Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Healing and Empowered Speech


We promote the healing of a bodily condition even in how we describe it to ourselves. Our words matter much to us! We gain benefit from formulating what we observe in an empowered way.

For example, we may have heard ourselves say:

  1. That elbow always acts up when it rains.
  2. I am afraid I’ll throw my hip out. I’ve done that three times.
  3. I have a bad left knee.
  4. My back has not been right since that fall.

Spring Glance to Woods, 9 x 12, SOLD,

Why articulate a condition to make it sound as though it is fixed in time, a steady state to be part of our being forever? In lieu of that, let’s replace “always” with talk of the present moment and an optimistic future. All our cells including those of any body part respond to Well Being which flows down, around and through us at all times.

We can shift our language to put forth what we want. “That elbow is transforming as I speak. I appreciate how reliably that elbow performs for me.”

Illustration I

Laney was diagnosed with a condition called leaky gut syndrome. She chose a holistic physician and followed the recommended protocol: five different supplements at each meal and a specific food plan to heal many food sensitivities.

Our star adhered faithfully to that plan for about one year. During that period Laney could have said, “I don’t eat that because I am allergic to it.”

Asserting that “I am allergic” sounds like a condition that lasts for an unlimited period. Further, that phrasing sounds like L has no power over her condition.

Instead L stated, “When I was tested last August, I had a reaction to that food. Now I am healing my gut and expect to be able to eat it before too long.”

Then wonderful news! After 12 months our star was tested again for food allergies. That report showed that all but one of the long list of foods was approved to enjoy again! L had healed her gut! She had allowed her healing!

Illustration II

Marcy developed swelling in her foot and it hurt to walk. She knew she did not want to whine, complain or worry about the condition. She reached for better feeling thoughts. What could she formulate? Hmmm Out she got from her car in the parking lot of a food store. It came to her, “I am mobile! I am upright and walking! I am delighted to be moving independently.” That did feel better. M felt more at ease. Our heroine observed how much walking was involved in doing the grocery shopping. “Wow I have more compassion for people who spend part of their life disabled. For me this is just passing through.”  Marcy felt some compassion, some strength and independence.

The pain relief came in a couple of days and the condition was much better in two weeks. M had let it pass through. She felt empowered with what she had learned.

Positive Alternatives

Here are possible re frames for the complaints listed above:

  1. “Sometimes I notice sensation in my body in weather conditions of high humidity. As I heal, I will not be so sensitive to rain.”
  2. “Right now I’m attending to my hip, and I feel how easily it moves. I move more easily now!”
  3. “My left knee feels on the road to recovery. I feel improvements in subtle ways and sense the healing process.”
  4. My back strengthens each day. I picture all my vertebrae of my spine lined up and feeling good.

If we have something in our bodies we want to shift, let’s not talk about it like it will always be true! Instead, use our awesome personal power to bring on the condition we want to experience.

Do you have success stories demonstrating how you have healed yourself? Do you have questions about how to empower yourself as you allow healing to unfold? Please comment! What you say matters to you, to me and to all of us!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. She has a gift for inspiring others to know themselves compassionately and to develop skills of empowerment. In her forty-three-year journey of self-discovery, she has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl@streamofyes.com to arrange an appointment.




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