forces of Good are always surrounding and protecting us. There is a pony of success in this barn of unwanted waste. Read about Tabitha’s situation and turn-around.


Tabitha diagnosed herself with a urinary tract infection, a circumstance she found distressing. Western medicine usually prescribes an antibiotic for treatment of this condition. T had experienced an unfortunate number of these disharmonies, so she knew what doctors often prescribed.

For T’s being this antibiotic disrupts her overall functioning. She feels sick in other body systems for months if she used that medicine.

As an alternative, our heroine turned to an herbal treatment regimen that had worked in the past.  When first identified, the condition brought painful and dramatic symptoms; after 10 days on the herb T soothed those extreme reactions. At this point in our tale, T still experienced some discomforts.

Tabitha thought, “If I don’t get rid of this infection, it will spread to my kidneys and then I will be seriously ill! So I “should” go on the antibiotic.

But, if I go on the antibiotic, I will stop that spread, but then I will suffer in other ways—digestion and more—and for longer than I prefer.

I perceive a no-win conundrum: this situation is so distressing!”

An intervention

Tabitha consulted Wise Counsel for help.

Wise Counsel gently pointed out that T felt agitated and suffered in a conflicting mental state. In feeling so afraid, T suffered from both symptoms and upset.

With Jin Shin Jyutsu we allow the robust flow of Well Being bringing calm, relaxation and more.  Wise Counsel suggested some JSJ for T. With this art of harmonizing the body’s energy, T could 1) stop the progress of this condition, and 2) shift to more relaxed thinking in place of the fear.

The star felt satisfaction with her session. Immediately she popped with ideas for further adjustment to her self-care and felt the presence of Forces of Good from unseen levels. Hooray Tabitha felt better!

The next day T visited the doctor and discovered the infection no longer showed up in her urine. In about one more day T enjoyed more vibrancy!

Healing Underway

In her mind she made the case that the discomforts she still felt were indicative that the disease process roared within her, but in fact, her healing was well underway. T continued some of her fearful thoughts, and still T’s dear body had been healing well from her herb and other care.  The power of Well Being did remediate those unwanted symptoms despite the fearful emotions. We can assess our circumstances more clearly when we align with Forces of Good and can access modalities that deliver results.

Do you have stories like this that you would enjoy sharing? Please comment with them.  We are very much enriched by one another!

We can notice how we frame our “problems” and set up for more success. Let’s tell a story that support ourselves.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

(Mission statement here).