Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Ease in Attitude: Universe Produces        


Whimsey, 9 x 12, $95

We have read in this blog that feeling good as much as possible has pay off. Let’s live a life with more ease, eh!

If we put some focus on shifting our mood to an easier one, we can notice many things going well for us. Here are some accounts.

Account #1

Leonora stayed chipper much of her time. One day in the last six months she was meeting a friend in the downtown area for lunch. After  

parking her car, she walked toward the appointed meeting place.

To her dismay, L came to know that she needed to use a restroom sooner rather than later. In the past she has used the facilities in libraries and in some of her favorite restaurants. Uh oh, both of those resources were closed in the last several months due to the safety measures of the government.

Our star wondered what she would do. On she walked past her rendezvous spot scanning for possibilities.

Voila, as she rounded the corner, L spied an open door and a shop welcoming in new customers. The staff there were eager to please, handing out samples and wanting to win new business.

Leonora asked to use their accommodation. In the blink of an eye she was using a clean and bright facility.

Wow the universe solved her problem so promptly!

Account #2

Bailey needed a plastic placement for a home project she was crafting.

In she walked to Salvation Army and there it was. Just one available at one dollar expense.

Gosh that was easy!

Account #3

Kinsley was entertaining a house guest on a recent weekend.  As she was speaking with him, she received an impulse to read him some wisdom from one of her oracle cards.

K planned to go search through the guidebook for a deck where she had seen it. She was pretty sure she knew which card she sought.

First in her routine that morning though, our heroine sat quietly, meditated and did her spiritual exercises. Among those is pulling a card from the deck.

Kinsley shuffled a few times and then drew a card. Oh my! She pulled the very card she planned to seek out.

Wow Angelic delivery! That was easy!

Do you have stories of something wanted flowing to you easily? Please comment and share them. We all are lifted too!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. She has a gift for inspiring others to know themselves compassionately and to develop skills of empowerment. In her forty-three-year journey of self-discovery, she has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl@streamofyes.com to arrange an appointment.


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