Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

February 19, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Flow of Good Exceeds Imagination

We are on the path to seeing increasing Good, our perceptive lens now discerning so much that’s there to appreciate including our own qualities and actions. What can flow to us in our light-hearted and loving state can exceed what we might imagine. Please read on for illustration.


Emerging in Oranges, 24 x 30, $525

Danely attended a class run by Haley about promoting business on social media. As the class ended, Haley volunteered to spend some special time with Danely. Both had a lively discussion and enjoyed the synergy of exchange.

A few weeks later, Haley invited Danely to speak at a conference H was organizing. Thrilled at the opportunity, D signed on, prepared extensively and presented at this H’s gathering months later.

A week after the conference H circulated evaluation materials to participants, which assembled the results and included relevant commentary to each speaker.

Reading this email Danley experienced a strong emotional response. D felt betrayed and that H had taken the side of a few commentators who were displeased with aspects of D’s performance. 

Danely did not discuss her reaction with Haley. She decided to move on while doing her best to uplift herself.

Second Chapter

Almost two years later, Haley commented in a friendly way to one of Danely’s posts on Facebook. D thought, “Wow that was such a friendly and kind statement! Let me respond.”

Then this heroine wrote a private message to Haley. D shared briefly that she had been hurt. However, now Danley said to H, “I appreciated that speaking opportunity so much. You offered abundant encouragement and appreciate to me. Would you accept an offer to experience my coaching to promote positive vibes—my treat!”

Haley accepted that invitation readily and with enthusiasm. They agreed on a day and time.

Punchline of Piece

The session got off to a good start and both parties exchanged that each had looked for positives in this time focused at home and found them. Both realized putting attention on appreciation and gratitude was serving them well. Each were organizing groups online for support and had a good time exchanging experiences and lessons learned.

During the conversation, Haley shared,

“From the beginning when I was first meeting you, I was struck by your enthusiasm and vitality. So unusual!

In each encounter I have so admired those qualities in you and wanted to emulate you. You are so inspiring!”

Having felt hurt and embarrassment after reading that evaluation summary, Danely was shocked Haley felt that way. D had been triggered and had taken personal offense from one sentence in an email two years ago.

This heroine thought, “Wow I had no idea H thought such positive things about me. And also, now I feel so happy that I did the inner work to let go of the ego bruise and that subsequently, responded to Haley’s kind words on Facebook.”

Receiving this praise felt great. If she had not cleared her own “stuff,” the distorted opinion would have continued.

What a lesson! Danely had cleared herself and thereby was able to perceive the goodwill of Haley’s Facebook comment. Then, not only did Good flow to her but in a wonderful way she had not imagined.”

Isn’t this worth noticing?

Got something along these lines to share? Of questions about the process? Please comment!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

February 12, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Insight on Momentum

We have lived situations where we are triggered into an upset. At times the upset seems to continue and our unhappiness deepens. The Abraham Hicks teachings labeled this phenomenon “tarbaby”. We are uncomfortably kind of stuck in goo.

Moment at Mint Spring, 16 x 20, $475

Let’s recognize the momentum and use our power to steer toward good feeling again.

First, we become aware of our low mood.

Second, we observe what is going on here: we have got a roll of discontent going.

In those early moments of responding, we might go into the common pattern of reviewing “what went wrong.” The voice inside sounds so innocent in wanting to learn from this episode what we can. 

However, if we feel awful, and then review the awful, we get more awful! Oops. Wrong direction.

Instead, let’s make where we are ok. It’s really the wisest course. “But I am suffering!” we say to ourselves, feeling miserable.

Pause and tune into the big picture of Life. We can say to ourselves, “Breathe. This is temporary. We are rolling with the momentum of what we DO NOT want. If we push against it, WE MAKE MORE OF IT.

Next, we can occupy our dear selves with some activity we enjoy—on another subject. Watering plants, playing ONLINE Wordwipe, taking a walk, riding a bike, working on the yacht out back, etc.

Story Elaborates

One evening Karla noticed she had missed notices of overdrafts from her bank. Fortunately, K’s bank used funds in a savings account to pay some bills. She incurred a fee but the invoices were covered. Our heroine had a strong emotional reaction to this error.  

What did she do?

First, the star calmed herself to discern what had happened and to move money into the appropriate account.

Then, the dear woman telephoned a sympathetic friend to share. Both women admitted how overstressed they both felt. In the process of the call, both had laughed and made it ok to miss some details. Isn’t it soothing to understand that the human journey involves some blips!

Soon Karla wanted to turn in for the night. As she lay there her habit popped up and she started to review her error. That line of thinking stimulated the strong recent upset.

Wait a minute! K reminded herself she was not in imminent danger. In fact, this protagonist had done what she could for tonight.

In that moment this gal felt fear about what neglectful thing she might do next. These kinds of thought flowing showed her the momentum that was rolling.

To help herself Karla turned to her Jin Shin Jyutsu practice to shift herself. Jin Shin Jyutsu would assist her in a return to balance.

K put hands on herself in the positions to handle extreme emotional distress.

To do this she put her right hand on her left side where her neck meets her shoulder. Then put the left hand above the collar bone on the same side. She held that for 5 to 10 minutes.

Then laying on her left side, Karla put her left hand on the middle neck and her right hand on her right sit bone.

Best she could, she called up memories of times she received love and comfort, others helping her.

Even affirming it is ok to be upset.

The winding down process required quite a bit of time. We are ok as humans allowing ourselves the time it takes to rebalance.

The heroine allowed herself to ease. Before too long, our star felt soothing vibration, relaxing and then an ability to sleep.

Take Away Message

A human cannot go from feeling awful to radiant and delighted in one sweep. The “feeling bad” may well have some momentum. Honor it and give it some time to dissipate.

In our culture, some of us might deny the feeling and put a smile on your face. Instead, it is more effective to take a time out, find the balance bit by bit and then gradually come back to ease.  Offer yourself gift of some time. Flow along to allow recovery bit by bit.

We control ourselves and our vibration. We can become aware, slow down  to steer toward what we like better.

Questions? Please comment with a story about momentum. We love to hear it!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

February 4, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Kindness to Self

We want to align with Source Energy, tuned to Divine Wisdom. When we are so aligned, we are feeling as good as we can in this moment. Great expression of kindness to ourselves, too.

Don’t we love to hear that we are GOOD? In fact, we are wonderful beyond measure!

The vast majority of us have picked up self-put -down, limiting beliefs, mental habits, in the course of living in this culture. How do we make adjustments to habits that operate and of which we are often unaware?

Bruce Lipton, PhD, tells us that 95% of our time we operate from subconscious programming. In this moment as you are reading you have access to the 5%, you have the chance to change. IN THIS MOMENT.

Matilda’s Shift

Matilda attended a lecture and felt very irritated by the speaker.  Her reaction was visceral. The way she was hearing his words—well she got triggered to feel terrible about herself. Aroused were old stuff of “not good enough,” not successful and wanting to withdraw from life.

Though in recent years this star had regularly reached for thoughts that feel better, in this moment she felt overwhelmed with discouragement and upset. After part of a day the heroine blurted to herself,

“Wait! I am not shifting. I am allowing my mind to run with complaining. Momentum of what I don’t want is operating.”

In the past Matilda might have said to herself “What a jerk! You want to be appreciating and you are listing complaints!” 

Instead, the dear woman woke up to the fact that she had the power to feel better. What could she think about instead of this?

Could she appreciate? Yes, this heroine needed to shift to her favorite topics: birds singing, color, growing flowers, dear friends. She got away from thinking about the lecture!

She could relish that she had taken her power again. YAY. “I am noticing what I am doing. GOOD FOR ME NOTICING. I want to be more constructive and loving now!” “

Matilda can accept that changing a habit involves ongoing focus. Bruce Lipton emphasized how much repetition of the new habit is required. In his seminars, Dr Joe Dispenza teaches how the body joins more neurons in a new pathway with the repetitions– he features slides showing neurons forming chains to demonstrate!

Noticing, shifting, repeating. Humans take some time to change habits of thought.

Active awareness in the present moment, being kind to ourselves while we persist to practice new thoughts.  We are exercising our personal power as we follow this simple guideline.

For more tools to shift subconsciously held thoughts, see


Are you experimenting with changing your thought habits? Please share a tidbit with us!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

January 28, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Turning Irritation Into Ease

We do not have to settle for feeling irritated for very long. No! We can develop skill to reach out of that discomfort pronto!

How One Woman Uplifted

Jigsaw Creek, 9 x 11, Acrylic, $125

Carlotta arrived at a training course. Admittedly she felt unsettled. Inside she roiled with chatter, “Why did I come here? Was this a good idea? I already am familiar with this stuff. Maybe this was not the best timing for me. Also, the teacher is not focusing on what I think is most important…”  

Carlotta complained in the privacy of her head.

In the first hour the training leader involved everyone in an exercise. The teacher instructed, “Please allow your arms to cross and gently hold the inside of your knees. Next for a few minutes let’s breathe together in quiet awareness”

Carlotta participated. After a bit she felt a wave of uplifting energy flow through her. this was such a simple tool: she liked it!

C was attending a class in Jin Shin Jyutsu and its benefit began immediately.

As she held the inside of her knees, right hand on left knee; left hand on right knee, the momentum of good feeling started to flow.

With the shift C remembered, “Oh yea, I want to watch for what is going well. I want to make my own good time!”

Carlotta immersed herself in the class, gave JSJ treatments and received them, learned many wonderful insights about this body mind spirit art. https://streamofyes.com/jin-shin-jyutsu/

Take Away Tips

As the class released, our heroine identified several enriching points:

1. Firstly, we cross arms, then move to hold inside our knees. Enjoy breathing and the lift of energy through us.

2. We meet Goals in Balance and Ease. Feel good most of the time on the way to a destination. (Throw out formulations of working hard with no rest.)

3. We accept tips that flow: someone recommended a place for an art show.

4. We make a new friend and share. Following, observe how enlivened and satisfied we feel.

5. Finally and calmly, we become aware of so much Well Being Abound around us!

The dear woman shifted her focus to good feeling and joy on that first day, pledging to herself to keep attuned to interest and enlivening herself throughout the five-day program.

Carlotta flowed through that five-day meeting by listening and enjoying. Oh My once she released that first day, she appreciated the program. C even noticed how good it felt to breathe and rest!

As the class closed, she reviewed what a good time she had had. She felt revitalized on many levels. :)

Pay Off

The protagonist honored herself for turning around her mood that first day. Isn’t it great to notice how her active awareness made all the difference! She had gleaned many insights and benefits and had a good time.

Carlotta followed that leader, allowed herself to experience the flow of well being. She flowed!

Have some similar experiences? Care to share one or more! Please comment! We will all gain value from hearing your successes and wisdom!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

January 21, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Observe and Let Go

We all have experienced an upsetting reaction as we live through some unwanted situation. Then, feelings of fear, guilt and shame may rise up and grab our attention.

As we move toward more and more self-mastery, we notice that these upsets show us “our stuff”.  Michael Singer author of The Untethered Soul speaks to this:

Mountain of Dreams, 20 x 24, $425

“If you truly want to grow spiritually, you’ll realize that (not standing up to)  … your stuff is keeping you trapped. Eventually, you’ll want out at any cost. You will then realize that life is actually trying to help you. Life is surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth.

You don’t have to worry about right or wrong. You don’t have to worry about other people’s issues. You only have to open your heart in the face of anything and everything and to permit the purification process to take place.

When you (open your heart) , the first thing you will see is that situations will unfold that hit your stuff. But in truth that’s exactly what has been happening your entire life. The only difference is now you see it as a good thing because it is an opportunity to let go.”[1]

How to let go?

We consciously witness our condition. We find that place inside us that stays calm and observes us under all circumstances. Singer states,  

“You notice that there is something to be released. You then must be aware that you, the one who notices the stuff coming up, is distinct from what you are experiencing. … You are noticing it, but who are you?

This place of Centered Awareness is the Seat of the witness, the seat of Self… If you let go and then stay in that seat of awareness, what you are feeling will pass.”[2]

We can bear witness to the upset, feel what is uncomfortable, allow it to flow through us.

Analyzing and reviewing the situation takes us deeper into that fear and represents  holding on not letting go. It takes more of our awareness and keeps the stuff in place.

The Example

Chloe attended a special planning meeting which was to review topics with which C often felt uncomfortable feelings. While listening, she started to feel vulnerable, angry, shamed, guilty and more.

Inside she reached for calm and a return to feeling confident.  She observed that she was not shifting immediately. Can she make that ok to feel lousy at that moment?

Granted, Chloe was less upset than in past experiences on this subject: she was making progress in her mastery. As soon as she could, she left the meeting, went on to food shopping and partook of soothing internal conversation.

Internally, our star was tempted to start a tirade, pushing against the assumptions and contents of the lecture.

C knew that fighting brought more of what she did not want. Instead, our girl followed her inner guidance to get her mind on some self-expression that felt good to her.

Her main agenda at that point was to be with herself, pass some minutes and go for enjoying what she could.

Our heroine realized she had a bit of headache. Mostly, C made what she was experiencing ok. That meant she was ok being reactive and miserable for a few minutes. Release any struggle, just let it go.

That afternoon letting go looked like taking a walk, working on an article, writing a friendly email. Chloe was in the flow, ate an early dinner and watched a tv program new to her and enjoyed it.

Yup, rather than struggle and rage, this protagonist took the advice to “keep going.”.

The next day dawned and the sun came out. She let herself be.

In our culture, it is common to deny the feeling and put a smile on your face. Instead, it is more effective to surrender to the feeling in that moment, then moving gradually into coming back to ease.  Offer yourself gift of some time. Flow with the momentum and allow recovery bit by bit.

Have some stories of your letting go that you want to share? Please comment! Have a question?  This author will respond 😊

Take Away Message

A human cannot go from feeling awful to radiant and delighted in one sweep. The “feeling bad” has some momentum. Honor it and give it some time to dissipate.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

[1] Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul (Oakland, New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 2007) p.74

[2] Ibid, p. 75

January 15, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Feel Good as We Reach For a Goal

We want things all the time. Laws of the Universe indicate that feeling good, in fact feeling as though we have already reached our goal, allows the Forces of Good to bring to us what we want. We can remain calm and trust Life to provide.

Presenting Issue

Jigsaw Crozet, 20 x 20, $495

Cammie approaches life with optimism and good feeling. Her circumstances changed, and this woman found herself in need of a lawn mowing service.

She wanted to find a lawn service easy to use and reasonably priced. C noticed the possibility that a new service could cost a lot more than she was used to. No! instead she chose to put focus on ease and flow as she sought the assistance.

A neighbor mentioned that his nephew might be able to provide lawn care.  After two weeks of waiting to hear from the nephew, Cammie shifted her strategy.

Others in C’s sphere recommended searching online using Facebook or the like. Our heroine did not prefer this approach. C wanted to feel some connection to the business she hired.

Inside this dear woman felt calm and that all would be ok.

In the past our star had found local assistance by looking for postings of business cards or signs at local establishments.

Therefore, Cammie proceeded to the bulletin boards of the cafes and hardware store.

“Well look at that”, said C to herself, “Posted in a local store is a sign from an enterprising person who was looking for lawn care jobs.”

From there the process flowed excellently. Once contacted the lawn man came by to assess the job and offer his price.

Resolution and Take Away

Cammie hired the young man on the spot.

Look! C had remained composed, cheerful and trusting of Life. Her efforts were minimal and the service easily came to her.

We can apply this relaxed and happy approach to any of our goals!

Do you have stories from your life where what you needed flowed easily to you? Please share them! In such times where so much tension surrounds us, good to read about how each of us can live in clear and positive expectancy.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

January 7, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Accepting My Human Process

We can become aware of our repeated thought patterns and then condemn ourselves for not changing our behavior fast enough. So many of us might feel impatient with ourselves.

“Hey I have been on a growth path for ___ number of years. Why am I still recycling this stuff!  (Implied) I must be a jerk!”

Following Impulses III, 24 x 30, $595

Please read on encourage the acceptance of your humanity, a better frame for what is going on with us as we notice our familiar upset states and inner dialogue. 

Edna’s Call for Help

“I am upset again. I know my addiction to politics explains why I continuously watch the depressing news about the election and what is coming. In addition, I made another move in real estate and this time I really think I did myself in. What I bought was such a mistake! Again, I have made things worse.

I call to get relief from a load of regret that burdens me,” declares, Edna

This protagonist does want relief and knows to seek it from Wise Counsel who offers soothing words and from Jin Shin Jyutsu, the art of harmonizing the being’s energy.

Wise Counsel begins:

“This prayer for you is popping into my mind: ‘Please Lord keep me in touch with my inherent self-confidence.’

As we increase our awareness, we each build our self-confidence.  As we live, we flow along processing our feelings, thoughts and actions. When we are awake, we are always growing—even when we may not discern signs of the expansion bit by bit.  Let’s acknowledge ourselves and breathe in the credit we deserve.

Importantly, all humans create patterns of thought. As we age we keep practicing some older ones even as we build new ones. People take time to change habits: Let’s realize this.

When we see ourselves in thought patterns we don’t prefer, again we gently reach for a new one.

We practice supporting ourselves and soothing the parts that get upset. Conjuring things like “I am doing my best. I am alive to my journey. I am partnered with Source Energy. Source Energy has my back.

Review of Big Picture

We notice what we don’t want in ourselves. We ask/pray for a change and then we align with the Forces of Good as we live our lives. As we accept features of ourselves, we enjoy the journey. “

Then Edna received a Jin Shin Jyutsu session. She breathed into feeling the hands on her body altering her state of being toward more acceptance and toward knowing that All is Well. With JSJ E could feel profoundly relaxed.

Have you a story to share about accepting yourself with more kindness and patience? We would all enjoying hearing them—a way to sink more deeply into our compassion for one another.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

January 2, 2025
by Janet Pearlman

Universe Responds

When we are staying aligned with Source Energy, when we feel good a lot of the time, we can attract assistance in remarkable ways, tapping into the Forces of Good. The Universe will respond to our alignment. Please read below for one example.

Darien and Lonny

Riverview Waynesboro, 16 x 20, $475

Darien got a note from beloved brother, Lonny, letting her know his news: he had been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. He informed her about the changes he was making in his life, the enormous shift in eating patterns, new rigorous and daily exercise protocol and more. He changed his life, lost weight and more.

After a few months, Darien had a chance to visit her brother in person. From the calls she had known that her brother felt depressed about his physical health. When she arrived at his home, she took one look at his face and saw an expression like she had never seen on him before. Wow he felt very down and hopeless.

Throughout her visit of about three days, she talked her brother and offered perspectives that she thought were encouraging and upbeat.

Her words seem to have little effect. She parted feeling quite uncomfortable. “Gosh, I deeply wish to be of more service,” thought D. “Forces of Good, please show me if there is something I can do to insert more optimism for him.”

She had two days of driving in order to reach her home. Along the way she listened to audiobooks and enjoyed that kind of companionship.

At a moment in the13 hours of driving, the idea popped into Darian’s head—get him a David Spangler book.

“Ok. I will do that,” mused our star to herself.

Action Arriving Home

Soon after arriving home, Darien felt moved to look at books online. At this point she still did not know which book to get.

As she searched, somehow she came upon a work she had heard mentioned by others Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock. On impulse she decided to buy it.

Then in that same search she discovered a relatively new David Spangler book. Lonny had enjoyed this author in the past. D herself did not recall ever reading a Spangler work.

In a flash our star received intuitive guidance to send her brother this new Spangler book now.

So, the heroine followed and off it went.

Wait for a Response

Oh dear inside Darien wanted to know how L received this gift. Calming herself she knew when someone sends a book, there is really no telling when the recipient feels like reading it or what his reaction will be. “Breathe and carry on,” D told herself and then focused on her own business.

In about three or four weeks, this protagonist received an email from dear Lonny.

“I enjoyed the book so much and I feel so enormously much better. Thank you.”

Her dear brother got the uplift she so wanted for him—somehow. She did not directly know what would help. But by    following her intuition and surrendering to Flow of Life some assistance got delivered.

So soothing to notice that we can be a vehicle of Well Being without knowing the details. 😊

Do you have stories where you have received such help or were guided to offer it? Please share!

December 18, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Composure in the Face of Confrontation

What a glorious moment when we realize we can “protect” ourselves by NOT fighting back. What if instead we strengthen and stabilize our own knowledge of Well Being.

In the moment of a confrontation, we might fill with fear and follow the impulse to defend ourselves. Isn’t that done all around us? We have habits to fight.

Narragansett Bay Envisioned, 16 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

Is that our only choice? NO! Instead, we can face hostile words with composure. What we remained balanced, marshalled our own personal power and forfeited taking the “fight” bait.

The Tale

Geraldine and her partner P have some habits of interacting that are based in anger and fear. For example, P would ask G to do something for him in a commanding voice. G would feel ordered around and not want to be addressed in that tone.

Soon, the exchange would shift into two angry raised voices, hurling of insults and the like.

Geraldine was noticing her own reactions. Becoming more aware of her thoughts and reactions. “Hey,” G exclaimed, “I want a happier life! What are steps I can take to get that? I often list how I want that other person to change, but what can I do?”

Our star acquired some support and crafted some new strategies for interactions with P.

New Response

Geraldine dove into experimenting with responding differently. When P started directing angry accusations her way, she did not react. She chose to remember she was safe no matter what he said and to maintain her calm.

What happens when invectives are thrown and there is no reaction? Interestingly, P was taken aback. He stalled and sputtered. He turned up the meanness of the insults. G stayed calm. He backed off.

Geraldine felt immediate pay off. Whereas with the former approach, she fought and hurled insults. This time she kept her composure and her feelings were not wounded. The fight had no fuel.

Empowered Perspective

This heroine stood up to her own deep fear. Formerly she had thought her safety depended on fighting back. As she supports herself, she succeeds in creating a happier life.

Have you taken a new posture toward a habitual exchange that had been unsatisfying? Let’s share stories and support one another in these acts that take composure and courage.

We can all cut the wires behind those “buttons” in us that get pushed. We claim freedom!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

December 13, 2024
by Janet Pearlman

Notice Our Inner Stories

We are putting focus on finding good bit by bit. Our habits shift. An aspect of this unfolding is observing how we feel.

Rosco with Flowers, 16 x 20, $475

Below is an illustration of a protagonist who started to feel uncomfortable and unsettled. As most humans, she gave herself “reasons” and “justifications”. She had feelings which she projected onto what appeared to be “facts.”

We become more alert to what stories we invent and if the content of those tales rings true. (We can discover more Good than we realized!)

Please read on.

The Illustration: Two Parts

Part I

Darnella had been doing some art events and outings with a friend J for a couple of years. She had been invited to some family dinners, included in parties, enjoying one another. During a recent period, the new companion got very busy and joined in fewer excursions.

Darnella saw signs of a waning friendship and felt a bit abandoned. “No big deal,” thought D, “Of course I am fine and will do other stuff. I wonder if I offended her.

As more time passed the heroine admitted, “I miss this friend. I wonder what I did wrong.”

Time passed. Darnella moved on, put focus on other things, enjoyed other people and activities.

Pop in her inbox our star had an invitation to do a couple of things with friend J. With surprise, D realized that she had thought she was disliked or left behind. “Wow,” exclaimed D to herself, “I made up that she disliked me. I had projected my past hurts and self-blame onto friend J. Forces of Good are flowing more strongly than I had been letting in!!”

Friend J still welcomed her companionship. D had been incorrect in assessing this situation.

Part II

Mauricia was experiencing some strain and discomfort in one of her legs. Over the years M had healed unusual leg conditions and at times those conditions did reoccur. Here she was again.

In the past she used a practitioner of the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, Movement through Awareness, to learn to use her body in new ways. The concomitant changes allowed M to find a comfortable gait and new patterns for walking. She awakened to know she needed more of that kind of training.

The last time Mauricia interacted with her practitioner, G, she had cancelled an appointment without 24 hours notice. That  therapist had accepted her reasons without charging her. M felt a bit guilty for that.

First M emailed G, no response in four days. Then M thought to leave a voice message (her memory that G did not like texting.) Within 24 hours G responded.

In her life G had lived through many changes and explained what was required to work with her in her new circumstances. Within another day Mauricia created an appointment with G who was delighted to work with her again.

M thought, “All this guilt I felt was not relevant to G. G carried no ill will. My discomfort was from what my being had generated. G was happy I got in touch for more therapy.

Isn’t it good to notice how I can allow more Good to flow to me!

Do you have any questions? Do you discern how we get pay off when we notice our own mindset and uplift it? What stories can you tell to inspire us? 

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

(Mission statement here).